Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Procurement Agents resource manages procurement agents. Procurement agents are users with roles such as buyer, catalog administrator and supplier manager. These users need to be defined as procurement agents in order to manage procurement documents and perform other procurement actions. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics.


Name Type Description
AssignmentId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the procurement agent assignment.
Agent String Name of the agent. The name of the agent has to be provided in the following format: Last Name, First Name.
AgentId Long Value that uniquely identifies the agent.
AgentEmail String Email address of the agent.
ProcurementBU String Name of the procurement business unit where the agent is assigned.
ProcurementBUId Long Value that uniquely identifies the procurement business unit.
Status String Status of the procurement agent. Valid values include Inactive and Active. The default value is Active.
StatusCode String Abbreviation that identifies the status of the procurement agent. Contains one of the following values. Y: status of procurement agent is active. N: status of procurement agent is inactive. The default value is Y.
DefaultRequisitioningBU String Name of the default requisitioning business unit.
DefaultRequisitioningBUId Long Value that uniquely identifies the default requisitioning business unit.
DefaultPrinter String Default printer for the procurement agent.
ManageRequisitionsAllowedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the application allows the procurement agent to manage purchase requisitions. If false, then the application does not allow this access. The default value is false.
AccessLevelToOtherAgentsRequisitions String Access level to the documents owned by other procurement agents to manage purchase requisitions. The possible values are None, View, and Full. The default value is None.
ManageOrdersAllowedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the application allows the procurement agent to manage purchase orders. If false, then the application does not allow this access. The default value is false.
AccessLevelToOtherAgentsOrders String Access level to documents owned by other procurement agents to manage purchase orders. Valid values include None, View, and Full. The default value is None.
ManageAgreementsAllowedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the application allows the procurement agent to manage purchase agreements. If false, then the application does not allow this access. The default value is false.
AccessLevelToOtherAgentsAgreements String Access level to the documents owned by other procurement agents to manage purchase agreements. Valid values include None, View, and Full. The default value is None.
ManageNegotiationsAllowedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the application allows the procurement agent to manage negotiations. If false, then the application does not allow this access. The default value is false.
AccessLevelToOtherAgentsNegotiations String Access level to the documents owned by other procurement agents to manage negotiations. Valid values include None, View, and Full. The default value is None.
ManageSourcingProgramsAllowedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the application allows the procurement agent to manage sourcing programs. If false, then the application does not allow this access. The default value is false.
AccessLevelToOtherAgentsSourcingPrograms String Access level to the documents owned by other procurement agents to manage sourcing programs. Valid values include None, View, and Full. The default value is None.
ManageCatalogContentAllowedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the application allows the procurement agent to manage catalog content. If false, then the application does not allow this access. The default value is false.
ManageSuppliersAllowedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the application allows the procurement agent to manage suppliers. If false, then the application does not allow this access. The default value is false.
ManageQualificationsAllowedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the application allows the procurement agent to manage supplier qualifications. If false, then the application does not allow this access. The default value is false.
AccessLevelToOtherAgentsQualifications String Access level to the documents owned by other procurement agents to manage supplier qualifications. Valid values include None, View, and Full. The default value is None.
ManageAslAllowedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the application allows the procurement agent to manage entries on the approved supplier list. If false, then the application does not allow this access. The default value is false.
AnalyzeSpendAllowedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the application allows the procurement agent to analyze spend. If false, then the application does not allow this access. The default value is false.
AccessLevelToOtherAgentsChecklists String Access level to the documents owned by other procurement agents to manage compliance checklists. The possible values are None, View, and Full. The default value is None.
ManageChecklistsAllowedFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the application allows the procurement agent to manage compliance checklists. If false, then the application doesn't allow this access. The default value is false.
Finder String Finder of ProcurementAgents

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Build 24.0.9111