Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Lines resource manages items added to a personal shopping list.


Name Type Description
PersonalShoppingListsPersonalShoppingListHeaderId [KEY] Long PersonalShoppingListsPersonalShoppingListHeaderId of PersonalShoppingListslines
PersonalShoppingListLineId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the personal shopping list line.
PersonalShoppingListHeaderId Long Value that uniquely identifies the personal shopping list.
PunchoutCatalogId Long Value that uniquely identifies the punchout catalog referenced by the shopping list line.
PunchoutCatalog String PunchoutCatalog of PersonalShoppingListslines
ItemSource String
RequisitioningBUId Long Value that uniquely identifies the requisitioning business unit referenced by the shopping list line.
RequisitioningBU String Name of the requisitioning business unit referenced by the shopping list line.
SourceAgreementHeaderId Long Value that uniquely identifies the source agreement referenced by the shopping list line.
SourceAgreement String Number that uniquely identifies the source agreement referenced by the shopping list line.
SourceAgreementLineId Long Value that uniquely identifies the source agreement line for a given source agreement.
SourceAgreementLineNumber Decimal Number that identifies the line of the source agreement referenced by the shopping list line.
ItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the item on the shopping list line.
Item String Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the item on the shopping list line.
PublicShoppingListHeaderId Long Value that uniquely identifies the public shopping list.
SmartFormId Long Value that uniquely identifies the smart form referenced by the shopping list line.
SmartFormName String Name that uniquely identifies the smart form referenced by the personal shopping list line.
ItemDescription String Description of the goods or services on the shopping list line.
LineTypeId Long Value that uniquely identifies type that indicates whether the shopping list line is for goods or services.
LineType String Name that uniquely identifies type that indicates whether the shopping list line is for goods or services.
ItemRevision String Number that identifies the revision of the item.
CategoryId Long Value that uniquely identifies the purchasing category of the shopping list line.
CategoryName String Name that uniquely identifies the purchasing category of the personal shopping list line.
UOMCode String Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure.
UOM String Unit of measure of the item quantity.
UnitPrice Decimal Price of the shopping list line item in the currency of the buying company.
Amount Decimal Total amount of the shopping list line item in the currency of the buying company.
SupplierId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier.
Supplier String Name of the supplier tasked with fulfillment of the shopping list line goods or services.
SupplierSiteId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier site.
SupplierSite String Name of the supplier location from where the shopping list line goods or services are purchased.
SupplierContactId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier contact.
SupplierContact String Name of the person representing the supplier with regards to communication with the buying company.
SupplierContactEmail String SupplierContactEmail of PersonalShoppingListslines
SupplierContactPhone String SupplierContactPhone of PersonalShoppingListslines
SupplierContactFax String SupplierContactFax of PersonalShoppingListslines
SuggestedSupplier String Name of the new supplier suggested on the shopping list line for fulfillment of the ordered goods and services.
SuggestedSupplierSite String Value that uniquely identifies the new supplier.
SuggestedSupplierContact String Name of the person representing the new supplier involved in supporting the customer relationship.
SuggestedSupplierContactPhone String Phone number of the person representing the new supplier.
SuggestedSupplierContactFax String Fax number of the person representing the new supplier.
SuggestedSupplierContactEmail String Email address of the person representing the new supplier.
SuggestedSupplierItemNumber String Number that uniquely identifies the item as provided by the suggested supplier.
ManufacturerId Decimal Value that uniquely identifies the manufacturer of the item on the shopping list line.
ManufacturerName String Name that uniquely identifies the manufacturer of the item on the personal shopping list line.
ManufacturerPartNumber String Number that uniquely identifies the item as provided by the manufacturer.
NegotiationRequiredFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then an request for quotation is required prior to placing the requisition line on a purchase order. If false, then an request for quotation isn't required. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
NewSupplierFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the supplier on the shopping list line is a new supplier. If false, then the supplier on the shopping list line is an existing supplier. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CurrencyCode String Abbreviation that identifies the shopping list line currency.
Currency String Name of the shopping list line currency.
ConversionRateType String Type of rate used to determine the currency conversion rate for the purchase requisition.
ConversionRate Decimal Type of rate used to determine the currency conversion rate for the purchase requisition.
ConversionRateDate Date Date from when the conversion rate is used to convert an amount into another currency.
NegotiatedByPreparerFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the price of the item on the shopping list line is agreed on in advance between the buying company and the supplier. If false, then the price isn't agreed on in advance. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
BPAPriceUserOverrideFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the blanket purchase agreement price attribute referenced by the personal shopping list line has been updated by user. If false, then the blanket purchase agreement price attribute hasn't been updated by user. The default value is false. This attribute isn't currently used.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of PersonalShoppingListslines
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of PersonalShoppingListslines
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of PersonalShoppingListslines
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of PersonalShoppingListslines
InventoryOrganizationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization that's the source for the master item on the personal shopping list line.
InventoryOrganization String Name of the inventory organization that's the source for the master item used on the personal shopping list line.
InventoryOrganizationCode String Abbreviation that uniquely identifies the inventory organization that's the source for the master item on the personal shopping list line.
LineImageURL String LineImageURL of PersonalShoppingListslines
SuggestedQuantity Decimal Default quantity for the personal shopping list line.
Finder String Finder of PersonalShoppingListslines
PersonalShoppingList String PersonalShoppingList of PersonalShoppingListslines

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Build 24.0.9111