Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Cost Factors resource captures supplier responses to external cost factors for a negotiation line. The external cost factor response values, along with the unit line price, are used to calculate the response price for the negotiation line.


Name Type Description
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponsesResponseNumber [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the negotiation response in a line.
LinesLineId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the negotiation response line.
LinesResponseNumber [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the negotiation response in a line.
ResponseNumber [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the response.
LineId [KEY] Long Value that identifies the negotiation line.
Line String Number that identifies the negotiation line.
LineCostFactorId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the sequence of the cost factor in a negotiation line.
CostFactorId Long Value that identifies the cost factor.
CostFactor String Name of the cost factor.
Description String Description of the cost factor.
TargetValue Decimal Target value of the cost factor.
ResponseValue Decimal Supplier's response to the cost factor.
PricingBasisCode String Abbreviation that identifies the basis that the application uses to calculate the cost factor. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type PON_PRICING_BASIS.
PricingBasis String Basis that the application uses to calculate the cost factor. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type PON_PRICING_BASIS.
DisplayTargetFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then allow the supplier to view the value for the cost factor target. If false, then don't allow it. The default value is false.
CreatedBy String Identifies the user who created the row.
CreationDate Datetime Timestamp of the creation of the row.
LastUpdatedBy String Timestamp of the last update of the row.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Identifies the user who last updated the row.
Finder String finder
EffectiveDate Date This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

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Build 24.0.9111