Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Response Lines resource captures supplier response information for the negotiation line such as the line price, response quantity, promised delivery date, and note to buyer.


Name Type Description
DraftSupplierNegotiationResponsesResponseNumber [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the negotiation response in a line.
ResponseNumber [KEY] Long Value that identifies the supplier response.
AuctionHeaderId Long Value that uniquely identifies a negotiation.
LineId [KEY] Long Value that identifies the negotiation line.
Line String Number that identifies the negotiation line.
ParentLine Decimal Number that uniquely identifies the parent line.
LineTypeId Long Value that identifies the line type that indicates whether the line is for items or services.
LineType String Name of the line type that indicates whether the line is for items or services. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup code ORDER_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE with values Fixed Price and Quantity. Review and update the value for this attribute using the Setup and Maintenance work area, and the Manage Purchasing Line Types task.
GroupTypeCode String Value that identifies the type of negotiation line, such as line, group, group line, lot, or lot line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type PON_GROUP_TYPE.
GroupType String Type of negotiation line, such as line, group, group line, lot, or lot line. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type PON_GROUP_TYPE.
ItemId Long Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
Item String Name of an inventory item.
ItemRevision String Revision of the inventory item on the negotiation line.
LineDescription String Description of the line item.
AlternateLineNumber Decimal Alternate line number offered by the supplier as an alternative to negotiation lines by the buyer.
AlternateLineDescription String Description of the alternate line item that the supplier is offering to provide in response to a negotiation line.
SupplierId Long Value that uniquely identifies the supplier.
Supplier String Name of the supplier who responds to the negotiation.
CategoryId Long Value that uniquely identifies the purchasing category for the negotiation line.
CategoryName String The purchasing category for the negotiation line.
StartPrice Decimal Highest price that the buyer allows the supplier to enter in response to a negotiation line.
TargetPrice Decimal Price that the procurement organization prefers to pay for the cost factor.
ResponsePrice Decimal Price quoted by the supplier for a line item in the negotiation.
BestResponsePrice Decimal Best price quoted for the line item among all supplier responses.
BestResponseScore Decimal Best response based on multiattribute scoring.
LineAttributeScore Decimal Total weighted score of the supplier's response to a goods line or a fixed-price service line, based on multiattribute scoring.
ProxyDecrement Decimal The minimum price defined by the supplier, below which the response price won't be reduced automatically in a proxy response from the system.
ProxyMinimum Decimal Value that identifies the minimum price limit by the supplier below which the response price won't be reduced automatically in a proxy response from the application.
TargetQuantity Decimal Quantity proposed by the procurement organization for the negotiation line.
ResponseQuantity Decimal Quantity proposed by the supplier for the negotiation line.
ResponseEstimatedQuantity Decimal Estimated quantity for the negotiation line on the blanket purchase agreement.
UOMCode String Value that identifies the unit of measure for the item in the negotiation.
UOM String Name of the unit of measure for the item in the negotiation.
LineCloseDate Datetime Date and time when the negotiation line closes in a staggered closing or in a negotiation that can extend.
LineTargetPrice Decimal Value that the buyer wants to receive from supplier responses for the line.
LinePrice Decimal Price of the corresponding line item that will be mentioned on the purchasing document. This is displayed in the transactional currency of the purchasing document.
LineAmount Decimal Amount calculated for a line as price times quantity in a bid submitted to a seller auction.
PricingBasisCode String Abbreviation that identifies the basis that the application uses to calculate the cost factor. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type PON_PRICING_BASIS.
PricingBasis String Basis that the application uses to calculate the cost factor. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type PON_PRICING_BASIS.
TargetMinimumReleaseAmount Decimal Minimum release amount the buyer wishes to receive in response to a negotiation line when responding to a negotiation with an agreement outcome.
ResponseMinimumReleaseAmount Decimal Minimum release amount that the supplier quotes when responding to a negotiation with an agreement outcome.
EstimatedTotalAmount Decimal Total amount that the buyer estimates to pay for a fixed price type line item in the negotiation.
ShipToLocationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the location to which the line item can be shipped.
ShipToLocation String Name of the location to which the line item can be shipped.
RequestedDeliveryDate Date Date by which delivery of goods is requested from suppliers.
RequestedShipDate Date Date by which shipping of goods is requested from suppliers.
PromisedDeliveryDate Date Date on which the supplier has promised to deliver the goods to the buying organization.
PromisedShipDate Date Date on which the supplier has promised to ship the goods to the buying organization if the Buyer Managed transportation is checked in negotiation terms.
NoteToBuyer String Note that the supplier enters for the buyer when responding to the negotiation.
NoteToSupplier String Note that the buyer enters for the supplier when responding to the negotiation.
SuppliersCanModifyPriceBreaksFlag Bool Check box that indicates that the price breaks are optional and suppliers can add, delete, or modify price breaks.
PriceBreakTypeCode String Value that identifies the type of price break. It specifies whether the application calculates the price break according to a single purchase order or across all purchase orders for the agreement. Valid values are CUMULATIVE and NONCUMULATIVE. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type PON_PRICE_BREAK_TYPE.
PriceBreakType String Type of price break. It specifies whether the application calculates the price break according to a single purchase order or across all purchase orders for the agreement. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type PON_PRICE_BREAK_TYPE.
CreatedBy String User who created the negotiation.
CreationDate Datetime Date and time when the user created the line.
LastUpdatedBy String User who most recently updated the line.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Date and time when the user most recently updated the line.
OrderTypeLookupCode String Abbreviation that specifies the line type in a negotiation. Values include QUANTITY and FIXED PRICE for Goods and Fixed Price Services line type.
IsResponseQuantityEditableFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the supplier response quantity is editable. If false, then the supplier response quantity isn't editable. The default value is false.
PriceDisabledFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the best price on blind negotiations can be displayed to suppliers. If false, then the best price on blind negotiations can't be displayed to suppliers. The default value is false.
LineFilteringNumber Long Number that identifies the negotiation line.
Finder String finder
EffectiveDate Date This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

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Build 24.0.9111