Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Draft Supplier Negotiation Responses resource manages the supplier's draft response to sourcing negotiations such as RFI, RFQ, or auctions. A supplier response captures details such as line price, answers to requirements, or supporting attachments. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Job Roles and Privileges and Status Codes topics.


Name Type Description
ResponseNumber [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies the response.
ResponseDisplayName String Indicates the response display name such as bid, quote, and response.
ResponseIntent String Indicates whether the intent is to revise or copy a response. Values accepted are Copy, Revise, and Null. If Copy, the existing response is copied. If Revise, the existing response is revised. If Null, the original response remains.
ResponseStatus String Status of the response.
PreviousResponseNumber Long Value that identifies the previous response number from where the values of the response are defaulted.
OriginalResponseNumber Long Value that identifies the first response number in a series of revised bids.
AuctionHeaderId Long A unique ID assigned to each negotiation.
NegotiationTitle String Title of the negotiation as defined by the category manager.
Negotiation String Number that uniquely identifies the negotiation.
CloseDate Datetime Date when the negotiation stops accepting responses from the supplier.
TimeRemaining String Time remaining for the negotiation to be closed.
BuyerId Long Value that uniquely identifies the user who created the negotiation.
Buyer String Name of the user who created the negotiation.
BuyerEmail String Email address of the buyer.
CompanyId Long Value that uniquely identifies the buyer's company.
Company String Name of the buyer's company.
SupplierId Long Value that identifies the supplier who responds to the negotiation.
Supplier String Name of the supplier who responds to the negotiation.
SupplierSiteId Long Value that identifies the supplier site.
SupplierSite String Name of the supplier site.
SupplierContactId Long Value that identifies the contact of the supplier who responds to the negotiation.
SupplierContact String Name of the supplier contact at the supplier that responds to the negotiation.
TwoStageEvaluationFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the application is enabled for a two-stage evaluation for the negotiation. If false, then it's not enabled. The default value is false.
NegotiationDisplayName String Display name of the type of supplier negotiation. For example, Solicitation or Request for proposals.
NegotiationCurrencyCode String Abbreviation that identifies the currency that the negotiation uses.
NegotiationCurrency String Name of the negotiation currency.
ResponseAmount Decimal Total amount calculated for all line items that the supplier offered a price for when responding to a negotiation.
ResponseCurrencyCode String Abbreviation that identifies the currency that the response uses.
ResponseCurrency String Name of the response currency.
ResponseCurrencyPricePrecision Decimal Value that specifies the precision in number of digits after the decimal for the response currency.
ResponseValidUntilDate Datetime Date on which the response expires.
ResponseTypeCode String Abbreviation that identifies the type of response as primary or alternate. The list of values is listed in the lookup table TYPE_OF_RESPONSE.
ResponseType String Specifies the type of the response as primary or alternate. The list of values is listed in the lookup table TYPE_OF_RESPONSE.
ReferenceNumber String Identification number used for the supplier's internal tracking.
NoteToBuyer String Note to negotiation owner.
EvaluationStage String Stores two values: Technical and Commercial, required to mark the surrogate response in a two-stage negotiation.
PriceDecrement Decimal Minimum bid price reduction required in a revised bid.
ProxyBidFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the proxy bid is allowed. If false, then the proxy bid isn't allowed. The default value is false.
ProxyDecrementType String Value by which the response price is reduced automatically during the submission of a proxy bid by the sourcing application. This decrement can be either by a flat amount or a percentage.
ProxyDecrementAmount Decimal Value by which the response price is reduced automatically during the submission of a proxy bid by the application.
PartialResponseFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the supplier has submitted a partial response. A partial response means the supplier hasn't bid on all lines or is offering a lesser quantity than asked for in the negotiation line.
SurrogateResponseEnteredById Long Value that uniquely identifies the buyer user who created the surrogate response.
SurrogateResponseReceivedOn Datetime Timestamp when the buyer received the surrogate response through other response methods such as fax or email.
SurrogateResponseEntryDate Datetime Timestamp when the buyer entered the response on behalf of the supplier.
SurrogateResponseFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the buyer enters a response on behalf of the supplier. If false, then the response is entered by the supplier.
SurrogDraftLockPersonId Long Person ID of the buyer who has locked the draft surrogate response for editing.
SurrogateDraftLockPerson String Name of the buyer who has locked the draft surrogate response for editing.
SurrogDraftUnlockPersonId Long Person ID of the buyer who has unlocked the draft surrogate response for editing.
SurrogateDraftUnlockPerson String Name of the buyer who has unlocked the draft surrogate response for editing.
MethodOfResponseCode String Abbreviation that identifies the method of response used by the supplier to communicate the response to the buyer.
MethodOfResponse String Indicates other response methods like fax or email used by the supplier. A list of accepted values are identified in the lookup type PON_METHOD_OF_RESPONSE.
DraftLocked String Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the draft is locked for editing. If false, then the draft isn't locked for editing. The default value is true.
DraftLockedById Long Person ID of the supplier who has locked the response by creating the original response.
DraftLockedBy String Name of the supplier who has locked the response by creating the original response.
DraftLockedByContactId Long Person ID of the supplier contact who has locked the response by creating the original response.
DraftLockedByContact String Name of the supplier contact who has locked the response by creating the original response.
DraftLockedDate Datetime Date and time when the draft was locked.
DraftUnlockedById Long Person ID of the supplier who has unlocked the previous draft response.
DraftUnlockedBy String Name of the supplier who has unlocked the previous draft response.
DraftUnlockedByContactId Long Person ID of the supplier contact who has unlocked the previous draft response.
DraftUnlockedByContact String Name of the supplier contact who has unlocked the previous draft response.
DraftUnlockedDate Datetime Date and time when the draft was unlocked.
CreatedBy String Identifies the user who created the row.
CreationDate Datetime Timestamp of the creation of the row.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Timestamp of the last update of the row.
LastUpdatedBy String Identifies the user who last updated the row.
BidVisibilityCode String Abbreviation that specifies when the supplier can view details from competing responses. Values include Open, Sealed, or Blind. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type PON_BID_VISIBILITY_CODE.
ContractType String Value that uniquely identifies the contract type for the short-term or long-term purchase.
DisplayBestPriceBlindFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the best price on blind negotiations can be displayed to suppliers. If false, then the best price on blind negotiations can't be displayed to suppliers. The default value is false.
RequirementInstructionText String Instructions for a supplier user to respond to requirements in a negotiation.
LinesInstructionText String Instructions for a supplier user to respond to negotiation lines.
BuyerTransportFlag Bool Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the buying company is responsible for arranging transportation. If false, then the buying company isn't responsible for arranging transportation. The default value is false.
NegotiationType String Value that uniquely identifies the document type . The possible values are RFQ, RFI, and Auction
Finder String finder
EffectiveDate Date This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

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Build 24.0.9111