The Distributions resource manages purchasing details, such as details about accounting or the project.
Name | Type | Description |
DraftPurchaseOrdersPOHeaderId [KEY] | Long | DraftPurchaseOrdersPOHeaderId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
LinesPOLineId [KEY] | Long | LinesPOLineId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
SchedulesLineLocationId [KEY] | Long | SchedulesLineLocationId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
PODistributionId [KEY] | Long | PODistributionId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
DistributionNumber | Decimal | Number that uniquely identifies the purchase order distribution for the purchase order schedule. |
POHeaderId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order. |
OrderNumber | String | OrderNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
POLineId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the parent line of the distribution. This attribute is used when the schedule is split. |
LineNumber | Decimal | LineNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
LineLocationId | Long | LineLocationId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
ScheduleNumber | Decimal | ScheduleNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
Quantity | Decimal | Distribution quantity of the item that the purchaser is purchasing. |
Amount | Decimal | Price multiplied by the distribution quantity. This attribute applies when the purchase order line contains a quantity. If the purchase order line references a fixed price service, then the value of this attribute is the same as the distribution amount. |
DeliverToLocationId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the final location that receives the item. |
DeliverToLocationCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the final location that receives the item. |
DeliverToLocationInternalCode | String | Abbreviation that internally identifies the final location where you deliver goods previously received from a supplier. |
DeliverToLocation | String | Name of the final location that receives the item. |
POChargeAccountId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the account to charge for the purchase. This attribute is applicable when the legal entity of the requisitioning business unit and the sold-to legal entity are the same. |
POChargeAccount | String | Account to charge for the purchase. This attribute is applicable when the legal entity of the requisitioning business unit and the sold-to legal entity are the same. |
POAccrualAccountId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the account to charge for receipt accrual. This attribute is applicable when the legal entity of the requisitioning business unit and the sold-to legal entity are the same. |
POAccrualAccount | String | Account to charge for receipt accrual. This attribute is applicable when the legal entity of the requisitioning business unit and the sold-to legal entity are the same. |
POVarianceAccountId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the account to charge for the price difference between the invoice and the purchase order. |
POVarianceAccount | String | Account to charge for any price difference between the invoice and the purchase order. |
DestinationChargeAccountId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the account to charge for the cost of the item in the requisitioning business unit. |
DestinationChargeAccount | String | Account to charge for the cost of the item in the requisitioning business unit. |
DestinationVarianceAccountId | Long | DestinationVarianceAccountId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
DestinationVarianceAccount | String | DestinationVarianceAccount of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
RecoverableInclusiveTax | Decimal | RecoverableInclusiveTax of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
RecoverableExclusiveTax | Decimal | RecoverableExclusiveTax of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
NonrecoverableInclusiveTax | Decimal | Tax that the purchase order amount contains. The purchaser cannot recover this tax. |
NonrecoverableExclusiveTax | Decimal | Tax that the purchase order amount does not contain. The purchaser cannot recover this tax. |
ConversionRate | Decimal | Conversion rate to use when converting the currency. |
ConversionRateDate | Date | Date to use for the conversion rate when converting an amount into another currency. The conversion rate varies depending on the date. |
CurrencyCode | String | CurrencyCode of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
Currency | String | Currency of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
UOM | String | UOM of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
BudgetDate | Date | Date when the organization consumed the budget. |
ChangeAcceptedFlag | Bool | ChangeAcceptedFlag of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
ChangeOrderAmountCancelled | Decimal | ChangeOrderAmountCancelled of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
ChangeOrderQuantityCancelled | Decimal | ChangeOrderQuantityCancelled of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
DeliverToCustomerContactId | Long | DeliverToCustomerContactId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
DeliverToCustomerContact | String | DeliverToCustomerContact of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
DeliverToCustomerId | Long | DeliverToCustomerId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
DeliverToCustomer | String | DeliverToCustomer of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
DeliverToCustomerLocationId | Long | DeliverToCustomerLocationId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
RequesterId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the deliver-to person or requester. |
Requester | String | Name of the deliver-to person or requester. |
DestinationSubinventory | String | Subinventory that identifies destination to deliver the requested item. |
FundsStatusCode | String | FundsStatusCode of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
FundsStatus | String | FundsStatus of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
ParentDistributionId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the distribution from which this distribution was created. |
ParentDistributionNumber | Decimal | ParentDistributionNumber of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
ReasonForChange | String | Reason for changing the distribution. |
RequisitionHeaderId | Long | RequisitionHeaderId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
Requisition | String | Requisition of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
RequisitionLineId | Long | RequisitionLineId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
RequisitionLine | Decimal | RequisitionLine of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
RequisitionDistributionId | Long | RequisitionDistributionId of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
RequisitionDistribution | Decimal | RequisitionDistribution of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedulesdistributions |
UOMCode | String | Abbreviation that identifies the unit of measure. |
DFF | String | DFF |
projectDFF | String | projectDFF |
globalDFFs | String | globalDFFs |
Finder | String | finder |
Intent | String | intent |
SysEffectiveDate | String | syseffectivedate |
CUReferenceNumber | Int | Maps the child aggregates with Parent tables. |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. |