Excel Add-In for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The Compliance Checklist Templates resource manages details about templates that can be used to create compliance checklists. The compliance checklist templates are stored in the same table as the supplier qualification models. You must have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource. For additional details, refer to the Privileges and Status Codes topics.


Name Type Description
ChecklistTemplateId [KEY] Long System identifier of the checklist template. This identifier is stored as a qualification model ID.
ChecklistTemplate String Name of the checklist template.
ProcurementBU String Procurement business unit where the checklist template was created.
ProcurementBUId Long Business unit identifier of the procurement business unit where the checklist template was created.
Revision Int Revision number of the checklist template.
Status String Status of the checklist template. Possible values are Draft, Active, Inactive, or Archived.
StatusCode String Code for the checklist template status.
OriginalChecklistTemplateId Long System identifier for the original checklist template.
ChecklistTemplateDescription String Description of the checklist template.
GlobalFlag Bool Specifies whether the checklist template is available across all procurement business units.
Owner String Owner of the checklist template.
OwnerId Long Person identifier of the checklist template owner.
LatestRevisionFlag Bool Specifies whether the checklist template is the latest revision.
ActivationDate Datetime Date and time when the template was activated.
HasInactiveOrOutdatedComponentsFlag Bool Specifies whether the checklist template contains an inactive or previous revision of checklist sections or questions.
BindProcurementBuId Long bindprocurementbuid
Finder String finder
EffectiveDate Date This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

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Build 24.0.9111