A document that's a long-term agreement between a supplier and the requesting organization, and can be referenced by purchase orders in the future. Agreements contain the details with which you agree with your supplier on specific terms and conditions, with or without indicating the goods and services that you will purchase. For example, an agreement with a supplier for 50 laptops, or an agreement with another supplier for installing a television.
Name | Type | Description |
AgreementHeaderId [KEY] | Long | AgreementHeaderId of PurchaseAgreements |
AgreementNumber | String | AgreementNumber of PurchaseAgreements |
ProcurementBUId | Long | ProcurementBUId of PurchaseAgreements |
ProcurementBU | String | ProcurementBU of PurchaseAgreements |
BuyerId | Long | BuyerId of PurchaseAgreements |
Buyer | String | Buyer of PurchaseAgreements |
DocumentStyleId | Long | DocumentStyleId of PurchaseAgreements |
DocumentStyle | String | DocumentStyle of PurchaseAgreements |
StatusCode | String | StatusCode of PurchaseAgreements |
Status | String | Status of PurchaseAgreements |
SupplierId | Long | SupplierId of PurchaseAgreements |
Supplier | String | Supplier of PurchaseAgreements |
SupplierSiteId | Long | SupplierSiteId of PurchaseAgreements |
SupplierSite | String | SupplierSite of PurchaseAgreements |
SupplierContactId | Long | SupplierContactId of PurchaseAgreements |
SupplierContact | String | SupplierContact of PurchaseAgreements |
SupplierCommunicationMethodCode | String | SupplierCommunicationMethodCode of PurchaseAgreements |
SupplierEmailAddress | String | SupplierEmailAddress of PurchaseAgreements |
SupplierFax | String | SupplierFax of PurchaseAgreements |
StartDate | Date | StartDate of PurchaseAgreements |
EndDate | Date | EndDate of PurchaseAgreements |
AgreementAmount | Decimal | AgreementAmount of PurchaseAgreements |
CurrencyCode | String | CurrencyCode of PurchaseAgreements |
Currency | String | Currency of PurchaseAgreements |
AmountLimit | Decimal | AmountLimit of PurchaseAgreements |
MinimumReleaseAmount | Decimal | MinimumReleaseAmount of PurchaseAgreements |
ReleasedAmount | Decimal | ReleasedAmount of PurchaseAgreements |
Description | String | Description of PurchaseAgreements |
DocumentTypeCode | String | DocumentTypeCode of PurchaseAgreements |
MasterContractId | Long | MasterContractId of PurchaseAgreements |
MasterContractNumber | String | MasterContractNumber of PurchaseAgreements |
MasterContractTypeId | Long | MasterContractTypeId of PurchaseAgreements |
MasterContractType | String | MasterContractType of PurchaseAgreements |
ConversionRateTypeCode | String | ConversionRateTypeCode of PurchaseAgreements |
ConversionRateDate | Date | ConversionRateDate of PurchaseAgreements |
ConversionRate | Decimal | ConversionRate of PurchaseAgreements |
RevisionNumber | Decimal | RevisionNumber of PurchaseAgreements |
SupplierAgreement | String | SupplierAgreement of PurchaseAgreements |
ReferenceNumber | String | ReferenceNumber of PurchaseAgreements |
ClosedDate | Date | ClosedDate of PurchaseAgreements |
RequiredAcknowledgmentCode | String | RequiredAcknowledgmentCode of PurchaseAgreements |
RequiredAcknowledgment | String | RequiredAcknowledgment of PurchaseAgreements |
AcknowledgmentDueDate | Date | AcknowledgmentDueDate of PurchaseAgreements |
AcknowledgmentWithinDays | Decimal | AcknowledgmentWithinDays of PurchaseAgreements |
PaymentTermsId | Long | PaymentTermsId of PurchaseAgreements |
PaymentTerms | String | PaymentTerms of PurchaseAgreements |
CarrierId | Long | CarrierId of PurchaseAgreements |
Carrier | String | Carrier of PurchaseAgreements |
ModeOfTransportCode | String | ModeOfTransportCode of PurchaseAgreements |
ModeOfTransport | String | ModeOfTransport of PurchaseAgreements |
ServiceLevelCode | String | ServiceLevelCode of PurchaseAgreements |
ServiceLevel | String | ServiceLevel of PurchaseAgreements |
FreightTermsCode | String | FreightTermsCode of PurchaseAgreements |
FreightTerms | String | FreightTerms of PurchaseAgreements |
FOBCode | String | FOBCode of PurchaseAgreements |
FOB | String | FOB of PurchaseAgreements |
RequiresSignatureFlag | Bool | RequiresSignatureFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
BuyerManagedTransportFlag | Bool | BuyerManagedTransportFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
PayOnReceiptFlag | Bool | PayOnReceiptFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
ConfirmingOrderFlag | Bool | ConfirmingOrderFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
ConsumptionAdviceFrequencyCode | String | ConsumptionAdviceFrequencyCode of PurchaseAgreements |
ConsumptionAdviceFrequency | String | ConsumptionAdviceFrequency of PurchaseAgreements |
ConsumptionAdviceSummmaryCode | String | ConsumptionAdviceSummmaryCode of PurchaseAgreements |
ConsumptionAdviceSummary | String | ConsumptionAdviceSummary of PurchaseAgreements |
AgingOnsetPointCode | String | AgingOnsetPointCode of PurchaseAgreements |
AgingOnsetPoint | String | AgingOnsetPoint of PurchaseAgreements |
AgingPeriodDays | Int | AgingPeriodDays of PurchaseAgreements |
NoteToReceiver | String | NoteToReceiver of PurchaseAgreements |
NoteToSupplier | String | NoteToSupplier of PurchaseAgreements |
AutomaticallyGenerateOrdersFlag | Bool | AutomaticallyGenerateOrdersFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
AutomaticallySubmitForApprovalFlag | Bool | AutomaticallySubmitForApprovalFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
GroupRequisitionsFlag | Bool | GroupRequisitionsFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
UseCustomerSalesOrderFlag | Bool | UseCustomerSalesOrderFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
UseShipToLocationFlag | Bool | UseShipToLocationFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
GroupRequisitionLinesFlag | Bool | GroupRequisitionLinesFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
UseRequestedDateFlag | Bool | UseRequestedDateFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
UseShipToOrganizationAndLocationFlag | Bool | UseShipToOrganizationAndLocationFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
AllowUnassignedSitesFlag | Bool | AllowUnassignedSitesFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
EnableRetroactivePricingFlag | Bool | EnableRetroactivePricingFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
InitiateRetroactivePricingUponApprovalFlag | Bool | InitiateRetroactivePricingUponApprovalFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
RepriceOpenOrdersFlag | Bool | RepriceOpenOrdersFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
CommunicateRepricedOrdersFlag | Bool | CommunicateRepricedOrdersFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
PunchoutRequestsOnlyFlag | Bool | PunchoutRequestsOnlyFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
UseOrderDateForOrderPricingFlag | Bool | UseOrderDateForOrderPricingFlag of PurchaseAgreements |
Priority | Int | Priority of PurchaseAgreements |
Checklist | String | Checklist of PurchaseAgreements |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of PurchaseAgreements |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of PurchaseAgreements |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of PurchaseAgreements |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of PurchaseAgreements |
Finder | String | Finder of PurchaseAgreements |