The tax registrations resource is used to query, update, and create tax registrations.
Name | Type | Description |
PartyTypeCode | String | The party type code of the party tax profile. |
PartyName | String | The name of the party for which the party tax profile is defined. |
PartyNumber | String | The party number for which the party tax profile is defined. |
PartySiteNumber | String | The party site number for which the party tax profile is defined. |
TaxRegimeCode | String | The tax regime code associated with a tax registration. |
Tax | String | The tax code associated with a tax registration. |
TaxJurisdictionCode | String | The location for which a tax registration is defined. |
TaxPointBasis | String | The point in the receipt transaction process where taxes are accounted and reported to the tax authorities. Tax points can be classified into delivery-based and invoice-based categories. |
RegistrationTypeCode | String | The tax registration type represents the legal type of tax for which a tax registration is issued, such as VAT. |
RegistrationStatusCode | String | The registration status code for tax registrations. |
RepresentativePartyTaxName | String | The name of the reporting party for tax registrations. |
RegistrationReasonCode | String | The registration reason code for tax registrations. |
EffectiveFrom | Date | The date when the tax registration for a period starts being effective. |
EffectiveTo | Date | The date when the tax registration for a period stops being effective. |
LegalRegistrationAddress | String | The address of the legal tax registration that is defined. |
ValidationType | String | The validation type for tax registrations. |
ValidationLevel | String | The level at which validation for duplicate registration numbers are raised to users. Possible values are ERROR and WARNING. |
ValidationRule | String | The code for the validation that is to be applied to tax registration numbers for a tax regime. |
RegistrationNumber | String | The company tax registration number assigned by a tax authority. |
RegistrationSourceCode | String | The registration source code for tax registrations. |
IssuingTaxAuthority | String | The issuing tax authority for a tax registration. |
DefaultRegistrationFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a tax registration is set as default registration. The default value is FALSE. |
RoundingRuleCode | String | The rule that defines how the rounding must be performed on a value involved in a taxable transaction. Possible values range from the next highest value to the next lowest or nearest value. |
InclusiveTaxFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a tax registration is tax inclusive. The default value is FALSE. |
BankAccountNumber | String | The bank account number associated with a tax registration. |
TaxClassificationCode | String | The tax classification code associated with a tax registration. |
UniquenessValidationLevel | String | The types of parties to be checked for duplicate tax registration numbers entered on a tax registration record. |
Country | String | Country of TaxRegistrations |
PartyCountryCode | String | PartyCountryCode of TaxRegistrations |
BankBranchId | Long | The unique identifier for the bank branch associated with a tax registration. |
BankId | Long | The unique identifier for the bank associated with a tax registration. |
CollTaxAuthorityId | Long | The unique identifier for the collecting tax authority. |
LegalLocationId | Long | The unique identifier of the legal location for a tax registration. |
PartyTaxProfileId | Long | The unique identifier for the party tax profile. |
RoundingLevelCode | String | The value that specifies the rounding to apply to tax amounts on a transaction. The valid values are HEADER and LINE. |
TaxAuthorityId | Long | The unique identifier of the tax authority associated with an existing tax registration. |
RegistrationId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the system-generated primary key column. |
PartyTaxAllowOffsetTaxFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the party tax profile is set up to allow offset tax. The default value is FALSE. |
PartyTaxRoundingLevelCode | String | The rounding level code defined for a tax registration associated with a party tax profile. |
PartyTaxInclusiveTaxFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a party tax profile supports inclusive taxes. The default value is FALSE. |
PartyTaxClassificationCode | String | The tax classification code for the party tax profile associated with a tax registration. |
PartyTaxRoundingRuleCode | String | The rounding rule code for the party tax profile associated with a tax registration. |
PartyTaxProcessForApplicabilityFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the party tax profile is applied during the tax determination process. |
CountryCode | String | The country code used to validate the tax registration number for a party tax profile. |
Finder | String | Finder of TaxRegistrations |