The tax exemptions resource is used to query, update, and create tax exemptions.
Name | Type | Description |
PartyTypeCode | String | The party type code associated with a tax exemption. |
PartyName | String | PartyName of TaxExemptions |
PartyNumber | String | The party number associated with a tax exemption. |
PartySiteNumber | String | The party site number associated with a tax exemption. |
PartyType | String | The party type associated with a tax exemption. |
ExemptionUsageCode | String | The exemption usage code that identifies the activity for which a tax exemption is granted by a tax authority. |
TaxRegimeCode | String | A specific tax regime for which an existing tax exemption is applied. |
ContentOwner | String | The configuration owner associated with a tax exemption. |
Tax | String | A specific tax for which an existing tax exemption is applied. |
TaxStatusCode | String | A specific tax status for which an existing tax exemption is applied. |
TaxRateCode | String | A specific tax rate for which an existing tax exemption is applied. |
TaxJurisdictionCode | String | The tax jurisdiction code that identifies the location for which a tax exemption has been granted by a tax authority. |
ItemNumber | String | The inventory item number for which a tax exemption applies. |
Organization | String | The name of the corresponding inventory organization for an item that is eligible for a tax exemption. This is applicable for product-specific tax exemptions. |
EffectiveFrom | Date | The date when the tax exemptions start being effective. |
EffectiveTo | Date | The date when the tax exemptions stop being effective. |
ExemptCertificateNumber | String | The exemption certificate number associated with a tax exemption granted by a tax authority. |
RecordingDate | Date | The date when a tax exemption is recorded. |
IssueDate | Date | The date when a tax exemption is issued. |
ExemptionTypeCode | String | The lookup code that indicates the exemption type. Possible values are DISCOUNT, SURCHARGE, and SPECIAL RATE. The exemption rate type attribute represents the method of calculating the tax exemption percentage. |
RateModifier | Decimal | The exemption percentage associated with a tax exemption. |
ExemptionStatusCode | String | The exemption status code indicates the approval status of an exemption. The valid values are PRIMARY, MANUAL, DISCONTINUED, REJECTED, and UNAPPROVED. |
IssuingTaxAuthority | String | The tax authority that issued an exemption. |
ApplyToLowerLevelsFlag | Bool | The action to apply a tax exemption to all taxes that use this tax as the tax exemptions source. For example, if a STATE tax is configured as the tax exemption source for both the COUNTY and CITY tax, then checking this box applies the tax exemption at both of the COUNTY and CITY tax levels. |
SuspendFromDate | Date | The date from which the status of an existing tax exemption is set to REJECTED. |
SuspendToDate | Date | The date to which the status of an existing tax exemption is set to either REJECTED or DISCONTINUED. |
LimitAmount | Decimal | The dollar amount limit for a granted tax exemption. |
ExemptReasonCode | String | The exemption reason code associated with a tax exemption. |
ClauseReference | String | The legal tax clause on the basis of which the Letter of Intent applies to suppliers or customers. |
IssueFlag | Bool | Indicates whether to create or register the Letter of Intent based on the party type chosen. The Letter of Intent is issued to indicate the VAT exemption limit applicable to a supplier or customer. |
PartyTypeFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a tax exemption party type is a customer or a supplier. The default value is CUSTOMER. |
PrintFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a tax exemption letter of intent is ready to print. The default value is NO. |
PartyUsage | String | PartyUsage of TaxExemptions |
Country | String | Country of TaxExemptions |
ContentOwnerId | Long | The unique identifier of the content owner associated with a tax exemption. |
CustomerAccountId | Long | The unique identifier of the customer account associated with a tax exemption. |
CustomChargeFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a Letter of Intent should be addressed to the local customs office. |
DetFactorTemplCode | String | The determining factor template code associated with a tax exemption. |
InventoryOrgId | Long | The unique identifier of the inventory organization associated with an item referenced in a tax exemption. |
IssuingTaxAuthorityId | Long | The unique identifier of the issuing tax authority that has granted a tax exemption. |
PartyTaxProfileId | Long | The unique identifier of the party tax profile associated with a tax exemption. |
ProductId | Long | The unique identifier of the product for which a tax exemption applies. |
RecordTypeCode | String | The record type code of a tax exemption. |
SiteUseId | Long | The unique identifier of the site use associated with a tax exemption. |
TaxJurisdictionId | Long | The unique identifier of the tax jurisdiction for which the tax exemption applies. |
TaxExemptionId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the system-generated primary key column. |
ReportingTypeId | Long | The unique identifier of the reporting type associated with a tax exemption. |
ReportingCodeId | Long | The unique identifier of the reporting code associated with a tax exemption. |
ReportingTypeName | String | The name of the reporting type associated with a tax exemption. |
ReportingCodeName | String | The name of the reporting code associated with a tax exemption. |
ReportingCodeChar | String | The value of the reporting code associated with a tax exemption. |
PartyTaxAllowOffsetTaxFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the party tax profile has been configured to allow offset tax calculation. The default value is NO. |
PartyTaxRoundingLevelCode | String | The value that specifies the rounding to be applied to party tax amounts on a transaction. |
PartyTaxInclusiveTaxFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the party tax profile has been configured to allow inclusive tax calculation. |
PartyTaxClassificationCode | String | The tax classification code for the party tax profile associated with a tax exemption. |
PartyTaxRoundingRuleCode | String | The rounding rule code for the party tax profile associated with a tax exemption. |
PartyTaxProcessForApplicabilityFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the party tax profile definition is applied as part of the tax determination process. |
Finder | String | Finder of TaxExemptions |