The receivables invoice lines resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the lines of an invoice.
Name | Type | Description |
ReceivablesInvoicesCustomerTransactionId [KEY] | Long | ReceivablesInvoicesCustomerTransactionId of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
CustomerTransactionLineId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of an invoice line. |
LineNumber | Decimal | The number of the invoice line. |
Description | String | The description that identifies the product or service on the invoice line. |
Quantity | Decimal | The quantity of products or services referred to on the invoice line. |
UnitSellingPrice | Decimal | The price of an individual item on the invoice line. |
TaxClassificationCode | String | The code used as a determining factor in tax calculation on the invoice line. |
SalesOrder | String | The sales order number on the invoice line. |
AccountingRuleDuration | Long | The number of periods in which revenue is to be recognized. A value is required for invoice lines with a fixed or variable revenue scheduling rule rule type. |
RuleEndDate | Date | The date when the revenue scheduling rule ends. This applies to invoices with rules. |
RuleStartDate | Date | The date when the revenue scheduling rule starts. This applies to invoices with rules. |
AccountingRule | String | The revenue scheduling rule assigned to the invoice line. |
Warehouse | String | The ship-from location of the item on the invoice line. This value applies to inventory items. |
MemoLine | String | The memo line that identifies the product or service on the invoice line. |
UnitOfMeasure | String | The unit of measure used for the product or service on the invoice line. |
ItemNumber | String | The number that identifies the inventory item on the invoice line. |
AllocatedFreightAmount | Decimal | The freight amount applied to the Invoice line. |
AssessableValue | Decimal | The numeric value used as the taxable base amount to calculate tax on a specific invoice item. |
SalesOrderDate | Date | The date when the sales order was created. |
LineAmount | Decimal | The transaction line amount. |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
TransacationBusinessCategory | String | The classification for tax purposes of the business nature of a transaction, as designated by a tax authority. |
UserDefinedFiscalClassification | String | The user-defined classification for tax purposes of additional tax requirements, as designated by a tax authority. |
ProductFiscalClassification | String | The classification for tax purposes of the taxable nature of the product or product transaction on the invoice line, as designated by a tax authority. |
ProductCategory | String | The classification for tax purposes of a non-inventory based product on the invoice line, as designated by a tax authority. |
ProductType | String | The nature of the item or product on the invoice line, sometimes used as a determining factor in tax calculation. Valid values are Goods and Services. |
LineIntendedUse | String | The classification for tax purposes of the intended use of the product on the invoice line, as designated by a tax authority. |
LineAmountIncludesTax | String | The option that indicates whether the line amount is inclusive of tax, exclusive of tax, or determined by the tax setup. |
TaxInvoiceDate | Date | The date when the tax invoice document was generated. |
TaxInvoiceNumber | String | The number assigned to the fiscal document supporting the sale, which is generated upon shipment of goods. |
TaxExemptionCertificateNumber | String | The number that identifies the document that certifies that a party or product is partially or fully exempt from a tax. |
TaxExemptionHandling | String | The value that indicates the tax exemption to apply to the invoice line. Valid values are Standard, Require, and Exempt. |
TaxExemptionReason | String | The reason that a party or product has a tax exemption on the invoice line. |
AccountingDate | Date | AccountingDate of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
AllowCompletion | String | AllowCompletion of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
BillingDate | Date | BillingDate of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
BillToCustomerName | String | BillToCustomerName of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
BillToCustomerNumber | String | BillToCustomerNumber of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
BillToSite | String | BillToSite of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
BusinessUnit | String | BusinessUnit of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
CrossReference | String | CrossReference of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
CustomerTransactionId | Long | CustomerTransactionId of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
DocumentNumber | Long | DocumentNumber of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
DueDate | Date | DueDate of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
Finder | String | Finder of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
FirstPartyTaxRegistration | String | FirstPartyTaxRegistration of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
InvoiceCurrencyCode | String | InvoiceCurrencyCode of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
InvoiceStatus | String | InvoiceStatus of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
LegalEntityIdentifier | String | LegalEntityIdentifier of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
PaymentTerms | String | PaymentTerms of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
PurchaseOrder | String | PurchaseOrder of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
ShipToCustomerName | String | ShipToCustomerName of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
ShipToSite | String | ShipToSite of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
ThirdPartyTaxRegistration | String | ThirdPartyTaxRegistration of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
TransactionDate | Date | TransactionDate of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
TransactionNumber | String | TransactionNumber of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
TransactionSource | String | TransactionSource of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |
TransactionType | String | TransactionType of ReceivablesInvoicesreceivablesInvoiceLines |