The payables options resource is used to manage the details about the parameters and defaults for operating the Payables application. The resource contains information such as the ledger, the functional currency of the ledger, and the defaults such as payment terms. This resource also contains information to determine default values that cascade down to the invoice entry.
Name | Type | Description |
SettlementDays | Int | SettlementDays of PayablesOptions |
BusinessUnitId [KEY] | Long | BusinessUnitId of PayablesOptions |
AllowFinalMatchingFlag | Bool | AllowFinalMatchingFlag of PayablesOptions |
AllowMatchingDistributionOverrideFlag | Bool | AllowMatchingDistributionOverrideFlag of PayablesOptions |
AllowForceApprovalFlag | Bool | AllowForceApprovalFlag of PayablesOptions |
AllowAdjustmentsToPaidInvoicesFlag | Bool | AllowAdjustmentsToPaidInvoicesFlag of PayablesOptions |
AllowRemitToSupplierOverrideForThirdPartyPaymentsFlag | Bool | AllowRemitToSupplierOverrideForThirdPartyPaymentsFlag of PayablesOptions |
AllowPayeeOverrideForThirdPartyPaymentsFlag | Bool | AllowPayeeOverrideForThirdPartyPaymentsFlag of PayablesOptions |
AllowOverrideOfSupplierSiteBankAccountFlag | Bool | AllowOverrideOfSupplierSiteBankAccountFlag of PayablesOptions |
AlwaysTakeDiscFlag | Bool | AlwaysTakeDiscFlag of PayablesOptions |
RequireAccountingBeforeApproval | String | RequireAccountingBeforeApproval of PayablesOptions |
EnableInvoiceApprovalFlag | Bool | EnableInvoiceApprovalFlag of PayablesOptions |
CreateInterestInvoicesFlag | Bool | CreateInterestInvoicesFlag of PayablesOptions |
BankChargeDeductionType | String | BankChargeDeductionType of PayablesOptions |
BudgetDateBasis | String | BudgetDateBasis of PayablesOptions |
UseDistributionFromPurchaseOrderFlag | Bool | UseDistributionFromPurchaseOrderFlag of PayablesOptions |
DiscountAllocationMethod | String | DiscountAllocationMethod of PayablesOptions |
ExcludeTaxFromDiscountCalculationFlag | Bool | ExcludeTaxFromDiscountCalculationFlag of PayablesOptions |
PaymentRequestPaymentPriority | Int | PaymentRequestPaymentPriority of PayablesOptions |
PaymentRequestPayGroup | String | PaymentRequestPayGroup of PayablesOptions |
ExcludeFreightFromDiscountCalculationFlag | Bool | ExcludeFreightFromDiscountCalculationFlag of PayablesOptions |
GlDateFromReceiptFlag | Bool | GlDateFromReceiptFlag of PayablesOptions |
MinimumInterestAmount | Decimal | MinimumInterestAmount of PayablesOptions |
InvoiceCurrency | String | InvoiceCurrency of PayablesOptions |
AllowInvoiceDocumentCategoryOverrideFlag | Bool | AllowInvoiceDocumentCategoryOverrideFlag of PayablesOptions |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of PayablesOptions |
RequireConversionRateEntryForPaymentsFlag | Bool | RequireConversionRateEntryForPaymentsFlag of PayablesOptions |
PaymentCurrency | String | PaymentCurrency of PayablesOptions |
PayDateBasis | String | PayDateBasis of PayablesOptions |
AllowPaymentDocumentCategoryOverrideFlag | Bool | AllowPaymentDocumentCategoryOverrideFlag of PayablesOptions |
PaymentPriority | Int | PaymentPriority of PayablesOptions |
AllowPaymentDateBeforeTheSystemDateFlag | Bool | AllowPaymentDateBeforeTheSystemDateFlag of PayablesOptions |
ShowAvailablePrepaymentsDuringInvoiceEntryFlag | Bool | ShowAvailablePrepaymentsDuringInvoiceEntryFlag of PayablesOptions |
InterestAllocationMethodFlag | Bool | InterestAllocationMethodFlag of PayablesOptions |
RecalculateInvoiceInstallmentsFlag | Bool | RecalculateInvoiceInstallmentsFlag of PayablesOptions |
ReceiptAcceptanceDays | Long | ReceiptAcceptanceDays of PayablesOptions |
EnableInvoiceAccountCodingWorkflowFlag | Bool | EnableInvoiceAccountCodingWorkflowFlag of PayablesOptions |
AllowInvoiceBackdatingForSelfServiceInvoicesFlag | Bool | AllowInvoiceBackdatingForSelfServiceInvoicesFlag of PayablesOptions |
LimitInvoiceToSinglePurchaseOrderForSelfServiceInvoicesFlag | Bool | LimitInvoiceToSinglePurchaseOrderForSelfServiceInvoicesFlag of PayablesOptions |
AllowUnitPriceChangeForQuantityBasedMatchesForSelfServiceInvoices | String | AllowUnitPriceChangeForQuantityBasedMatchesForSelfServiceInvoices of PayablesOptions |
TermsDateBasis | String | TermsDateBasis of PayablesOptions |
TransferPOdistributionAdditionalInformationFlag | Bool | TransferPOdistributionAdditionalInformationFlag of PayablesOptions |
RequireValidationBeforeApprovalFlag | Bool | RequireValidationBeforeApprovalFlag of PayablesOptions |
PayGroup | String | PayGroup of PayablesOptions |
AccountForPayment | String | AccountForPayment of PayablesOptions |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of PayablesOptions |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of PayablesOptions |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of PayablesOptions |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of PayablesOptions |
BusinessUnitName | String | BusinessUnitName of PayablesOptions |
PaymentRequestPaymentTerms | String | PaymentRequestPaymentTerms of PayablesOptions |
InterestExpenseDistribution | String | InterestExpenseDistribution of PayablesOptions |
PrepaymentPaymentTerms | String | PrepaymentPaymentTerms of PayablesOptions |
AmountTolerances | String | AmountTolerances of PayablesOptions |
PaymentTerms | String | PaymentTerms of PayablesOptions |
QuantityTolerances | String | QuantityTolerances of PayablesOptions |
LedgerId | Long | LedgerId of PayablesOptions |
LedgerCurrency | String | LedgerCurrency of PayablesOptions |
FederalIdentificationNumber | String | FederalIdentificationNumber of PayablesOptions |
LocationId | Long | LocationId of PayablesOptions |
AllowAddressChange | String | AllowAddressChange of PayablesOptions |
IncomeTaxCombinedFilingProgram | String | IncomeTaxCombinedFilingProgram of PayablesOptions |
IncomeTaxRegion | String | IncomeTaxRegion of PayablesOptions |
SupplierTaxRegion | String | SupplierTaxRegion of PayablesOptions |
USSGLTransactionCode | String | USSGLTransactionCode of PayablesOptions |
USSGLTrxDescriptiveFlexfieldContext | String | USSGLTrxDescriptiveFlexfieldContext of PayablesOptions |
IncludeWitholdingDistInIncometaxreports | String | IncludeWitholdingDistInIncometaxreports of PayablesOptions |
RequireInvoiceGroup | String | RequireInvoiceGroup of PayablesOptions |
AttachmentMandatoryForSelfServiceInvoicesFlag | Bool | AttachmentMandatoryForSelfServiceInvoicesFlag of PayablesOptions |
DisallowAttachmentDeleteFlag | Bool | DisallowAttachmentDeleteFlag of PayablesOptions |
AccountingDateBasis | String | AccountingDateBasis of PayablesOptions |
Finder | String | Finder of PayablesOptions |