The interim payables documents resource is used to view, create, and modify an interim payables document for validation and payment processing.
Name | Type | Description |
InvoiceExternalSupplierSiteIdentifier | Long | Unique identifier of the invoice external supplier. |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | ObjectVersionNumber of InterimDocumentsPayables |
CallingApplicationDocumentUniqueReferenceFive | String | Document unique reference five of the calling application. |
InvoiceExternalPayeePartyIdentifier | Long | Unique identifier of the invoice external payee party. |
PayeePartyIdentifier | Long | Unique identifier of the payee party. |
OrganizationIdentifier | Long | Unique identifier of the organization. |
InvoicingLegalEntityIdentifier | String | Unique identifier of the invoicing legal entity. |
RelationshipIdentifier | Long | The unique identifier of the relationship between payee and supplier that sends the invoice. |
RemittanceMessageThree | String | Remittance message three of the interim payables document. |
BankAssignedReferenceCode | String | The bank assigned reference code. |
PaymentFunction | String | Code that indicates the function or purpose of the payment. Valid values are present in the IBY_PAYMENT_FUNCTIONS lookup. Values include SUPPLIER_PAYMENT, CUSTOMER_REFUNDS, and so on. |
PaymentAmount | Decimal | The amount of the payment. |
PaymentProfileIdentifier | Long | Unique identifier of the payment profile. |
DeliveryChannelCode | String | Code that indicates the delivery channel. |
InvoiceExternalPayeeIdentifier | Long | Unique identifier of the invoice external payee. |
ExclusivePaymentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a payment is exclusive. |
ExternalBankAccountIdentifier | Long | Unique identifier of an external bank account. |
AnticipatedValueDate | Date | The anticipated value date. |
DocumentDescription | String | Description of the document. |
DiscountDate | Date | The computed date of the discount. |
PaymentFormatCode | String | Code that indicates the payment format. |
InterestRate | Decimal | The rate of interest. |
InvoiceExternalPayeePartySiteIdentifier | Long | Unique identifier of the invoice external payee party site. |
InvoicingOrganizationType | String | Indicates the type of the invoicing organization. |
PaymentDueDate | Date | Date when payment is due. |
DocumentDate | Date | Date when the document was created. |
PaymentCurrencyCode | String | Code that indicates the payment currency. |
PaymentProcessTransactionTypeCode | String | Code that indicates the payment process transaction code. |
PaymentReasonCode | String | Code that indicates the reason for payment. |
LegalEntityIdentifier | Decimal | Unique identifier of the legal entity. |
AmountWithheld | Decimal | The amount withheld in a transaction. |
PaymentCurrencyDiscountTaken | Decimal | The discount taken in the payment currency. |
DoumentSequenceIdentifer | Decimal | Indicates the type of the document. |
CallingApplicationDocumentReferenceNumberOne | String | Reference number one of the calling application document. |
RemitToLocationIdentifier | Long | Unique identifier of the remit-to location. |
PayeePartySiteIdentifier | Long | Unique identifier of the payee party site. |
AllowRemovingDocumentFlag | Bool | Indicates whether document removal is allowed. |
DocumentType | String | Value of the document sequence. |
RemittanceMessageOne | String | Remittance message one of the interim payables document. |
SupplierSiteIdentifier | Long | Unique identifier of the supplier site. |
InternalBankAccountIdentifier | Long | Unique identifier of the internal bank account. |
DocumentAmount | Decimal | The amount specified in the document. |
OrganizationType | String | Indicates the type of the organization. |
DocumentCurrencyCode | String | Code that indicates the document currency. |
PaymentGroupingNumber | Long | The payment grouping number. |
BankChargeAmount | Decimal | Calculated bank charges amount. |
DocumentCurrencyPaymentAmount | Decimal | The amount to be paid in document currency. |
PaymentDate | Date | Date when payment was made. |
DocumentCurrencyTaxAmount | Decimal | The tax amount in the document currency. |
DocumentSequenceValue | Decimal | Unique identifier of the document sequence. |
PaymentReasonComments | String | Comments regarding the payment reason. |
CallingApplicationIdentifier | Long | Unique identifier of the calling application. |
PaymentMethodCode | String | Code that indicates the payment method. |
PaymentCurrencyBankCharges | Long | The bank charges in the payment currency. |
CallingApplicationDocumentReferenceNumber | Long | Reference number of the calling application document. |
DocumentCurrencyChargeAmount | Decimal | The charge amount in the document currency. |
SettlementPriority | String | Indicates the priority for executing a payment. |
ProcessType | String | Indicates the type of process. |
InvoicingOrganizationIdentifier | Long | Unique identifier of the invoicing organization. |
BankChargeBearer | String | Bearer of the bank charge. |
RemittanceMessageTwo | String | Remittance message two of the interim payables document. |
DocumentCategoryCode | String | Code that indicates the document category. |
UniqueRemittanceIdentifierCheckDigit | String | The check digit that validates the unique remittance identifier. |
UniqueRemittanceIdentifier | String | Unique identifier of the remittance provided by the payee. |
CallingApplicationDocumentUniqueReferenceFour | String | Document unique reference four of the calling application. |
CallingApplicationDocumentUniqueReferenceThree | String | Document unique reference three of the calling application. |
CallingApplicationDocumentUniqueReferenceTwo | String | Document unique reference two of the calling application. |
GlobalAttributeOne | String | Attribute one of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeTen | String | Attribute ten of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeEleven | String | Attribute eleven of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeTwelve | String | Attribute twelve of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeThirteen | String | Attribute thirteen of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeFourteen | String | Attribute fourteen of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeFifteen | String | Attribute fifteen of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeSixteen | String | Attribute sixteen of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeSeventeen | String | Attribute seventeen of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeEighteen | String | Attribute eighteen of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeTwo | String | Attribute two of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeTwenty | String | Attribute twenty of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeThree | String | Attribute three of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeFour | String | Attribute four of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeFive | String | Attribute five of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeSix | String | Attribute six of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeSeven | String | Attribute seven of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeEight | String | Attribute eight of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeNine | String | Attribute nine of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeCategory | String | Category that the global attribute belongs to. |
GlobalAttributeDateOne | Date | Document one of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeDateTwo | Date | Document two of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeDateThree | Date | Document three of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeDateFour | Date | Document four of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeDateFive | Date | Document five of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeNumberOne | Decimal | Numeric attribute one of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeNumberTwo | Decimal | Numeric attribute two of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeNumberThree | Decimal | Numeric attribute three of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeNumberFour | Decimal | Numeric attribute four of the global descriptive flexfield. |
GlobalAttributeNumberFive | Decimal | Numeric attribute five of the global descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeOne | String | Attribute one of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeTen | String | Attribute ten of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeEleven | String | Attribute eleven of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeTwelve | String | Attribute twelve of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeThirteen | String | Attribute thirteen of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeFourteen | String | Attribute fourteen of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeFifteen | String | Attribute fifteen of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeTwo | String | Attribute two of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeThree | String | Attribute three of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeFour | String | Attribute four of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeFive | String | Attribute five of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeSix | String | Attribute six of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeSeven | String | Attribute seven of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeEight | String | Attribute eight of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeNine | String | Attribute nine of the user descriptive flexfield. |
AttributeCategory | String | Category that the attribute belongs to. |
ValidationErrorMessage | String | ValidationErrorMessage of InterimDocumentsPayables |
ValidationSuccessIndicator | String | ValidationSuccessIndicator of InterimDocumentsPayables |
PurchaseOrderNumber | String | The purchase order number. |
CallingApplicationDocumentUniqueReferenceOne | String | Document unique reference one of the calling application. |
DocumentPayableId [KEY] | Long | Finds the document payable data that matches the primary key criteria specified. |
GlobalAttributeNinteen | String | Attribute nineteen of the global descriptive flexfield. |
PayGroupCode | String | Code that indicates the category that suppliers or invoices belong to. Valid values are Employees, Merchandise, Non-Merchandise, Government, Domestic, and International. |
Finder | String | Finder of InterimDocumentsPayables |