The expense profile attributes resource is used to get a person's expense profile attributes record.
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId | Long | PersonId of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
Userlocation | String | Userlocation of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
DefaultExpenseAccountId | Long | DefaultExpenseAccountId of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
CompanySegment | String | CompanySegment of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
CostCenterSegment | String | CostCenterSegment of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
OrganizationId | Long | OrganizationId of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
BusinessUnitId | Long | BusinessUnitId of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
BUName | String | BUName of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
ExpenseTemplateId | String | ExpenseTemplateId of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
ExpenseEntryFlag | Bool | ExpenseEntryFlag of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
ExpenseAccess | String | ExpenseAccess of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
ProjectAccess | String | ProjectAccess of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
AccountAccess | String | AccountAccess of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
CurrencyCode | String | CurrencyCode of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
CurrencyName | String | CurrencyName of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
Version | String | Version of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
EnableReimbCurrencyFlag | Bool | EnableReimbCurrencyFlag of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
TermsAgreementURL | String | TermsAgreementURL of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
EnableProjectFieldsFlag | Bool | EnableProjectFieldsFlag of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
PurposeRequiredFlag | Bool | PurposeRequiredFlag of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
LineDescrRequiredFlag | Bool | LineDescrRequiredFlag of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
DisableCcMerchantNameFlag | Bool | DisableCcMerchantNameFlag of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
EnableAttachments | String | EnableAttachments of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
GoogleMapsAPIKey | String | GoogleMapsAPIKey of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
PartyId | Long | PartyId of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
DisableCompanySegment | String | DisableCompanySegment of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
EnableSavePasswordFlag | Bool | EnableSavePasswordFlag of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
DisableScanFlag | Bool | DisableScanFlag of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
SubmitReportError | String | SubmitReportError of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
JobId | String | JobId of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
GradeId | String | GradeId of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
PositionId | String | PositionId of ExpenseProfileAttributes |
Finder | String | Finder of ExpenseProfileAttributes |