The bank account user rules resource is used to create country-specific rules on a simplified bank account UI. Label changes are also supported through this service.
Name | Type | Description |
CountrySpecificUIRuleId [KEY] | Long | Unique identifier of the UI rule. |
CountryCode | String | Code that identifies the country where the UI rule is applied. |
BankAccountFieldName | String | Attribute for which the country-specific display rule is applied. |
DisplayFlag | Bool | Option that indicates whether the attribute is displayed on the UI. |
LabelCode | String | Display name of the attribute for the country. |
BankAccountFieldLabel | String | BankAccountFieldLabel of BankAccountUserRules |
RequiredFlag | Bool | Option that indicates the attribute is required for the country. |
ObjectVersionNumber | Int | The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. |
CreationDate | Datetime | CreationDate of BankAccountUserRules |
CreatedBy | String | CreatedBy of BankAccountUserRules |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | LastUpdateDate of BankAccountUserRules |
LastUpdatedBy | String | LastUpdatedBy of BankAccountUserRules |
LastUpdateLogin | String | LastUpdateLogin of BankAccountUserRules |
PageName | String | Name of the page where the country-specific UI rule is applied. |
SeededFlag | Bool | Option that indicates whether the country-specific rule is predefined. |
SeedDataSource | String | Source of the predefined data record. |
Finder | String | Finder of BankAccountUserRules |