ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The taxpayer identifiers resource is used to query, update, and create taxpayer identifiers.


Name Type Description
PartyTypeCode String The party type code of the party tax profile.
PartyName String The party name for which the party tax profile is defined.
PartyNumber String The party number for which the party tax profile is defined.
PartySiteNumber String The party site number for which the party tax profile is defined.
ValidationType String The type of validation associated with a taxpayer identifier.
TaxPayerNumber String The taxpayer number used for tax compliance and reporting.
ValidationDigit String The validation digit associated with taxpayer identifiers.
EffectiveFrom Date The date at the beginning of the date range when the taxpayer identifier for a period is effective.
EffectiveTo Date The date at the end of the date range when the taxpayer identifier for a period is effective.
ReportingTypeCode String The reporting type code associated with a taxpayer identifier.
CountryCode String The country code used to validate the tax registration number for a party tax profile.
ValidationLevel String The level at which the application generates validations for duplicate registration numbers to users.
UniquenessValidationLevel String The unique level at which the application generates validations to identify duplicate registration numbers.
RegistrationTypeCode String The classification for a tax registration that is specified by a tax authority for purposes of reporting.
CountryName String The name of the country where tax is registered.
EntityId Long The unique identifier of the entity associated with a taxpayer identifier.
PartyTaxpayerIdntfsId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the system-generated primary key column.
TaxpayerCountry String The country where the taxpayer is registered.
PartyTaxAllowOffsetTaxFlag Bool Indicates whether the party tax profile has been configured to allow offset tax calculation. The default value is NO.
PartyTaxRoundingLevelCode String The value that specifies the rounding to be applied to party tax amounts on a transaction.
PartyTaxInclusiveTaxFlag Bool Indicates whether the party tax profile has been configured to allow inclusive tax calculation. The default value is NO.
PartyTaxClassificationCode String The tax classification code for the party tax profile associated with a taxpayer identifier.
PartyTaxRoundingRuleCode String The rounding rule code for the party tax profile associated with a taxpayer identifier.
PartyTaxProcessForApplicabilityFlag Bool Indicates whether the existing party tax profile is applied as part of the tax determination process.
Country String Country of TaxPayerIdentifiers
Finder String Finder of TaxPayerIdentifiers

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Build 24.0.9111