ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The note objects resource is used to view the note objects.


Name Type Description
ReceivablesCreditMemosCustomerTransactionId [KEY] Long ReceivablesCreditMemosCustomerTransactionId of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
NoteId [KEY] Long NoteId of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
SourceObjectCode String This is the source object code for the source object as defined in OBJECTS Metadata.
SourceObjectId String The unique identifier of the parent source object associated to the note.
PartyName String PartyName of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
NoteTxt String The column which stores the actual note text.
NoteTypeCode String The note type code for categorization of note.
VisibilityCode String The attribute to specify the visibility level of the note. It indicates whether the note is internal, external, or private.
CreatorPartyId Long The unique identifier of the party.
CreatedBy String CreatedBy of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
CreationDate Datetime CreationDate of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
LastUpdateDate Datetime LastUpdateDate of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
PartyId Long PartyId of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
CorpCurrencyCode String The corporate currency code for extensibility.
CurcyConvRateType String The currency conversion rate type for extensibility.
CurrencyCode String The currency code for extensibility.
ContactRelationshipId Long The relationship ID populated when the note is associated with a contact.
ParentNoteId Long The unique identifier of the note. This is the primary key of the notes table.
LastUpdatedBy String LastUpdatedBy of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
LastUpdateLogin String LastUpdateLogin of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
EmailAddress String EmailAddress of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
FormattedAddress String FormattedAddress of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
FormattedPhoneNumber String FormattedPhoneNumber of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
UpdateFlag Bool UpdateFlag of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
DeleteFlag Bool DeleteFlag of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
NoteNumber String The alternate unique identifier of the note. A user key that's system generated or from an external system.
NoteTitle String The title of the note entered by the user.
BindAccountingDate Date BindAccountingDate of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindAllowCompletion String BindAllowCompletion of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindBillToCustomer String BindBillToCustomer of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindBillToCustomerNumber String BindBillToCustomerNumber of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindBillToSite String BindBillToSite of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindBusinessUnit String BindBusinessUnit of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindCreditMemoCurrency String BindCreditMemoCurrency of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindCreditMemoStatus String BindCreditMemoStatus of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindCrossReference String BindCrossReference of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindDeliveryMethod String BindDeliveryMethod of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindDocumentNumber Long BindDocumentNumber of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindIntercompany String BindIntercompany of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindPrimarySalesperson String BindPrimarySalesperson of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindPrintStatus String BindPrintStatus of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindPurchaseOrder String BindPurchaseOrder of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindShipToCustomerName String BindShipToCustomerName of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindShipToSite String BindShipToSite of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindTransactionDate Date BindTransactionDate of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindTransactionNumber String BindTransactionNumber of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindTransactionSource String BindTransactionSource of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
BindTransactionType String BindTransactionType of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
CustomerTransactionId Long CustomerTransactionId of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes
Finder String Finder of ReceivablesCreditMemosnotes

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Build 24.0.9111