ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The party fiscal classifications resource is used to query, update, and create party fiscal classifications.


Name Type Description
ClassificationTypeCategCode String The classification type category code associated with a party fiscal classification.
Levels String The level associated with a party fiscal classification for purposes of defining a tax rule.
ClassificationTypeCode String The classification type code associated with a party fiscal classification.
ClassificationTypeName String The name of the classification type associated with a party fiscal classification.
EffectiveFrom Date The date when the party fiscal classification starts being effective.
EffectiveTo Date The date when the party fiscal classification stops being effective.
OwnerIdChar String The classification category code associated with a party fiscal classification.
ClassificationTypeLevelCode String The classification type level code associated with a party fiscal classification.
ClassificationTypeId [KEY] Long Unique identifier of the party fiscal classification.
OwnerTableCode String The owner table code associated with a party fiscal classification.
PartyClassification String The classification used by a tax authority to categorize a party for tax determination. Use party classifications to classify your customers, suppliers, first-party legal entities, and first-party legal reporting units for tax determination and tax reporting.
ClassificationCategoryMeaning String The name of the classification category associated with a party fiscal classification.
ClassificationCode String The classification code associated with a party fiscal classification.
ClassificationMeaning String The fiscal classification name associated with a party fiscal classification.
ClassCategory String ClassCategory of PartyFiscalClassifications
ClassTypeCode String ClassTypeCode of PartyFiscalClassifications
ClassTypeName String ClassTypeName of PartyFiscalClassifications
Finder String Finder of PartyFiscalClassifications

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Build 24.0.9111