The federal budget execution control segments resource is used to query, create, and update budget execution control segments.
Name | Type | Description |
FedBudgetExecutionControlsControlTypeId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the control type associated with the budget execution control. |
KeySegmentId [KEY] | Long | The unique identifier of the key segment associated with the budget execution control segment. |
SegmentCode | String | Segment code of the budget execution control segment. |
SummaryControl | String | Summary control of the budget execution control segment. |
SequenceNumber | Int | Sequence number of the budget execution control segment. |
ControlBudgetTree | String | Control budget tree of the budget execution control segment. |
ControlBudgetTreeVersion | String | Control budget tree version of the budget execution control segment. |
ControlBudgetTreeLabel | String | Control budget tree label of the budget execution control segment. |
IsBalancingSegment | String | Balancing segment of the budget execution control segment. |
IsAccountSegment | String | Account segment of the budget execution control segment. |
ExistsOnParent | String | Exists on parent attribute of the budget execution control segment. |
FilterTree | String | Filter tree of the budget execution control segment. |
FilterTreeVersion | String | Filter tree version of the budget execution control segment. |
FilterTreeValue | String | Filter tree value of the budget execution control segment. |
SegmentName | String | Segment name of the budget execution control segment. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date when the record was created. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date when the record was last updated. |
LastUpdateLogin | String | Date when the user who last updated the record logged in. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | Date when the record was last updated. |
BudgetAccount | String | budgetaccount |
BudgetCategory | String | budgetcategory |
BudgetChartOfAccounts | String | budgetchartofaccounts |
BudgetControl | String | budgetcontrol |
BudgetLevel | String | budgetlevel |
BudgetManager | String | budgetmanager |
ControlLevel | String | controllevel |
ControlTypeId | Long | controltypeid |
Description | String | description |
Finder | String | finder |
Ledger | String | ledger |
ParentBudgetControl | String | parentbudgetcontrol |
ParentBudgetLevel | String | parentbudgetlevel |
SearchAllText | String | searchalltext |
Status | String | status |
SysEffectiveDate | String | syseffectivedate |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. |