ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The federal budget execution control segments resource is used to query, create, and update budget execution control segments.


Name Type Description
FedBudgetExecutionControlsControlTypeId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the control type associated with the budget execution control.
KeySegmentId [KEY] Long The unique identifier of the key segment associated with the budget execution control segment.
SegmentCode String Segment code of the budget execution control segment.
SummaryControl String Summary control of the budget execution control segment.
SequenceNumber Int Sequence number of the budget execution control segment.
ControlBudgetTree String Control budget tree of the budget execution control segment.
ControlBudgetTreeVersion String Control budget tree version of the budget execution control segment.
ControlBudgetTreeLabel String Control budget tree label of the budget execution control segment.
IsBalancingSegment String Balancing segment of the budget execution control segment.
IsAccountSegment String Account segment of the budget execution control segment.
ExistsOnParent String Exists on parent attribute of the budget execution control segment.
FilterTree String Filter tree of the budget execution control segment.
FilterTreeVersion String Filter tree version of the budget execution control segment.
FilterTreeValue String Filter tree value of the budget execution control segment.
SegmentName String Segment name of the budget execution control segment.
CreatedBy String User who created the record.
CreationDate Datetime Date when the record was created.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Date when the record was last updated.
LastUpdateLogin String Date when the user who last updated the record logged in.
LastUpdatedBy String Date when the record was last updated.
BudgetAccount String budgetaccount
BudgetCategory String budgetcategory
BudgetChartOfAccounts String budgetchartofaccounts
BudgetControl String budgetcontrol
BudgetLevel String budgetlevel
BudgetManager String budgetmanager
ControlLevel String controllevel
ControlTypeId Long controltypeid
Description String description
Finder String finder
Ledger String ledger
ParentBudgetControl String parentbudgetcontrol
ParentBudgetLevel String parentbudgetlevel
SearchAllText String searchalltext
Status String status
SysEffectiveDate String syseffectivedate
EffectiveDate Date This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

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Build 24.0.9111