ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The expense itemizations resource is a child resource used to manage details about the itemized lines of an expense incurred by an employee.


Name Type Description
ExpensesExpenseId [KEY] Long Expense identifier of the expense record.
AssignmentId Long Value that uniquely identifies the individual who owns the expense.
AuditAdjustmentReason String Auditor's reason for adjusting the reimbursable amount to the individual.
AuditAdjustmentReasonCode String Code that indicates the auditor's reason for adjusting the reimbursable amount to the individual.
AwtGroupId Long Value that uniquely identifies an alternate tax withholding group.
BilledAmount Decimal Amount billed to the corporate card account.
BilledCurrencyCode String Code that indicates the amount billed to the corporate card account.
CardId Long Value that uniquely identifies a specific corporate card.
CheckoutDate Date Date when a person departs a place associated with an accommodations expense category.
CreatedBy String User who created the row.
CreationDate Datetime Date and time when the row was created.
CreditCardTrxnId Long Value that uniquely identifies a specific corporate card transaction.
DailyAmount Decimal Amount of the daily expense receipt in the receipt currency.
DailyDistance Decimal Distance traveled in a day for business.
DailyLimit String Daily expense limit of a trip.
DepartureLocationId Long Value that uniquely identifies the departure location.
Description String Description of an expense item.
DestinationFrom String Starting or departure location of the trip.
DestinationTo String Ending or arrival location of the trip.
DistanceUnitCode String Code that indicates the travel distance unit. Possible values are KILOMETER and MILE.
EndDate String Last day of an expense that spans multiple days.
EndOdometer Decimal Odometer reading at the end of a trip.
ExchangeRate Decimal Rate that represents the amount one currency can be exchanged for another at a specific point in time.
ExpenseCategoryCode String Code that indicates the classification of an expense item. Possible values are BUSINESS and PERSONAL.
ExpenseCreationMethodCode String Code that indicates the method of expense item creation. Possible values are MOBILE iOS DEVICE and MOBILE ANDROID DEVICE.
ExpenseId [KEY] Long Value that uniquely identifies a specific expense item.
ExpenseReportId Long Value that uniquely identifies a specific expense report.
ExpenseSource String Code that indicates the source of an expense item. Possible values are CASH and CORP_CARD.
ExpenseTemplateId Long Value that uniquely identifies a specific expense template.
ExpenseTypeId Long Value that uniquely identifies a specific expense type.
FlightClassLimit String Expense limit for a flight class.
FlightDuration Decimal Duration of an airline flight in hours.
FlightNumber String Number of an airline flight.
FuelType String Types of fuel for which a fuel charge is reimbursed.
ImgReceiptRequiredFlag Bool Indicates whether an expense requires an imaged receipt.
ItemizationParentExpenseId Long Value that uniquely identifies the parent expense of an itemized expense item. Possible values are NULL, which indicates that the expense isn't itemized, -1 which indicates that the expense is a parent line with itemization, and greater than 0, which indicates that the expense is an itemized child line and the value is the parent line's identifier.
ItemizationReceiptBusinessTotalAmount Decimal Expense receipt amount to be reimbursed by the employer.
ItemizationReceiptPersonalTotalAmount Decimal Amount on the receipt that was incurred by the employee for personal use.
ItineraryReservationId Long Value that uniquely identifies a travel reservation.
Justification String Reason an expense was incurred.
JustificationRequiredFlag Bool Indicates whether an expense requires justification.
LastUpdateDate Datetime Date and time when the row was last updated.
LastUpdatedBy String User who last updated the row.
LicensePlateNumber String Number of the vehicle license plate.
Location String Location where the expense was incurred.
LocationId Long Value that uniquely identifies a specific expense location.
LongTermTripFlag Bool Indicates whether a trip is long-term.
LongTermTripStartDate Date Date when a long-term trip started.
MerchantDocumentNumber String Number on the receipt issued by the merchant.
MerchantName String Name of the merchant where the expense was incurred.
MerchantReference String Purchase identification of a transaction provided by the merchant at the point of sale.
MerchantTaxRegNumber String Unique sequence of letters or numbers assigned to a party or party site by a tax authority when it's registered and by which the party or party site registration is identified.
MerchantTaxpayerId String Value that uniquely identifies a merchant tax payer.
MileagePolicyId Long Value that uniquely identifies a mileage policy.
NumberOfAttendees Decimal Number of people that attended an event for which expenses were incurred. For example, the number of people who attended a business dinner or an entertainment event.
NumberOfDays Int Number of days the expense is incurred.
NumberPeople Int Number of passengers in the vehicle.
OrgId Long Value that uniquely identifies the business unit associated with the row.
PassengerAmount Decimal Total reimbursement for carrying passengers in the vehicle.
PassengerName String Name of airline flight passenger.
PassengerRateType String Passenger rate type used for mileage reimbursement for an expense.
PaymentDueFromCode String Code that indicates the liability owner of the transaction.
PersonId Long Value that uniquely identifies the individual who owns the expense.
PersonalReceiptAmount Decimal Amount of the receipt that's marked as a personal expense.
PolicyShortpayFlag Bool Indicates whether the expense is short-paid due to policy noncompliance.
PolicyViolatedFlag Bool Indicates whether the expense violates company policies.
PolicyWarningFlag Bool Indicates whether the expense is marked with a warning.
PolicyWarningReasonCode String Code that indicates the reason for a warning that an expense auditor applies to an expense item. A list of accepted values are defined in the lookup type ORA_EXM_WARNING_REASON.
PreparerId Long Value that uniquely identifies the person who created the expense report.
RatePerPassenger Decimal Mileage rate per passenger for an expense.
ReceiptAmount Decimal Amount of the receipt in the receipt currency.
ReceiptCurrencyCode String Code that indicates the receipt currency of an expense item.
ReceiptDate Date Date when a receipt is generated.
ReceiptMissingDecRequiredFlag Bool Indicates whether an expense item with missing receipts requires submission of a missing receipts declaration.
ReceiptMissingFlag Bool Indicates whether receipts are missing for an expense.
ReceiptRequiredFlag Bool Indicates whether an expense requires a receipt.
ReceiptVerifiedFlag Bool Indicates whether an auditor verifies the receipt for an expense.
ReimbursableAmount Decimal Amount to be reimbursed to the individual in reimbursable currency for an expense.
ReimbursementCurrencyCode String Code that indicates the currency of the amount to be reimbursed to the individual for expenses incurred.
SequenceNumber Decimal Number associated with a sequence in which expense items are entered in an expense report.
StartDate Date Date when the expense occurred or the first day of an expense that spans multiple days.
TaxClassificationCode String Code that indicates a tax classification that applies to an expense item.
TicketClassCode String Code that indicates the ticket class of a ship cabin or a flight. Possible values are BUSINESS and ECONOMY.
TicketNumber String Number of the airline ticket.
TravelMethodCode String Code that indicates the method of travel used during a trip.
TravelType String Type of flight. Possible values are DOMESTIC and INTERNATIONAL.
TripDistance Decimal Total distance traveled during a business trip for which mileage reimbursement is requested.
UOMDays Decimal Calculation for the number of per diem expense days based on the unit of measure.
ValidationErrorFlag Bool Indicates whether a validation error exists.
ValidationErrorMessages String Error messages populated during validation.
ValidationWarningMessages String Warning messages populated during validation.
VehicleCategoryCode String Code that indicates the vehicle type category. Possible values are COMPANY, PRIVATE, and RENTAL.
VehicleType String Type of vehicle for which mileage reimbursement is permitted. Possible values are CAR, MOTORCYCLE, and VAN.
ZoneCode String Code that indicates the geographical area of the trip.
ZoneTypeCode String Code that indicates the lookup type that defines the zones for which mileage rates are defined.
ExpenseType String Potential expense defined during setup and against which an expense item is incurred.
Finder String finder
Request String request
SysEffectiveDate String syseffectivedate
CUReferenceNumber Int Maps the child aggregates with Parent tables.
EffectiveDate Date This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

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Build 24.0.9111