The expense itemizations resource is a child resource used to manage details about the itemized lines of an expense incurred by an employee.
Name | Type | Description |
ExpensesExpenseId [KEY] | Long | Expense identifier of the expense record. |
AssignmentId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the individual who owns the expense. |
AuditAdjustmentReason | String | Auditor's reason for adjusting the reimbursable amount to the individual. |
AuditAdjustmentReasonCode | String | Code that indicates the auditor's reason for adjusting the reimbursable amount to the individual. |
AwtGroupId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies an alternate tax withholding group. |
BilledAmount | Decimal | Amount billed to the corporate card account. |
BilledCurrencyCode | String | Code that indicates the amount billed to the corporate card account. |
CardId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies a specific corporate card. |
CheckoutDate | Date | Date when a person departs a place associated with an accommodations expense category. |
CreatedBy | String | User who created the row. |
CreationDate | Datetime | Date and time when the row was created. |
CreditCardTrxnId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies a specific corporate card transaction. |
DailyAmount | Decimal | Amount of the daily expense receipt in the receipt currency. |
DailyDistance | Decimal | Distance traveled in a day for business. |
DailyLimit | String | Daily expense limit of a trip. |
DepartureLocationId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the departure location. |
Description | String | Description of an expense item. |
DestinationFrom | String | Starting or departure location of the trip. |
DestinationTo | String | Ending or arrival location of the trip. |
DistanceUnitCode | String | Code that indicates the travel distance unit. Possible values are KILOMETER and MILE. |
EndDate | String | Last day of an expense that spans multiple days. |
EndOdometer | Decimal | Odometer reading at the end of a trip. |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | Rate that represents the amount one currency can be exchanged for another at a specific point in time. |
ExpenseCategoryCode | String | Code that indicates the classification of an expense item. Possible values are BUSINESS and PERSONAL. |
ExpenseCreationMethodCode | String | Code that indicates the method of expense item creation. Possible values are MOBILE iOS DEVICE and MOBILE ANDROID DEVICE. |
ExpenseId [KEY] | Long | Value that uniquely identifies a specific expense item. |
ExpenseReportId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies a specific expense report. |
ExpenseSource | String | Code that indicates the source of an expense item. Possible values are CASH and CORP_CARD. |
ExpenseTemplateId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies a specific expense template. |
ExpenseTypeId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies a specific expense type. |
FlightClassLimit | String | Expense limit for a flight class. |
FlightDuration | Decimal | Duration of an airline flight in hours. |
FlightNumber | String | Number of an airline flight. |
FuelType | String | Types of fuel for which a fuel charge is reimbursed. |
ImgReceiptRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether an expense requires an imaged receipt. |
ItemizationParentExpenseId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the parent expense of an itemized expense item. Possible values are NULL, which indicates that the expense isn't itemized, -1 which indicates that the expense is a parent line with itemization, and greater than 0, which indicates that the expense is an itemized child line and the value is the parent line's identifier. |
ItemizationReceiptBusinessTotalAmount | Decimal | Expense receipt amount to be reimbursed by the employer. |
ItemizationReceiptPersonalTotalAmount | Decimal | Amount on the receipt that was incurred by the employee for personal use. |
ItineraryReservationId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies a travel reservation. |
Justification | String | Reason an expense was incurred. |
JustificationRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether an expense requires justification. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | Date and time when the row was last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | User who last updated the row. |
LicensePlateNumber | String | Number of the vehicle license plate. |
Location | String | Location where the expense was incurred. |
LocationId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies a specific expense location. |
LongTermTripFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a trip is long-term. |
LongTermTripStartDate | Date | Date when a long-term trip started. |
MerchantDocumentNumber | String | Number on the receipt issued by the merchant. |
MerchantName | String | Name of the merchant where the expense was incurred. |
MerchantReference | String | Purchase identification of a transaction provided by the merchant at the point of sale. |
MerchantTaxRegNumber | String | Unique sequence of letters or numbers assigned to a party or party site by a tax authority when it's registered and by which the party or party site registration is identified. |
MerchantTaxpayerId | String | Value that uniquely identifies a merchant tax payer. |
MileagePolicyId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies a mileage policy. |
NumberOfAttendees | Decimal | Number of people that attended an event for which expenses were incurred. For example, the number of people who attended a business dinner or an entertainment event. |
NumberOfDays | Int | Number of days the expense is incurred. |
NumberPeople | Int | Number of passengers in the vehicle. |
OrgId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the business unit associated with the row. |
PassengerAmount | Decimal | Total reimbursement for carrying passengers in the vehicle. |
PassengerName | String | Name of airline flight passenger. |
PassengerRateType | String | Passenger rate type used for mileage reimbursement for an expense. |
PaymentDueFromCode | String | Code that indicates the liability owner of the transaction. |
PersonId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the individual who owns the expense. |
PersonalReceiptAmount | Decimal | Amount of the receipt that's marked as a personal expense. |
PolicyShortpayFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the expense is short-paid due to policy noncompliance. |
PolicyViolatedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the expense violates company policies. |
PolicyWarningFlag | Bool | Indicates whether the expense is marked with a warning. |
PolicyWarningReasonCode | String | Code that indicates the reason for a warning that an expense auditor applies to an expense item. A list of accepted values are defined in the lookup type ORA_EXM_WARNING_REASON. |
PreparerId | Long | Value that uniquely identifies the person who created the expense report. |
RatePerPassenger | Decimal | Mileage rate per passenger for an expense. |
ReceiptAmount | Decimal | Amount of the receipt in the receipt currency. |
ReceiptCurrencyCode | String | Code that indicates the receipt currency of an expense item. |
ReceiptDate | Date | Date when a receipt is generated. |
ReceiptMissingDecRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether an expense item with missing receipts requires submission of a missing receipts declaration. |
ReceiptMissingFlag | Bool | Indicates whether receipts are missing for an expense. |
ReceiptRequiredFlag | Bool | Indicates whether an expense requires a receipt. |
ReceiptVerifiedFlag | Bool | Indicates whether an auditor verifies the receipt for an expense. |
ReimbursableAmount | Decimal | Amount to be reimbursed to the individual in reimbursable currency for an expense. |
ReimbursementCurrencyCode | String | Code that indicates the currency of the amount to be reimbursed to the individual for expenses incurred. |
SequenceNumber | Decimal | Number associated with a sequence in which expense items are entered in an expense report. |
StartDate | Date | Date when the expense occurred or the first day of an expense that spans multiple days. |
TaxClassificationCode | String | Code that indicates a tax classification that applies to an expense item. |
TicketClassCode | String | Code that indicates the ticket class of a ship cabin or a flight. Possible values are BUSINESS and ECONOMY. |
TicketNumber | String | Number of the airline ticket. |
TravelMethodCode | String | Code that indicates the method of travel used during a trip. |
TravelType | String | Type of flight. Possible values are DOMESTIC and INTERNATIONAL. |
TripDistance | Decimal | Total distance traveled during a business trip for which mileage reimbursement is requested. |
UOMDays | Decimal | Calculation for the number of per diem expense days based on the unit of measure. |
ValidationErrorFlag | Bool | Indicates whether a validation error exists. |
ValidationErrorMessages | String | Error messages populated during validation. |
ValidationWarningMessages | String | Warning messages populated during validation. |
VehicleCategoryCode | String | Code that indicates the vehicle type category. Possible values are COMPANY, PRIVATE, and RENTAL. |
VehicleType | String | Type of vehicle for which mileage reimbursement is permitted. Possible values are CAR, MOTORCYCLE, and VAN. |
ZoneCode | String | Code that indicates the geographical area of the trip. |
ZoneTypeCode | String | Code that indicates the lookup type that defines the zones for which mileage rates are defined. |
ExpenseType | String | Potential expense defined during setup and against which an expense item is incurred. |
Finder | String | finder |
Request | String | request |
SysEffectiveDate | String | syseffectivedate |
CUReferenceNumber | Int | Maps the child aggregates with Parent tables. |
EffectiveDate | Date | This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date. |