ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


The expense reports resource contains information about an expense report.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials API to process some of the filters having queryable=true in metadata. The 本製品 processes other filters within the 本製品.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ExpenseReports WHERE ExpenseReportId = 10003


Create an expense report record.

INSERT INTO ExpenseReports (ReimbursementCurrencyCode) VALUES ('USD')

If you want to add child views/tables along with the parent table, you can add the child in following ways:

  • Using TEMP table:

    INSERT into ExpenseReportsExpense#TEMP(Location,ReceiptTime,StartDate,NumberPeople,PassengerAmount,ReceiptRequiredFlag) values ('India','2024-10-10 23:12:15','2024-02-05',25,25.35,true);
    INSERT INTO ExpenseReports (ReimbursementCurrencyCode,expense) VALUES ('USD','ExpenseReportsExpense#TEMP');

  • Directly providing the aggregate:

    INSERT INTO ExpenseReports (ReimbursementCurrencyCode,expense) VALUES ('USD','[
        "Location": "India",
        "NumberPeople": 25,
        "PassengerAmount": 25.35,
        "ReceiptRequiredFlag": true,
        "StartDate": "2024-02-05",
        "ReceiptTime": "2024-10-10T23:12:15.000-04:00"


Update an expense report record for a specific expense report identifier.

The Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials API uses ExpenseReportUniqId instead of ExpenseReportId as a path parameter in the URL to update the expense report.

If you want to update a record directly using the id (without any other filter), you can update the record in the following way:

Update ExpenseReports set ReimbursementCurrencyCode='EUR' where ExpenseReportUniqId=12457;

Note: This does not require any extra GET request to retrieve the UniqId.

Alternatively, if you want to apply any other filter. Please use ExpenseReportId instead of ExpenseReportUniqId. You can update the record in the following way:

Update ExpenseReports set ReimbursementCurrencyCode='EUR' where ExpenseReportId=12457 and PersonId=45442;

Note : Update on aggregates are not allowed by API, use the child tables to add/update/delete aggregates.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
AssignmentId Long False

Identifier of the assignment of the person on the expense report.

AuditCode String False

Audit type for the expense report based on receipt requirements, such as original receipt-based audit and imaged receipt-based audit.

AuditReturnReasonCode String False

Reason why the expense report was returned to the individual during audit.

BothpayFlag Bool False

Indicator of whether the expense report contains corporate card transactions with Both Pay payment liability.

CurrentApproverId Long False

Identifier of the current approver of the expense report.

ExchangeRateType String False

Conversion rate type used for calculating the reimbursable amount.

ExpenseReportDate Date False

Month, day, and year in which an expense report is saved or submitted.

ExpenseReportId [KEY] Long False

Identifier of the expense report.

ExpenseReportUniqId [KEY] String True

Identifier of the expense report. Use this column's value in insert, update and delete operations, wherever applicable, instead of ExpenseReportId

ExpenseReportNumber String False

Unique number that references an expense report and follows the numbering policies of the company.

ExpenseReportTotal Decimal False

Total amount of the expense report in reimbursement currency. Amount in approver preferred currency is also shown if approver has a different preferred currency.

ExpenseStatusCode String False

Expense report approval status, such as Approved, Pending Manager Approval, or Paid.

ExpenseStatusDate Date False

Date when expense report acquired the current status.

FinalApprovalDate Date False

Date when final approval is obtained.

ImagedReceiptsReceivedDate Date False

Date when an imaged receipt is received for an expense report.

ImagedReceiptsStatusCode String False

Code that indicates status of the imaged receipts for an expense report, such as Required, Missing, and Received.

MissingImagesReason String False

Reason imaged receipts aren't submitted with the expense report.

OrgId Long False

Indicates the identifier of the business unit associated to the row.

OverrideApproverId Long False

Identifier of the person chosen as the initial approver by the individual.

ParentExpenseReportId Long False

Identifier of the parent expense report.

PaymentMethodCode String False

Method of payment for this expense report such as check, cash, or credit.

PersonId Long False

Value that uniquely identifies the person who owns the expense report.

PreparerId Long False

Value that uniquely identifies the person who created the expense report.

Purpose String False

Business activities that justify the expense report.

ReceiptsFilingNumber String False

Receipt filing number that's manually entered by the expense auditor.

ReceiptsReceivedDate Date False

Date when receipts for the expense report are received.

ReceiptsStatusCode String False

Receipt status of an expense report, such as Missing, Required, and Received.

ReimbursementCurrencyCode String False

Code that indicates the currency of the amount to be reimbursed to the individual for expenses incurred.

ReportCreationMethodCode String False

Method of expense report creation, such as mobile iOS device or mobile Android device.

ReportSubmitDate Date False

Month, day, and year in which an expense report is submitted.

TripId Long False

Business trip for which report was created.

UnappliedAdvancesJust String False

Justification for not applying an outstanding cash advance against this expense report.

UnappliedCashAdvReason String False

Reason outstanding cash advances aren't applied to this expense report.

CreatedBy String True

Who column: indicates the user who created the row.

CreationDate Datetime True

Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.

LastUpdateDate Datetime True

Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.

LastUpdateLogin String True

Session login associated to the user who last updated the row.

LastUpdatedBy String True

Indicates the user who last updated the row.

BusinessUnit String False

Indicates the identifier of the business unit associated with the row.

SubmitReport String False

Indicates whether the expense report can be created and submitted.

MatchExpenses String False

Identifies whether corporate card transactions can be matched against expenses.

SubmitErrors String False

Identifies whether errors occurred during submission of the expense report.

PersonName String True

Name of the person for whom the expense report is created.

OriginalReceiptsStatus String True

Status of the original receipts for an expense report, such as Required, Missing, and Received.

ImagedReceiptsStatus String True

Status of the imaged receipts for an expense report, such as Required, Missing, and Received.

ExpenseReportStatus String True

Status of the expense report.

AuditCodeName String True

Lookup meaning of Audit Code.

CurrentApprovers String True

List of persons with whom expense report approval is pending.

Expense String False

This column can only be used for Insert. For update and delete, use child table's operations, if applicable.

ExpenseReportDff String False

This column can only be used for Insert. For update and delete, use child table's operations, if applicable.

processingDetails String False

This column can only be used for Insert. For update and delete, use child table's operations, if applicable.

ExpensePayment String False

This column can only be used for Insert. For update and delete, use child table's operations, if applicable.

expenseNotes String False

This column can only be used for Insert. For update and delete, use child table's operations, if applicable.

Finder String True


SysEffectiveDate String True


EffectiveDate Date True

This query parameter is used to fetch resources which are effective dated as of the specified start date.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111