ADO.NET Provider for Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials

Build 24.0.9111


Unapplies a prepayment from an invoice.


Name Type Description
InvoiceNumber String The unique number of the supplier invoice.
BusinessUnit String Indicates the business unit name for the invoice.
Supplier String The supplier name on the invoice.
PrepaymentInvoiceNumber String The unique number of the prepayment invoice for the supplier.
PurchaseOrder String The purchase order document number that is matched to the prepayment invoice.
PrepaymentLineNumber Integer The unique line number of the prepayment invoice.
PrepaymentAppliedAmount Decimal The amount of prepayment applied to the standard invoice.
PrepaymentApplicationAccountingDate Date The accounting date used for the prepayment application.
PrepaymentUnapplicationAccountingDate Date The accounting date to be used when unapplying a prepayment from an invoice.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Result String The result returned after execution.

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Build 24.0.9111