JDBC Driver for Oracle Financials Cloud

Build 22.0.8462




Name Type Description
ReceivablesInvoicesCustomerTransactionId String ReceivablesInvoicesCustomerTransactionId
CustomerTransactionLineId String The line resource is used to identify each of the separate lines of a transaction.
LineNumber String The line number of the invoice.
Description String The description that identifies the product or service on the invoice line.
Quantity String The quantity of products or services referred to on the invoice line.
UnitSellingPrice String The price of an individual item on the invoice line.
TaxClassificationCode String The tax classification code for the invoice line.
SalesOrder String The sales order number on the invoice line.
AccountingRuleDuration String The number of periods in which revenue is to be recognized. A value is required for invoice lines with fixed and variable duration rules.
RuleEndDate Date The end date of the revenue scheduling rule. This is applicable for invoices with rules.
RuleStartDate Date The start date of the revenue scheduling rule. This is applicable for invoices with rules.
AccountingRule String The rule representing the revenue recognition method to be applied to the invoice line.
Warehouse String The ship-from location for the item on the invoice line. This value applies to inventory items.
MemoLine String The memo line that identifies the product or service on the invoice line.
UnitOfMeasure String The unit of measure used for the product or service on the invoice line.
ItemNumber String The number that identifies the inventory item on the invoice line.
AllocatedFreightAmount String The freight amount applicable for the Invoice lines.
AssessableValue String The assessable value tax determinant.
SalesOrderDate Date The sales order date.
LineAmount String The transaction line amount.
CreatedBy String The user who created the record.
CreationDate Datetime The date and time the record was created.
LastUpdatedBy String The user who last updated the record.
LastUpdateDate Datetime The date on which the record is last updated.
TransacationBusinessCategory String The transaction business category tax determinant.
UserDefinedFiscalClassification String The user defined fiscal classification tax determinant.
ProductFiscalClassification String The product fiscal classification tax determinant.
ProductCategory String The product category tax determinant.
ProductType String The product type tax determinant.
LineIntendedUse String The transaction line intended use tax determinant.
LineAmountIncludesTax String The flag that indicates whether the tax is inclusive, exclusive or should calculate based on the tax setup.
TaxInvoiceDate Date The date the tax invoice document is generated.
TaxInvoiceNumber String A unique identifier of the fiscal document supporting the sale, which is generated upon shipment of goods.
TaxExemptionCertificateNumber String Document that certifies that a party or product is partially or fully exempt from a tax.
TaxExemptionHandling String Value that indicates how to process tax exemptions on invoice lines.
TaxExemptionReason String Reason that a customer has a tax exemption.

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Build 22.0.8462