Name | Type | Description |
ReceivablesInvoicesCustomerTransactionId | String | ReceivablesInvoicesCustomerTransactionId |
InstallmentId | String | The unique identifier for installment. |
InstallmentSequenceNumber | String | The sequence number of an installment. |
InstallmentDueDate | Date | The due date of the installment. |
OriginalAmount | String | The original due amount of the installment. |
PaymentDaysLate | Long | Number of days since the due date of the installment. |
InstallmentBalanceDue | String | The amount due on the installment. |
InstallmentStatus | String | The status of the installment. |
DisputeAmount | String | The amount in dispute on the installment. |
DisputeDate | Date | The date a dispute was recorded against the installment. |
InstallmentClosedDate | Date | The actual date when the payment schedule was closed. |
InstallmentGLClosedDate | Date | The accounting date when the payment schedule was closed. |
AccountedBalanceDue | String | The amount due on the installment in ledger currency. |
InstallmentAmountAdjusted | String | The amount that was adjusted on the installment. |
InstallmentAmountCredited | String | The amount that was credited on the installment. |
AmountPaid | String | The amount that was paid on the installment. |
PendingAdjustmentAmount | String | The adjustment amount that is pending approval. |
InstallmentLineAmountOriginal | String | The original transaction line amount of the installment. |
InstallmentLineAmountDue | String | The transaction line amount due on the installment. |
InstallmentFreightAmountOriginal | String | The original freight amount of the installment. |
InstallmentFreightAmountDue | String | The freight amount due on the installment. |
InstallmentTaxAmountOriginal | String | The original tax amount of the installment. |
InstallmentTaxAmountDue | String | The tax amount due on the installment. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date and time the record was created. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date on which the record is last updated. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
ExcludeFromCollections | String | Flag that determines if the installment is dummy or not. |