Name | Type | Description |
CustomerTransactionId [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the invoice. |
DueDate | Date | The date on which the invoice installment is due to be paid. |
ConversionDate | Date | The date used to derive the invoice currency conversion rate. |
ConversionRate | String | The rate used to convert the invoice currency to the ledger currency. |
InvoiceCurrencyCode | String | The code that indicates the currency of the Receivables invoice. |
SpecialInstructions | String | The special instructions that accompany the invoice. |
CrossReference | String | The reference field default value from the transaction source assigned to the invoice. The reference field default value is the source document used to identify transactions created using the transaction source. |
DocumentNumber | String | The document sequence number assigned to the invoice. |
TransactionNumber | String | The transaction number assigned to the invoice. |
TransactionDate | Date | The date when the invoice is created. |
TransactionType | String | The transaction type assigned to the invoice. |
TransactionSource | String | The transaction source assigned to the invoice. |
BillToCustomerNumber | String | The account number of the bill-to customer assigned to the invoice. |
BillToSite | String | The number that identifies the bill-to customer site assigned to the invoice. |
Comments | String | The user-defined comments that accompany the invoice. |
InternalNotes | String | The user-defined internal notes that accompany the invoice. |
PaymentTerms | String | The payment terms associated with the invoice. |
LegalEntityIdentifier | String | The unique identifier of the legal entity under which the invoice is created. A legal entity is a recognized party with rights and responsibilities given by legislation. |
ConversionRateType | String | The type used to calculate the currency conversion rate, for example, Corporate, Spot, User. |
PurchaseOrder | String | The purchase order number on the invoice. |
PurchaseOrderDate | Date | The date of the purchase order on the invoice. |
PurchaseOrderRevision | String | The revision number of the purchase order on the invoice. |
FirstPartyRegistrationNumber | String | The tax registration number of the deploying company. |
ThirdPartyRegistrationNumber | String | The tax registration number of the bill-to customer. |
InvoicingRule | String | The accounting approach used to recognize revenue on the invoice. Valid values are In Advance and In Arrears. |
ShipToCustomerName | String | The name of the customer who receives the goods or services billed on the invoice. |
ShipToCustomerNumber | String | The account number of the ship-to customer assigned to the invoice. |
BillingDate | Date | The accounting date assigned to the invoice. |
BillToPartyId | String | The unique identifier of the bill-to customer assigned to the invoice. |
BusinessUnit | String | The business unit under which the invoice is created. A business unit is a unit of an enterprise that performs one or more business functions that can be rolled up in a management hierarchy. |
InvoiceStatus | String | The value that indicates the level of completion of the invoice. Valid values are Complete, Incomplete, and Frozen. |
AccountingDate | Date | The accounting date assigned to the invoice. |
ShipToSite | String | The number that identifies the ship-to customer site assigned to the invoice. |
PayingCustomerName | String | The name of the customer who pays for the goods or services on the invoice. |
PayingCustomerSite | String | The number that identifies the paying customer site assigned to the invoice. |
BillToCustomerName | String | The name that identifies the bill-to customer assigned to the invoice. |
FreightAmount | String | The freight applicable at the Invoice level. |
Carrier | String | The shipping vendor reference. |
ShipDate | Date | The date on which the goods are shipped. |
ShippingReference | String | The way bill reference. |
BillToContact | String | The contact details of the bill to customer. |
ShipToContact | String | The contact details of the ship to customer. |
PrintOption | String | Indicates if transaction should print. |
CreatedBy | String | The user who created the record. |
CreationDate | Datetime | The date and time the record was created. |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The user who last updated the record. |
LastUpdateDate | Datetime | The date on which the record is last updated. |
PayingCustomerAccount | String | The unique number used to identify the account of the paying customer. |
SoldToPartyNumber | String | The unique number used to identify the the sold to customer. |
RemitToAddress | String | The address to which the customer should send the payment. |
DefaultTaxationCountry | String | The default country to calculate tax. |
EnteredAmount | String | The original invoice amount. |
InvoiceBalanceAmount | String | The Invoice balance amount. |
Prepayment | String | The flag that indicates the nature of transaction as prepayment. |
Intercompany | String | The flag that indicates the nature of transaction as intercompany. |
DocumentFiscalClassification | String | The transaction header level tax determining attribute referred to in the user interface as document fiscal classification. |
BankAccountNumber | String | The bank account number of the customer on the invoice. |
CreditCardAuthorizationRequestIdentifier | String | The authorization request identifier received from the tokenization service provider to authorize the credit card number. |
CreditCardExpirationDate | String | The expiration date of the credit card. |
CreditCardIssuerCode | String | The code for the credit card issuer, such as Visa or MasterCard. |
CreditCardTokenNumber | String | The token number issued by tokenization service provider corresponding to a credit card number. |
CreditCardVoiceAuthorizationCode | String | The voice authorization code received from tokenization service provider for authorization. |
CreditCardErrorCode | String | The error code when credit card authorization fails. |
CreditCardErrorText | String | The error text when credit card authorization fails. |
CardHolderLastName | String | The last name of the credit card holder. |
CardHolderFirstName | String | The first name of the credit card holder. |
ReceiptMethod | String | The Payment Method used to pay the invoice. |
SalesPersonNumber | String | The number of the primary sales person. |
StructuredPaymentReference | String | An industry standard reference on Receivables transactions composed of letters, check digits, and transaction information, used to identify the transaction, and its payments to the customer and bank. |
InvoicePrinted | String | Option that indicates whether the invoice has been printed at least once. The user must enter Y to update print attributes. |
LastPrintDate | Date | Date when the transaction was last reprinted. |
OriginalPrintDate | Date | Date when the transaction was first printed. |
DeliveryMethod | String | Method used to deliver printed transactions. Valid values are Email and Paper. |
String | Email address of the customer bill-to contact who receives printed transactions. | |
AllowCompletion | String | Indicates whether the transaction is reviewed and can be allowed to complete. Valid value to allow completion is 'Y'. |
ControlCompletionReason | String | Reason that determines transaction completion. |