Return details of DealsTimeline deals.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Active | Boolean | Active. |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | ActivitiesCount. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
CcEmail | String | CcEmail. |
CloseTime | String | CloseTime. |
CreatorUserId | Integer | CreatorUserId. |
Currency | String | Currency. |
Deleted | Boolean | Deleted. |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | DoneActivitiesCount. |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | EmailMessagesCount. |
ExpectedCloseDate | Date | ExpectedCloseDate. |
FilesCount | Integer | FilesCount. |
FirstWonTime | Datetime | FirstWonTime. |
FollowersCount | Integer | FollowersCount. |
FormattedValue | String | FormattedValue. |
FormattedWeightedValue | String | FormattedWeightedValue. |
Label | String | Label. |
LastActivityDate | String | LastActivityDate. |
LastActivityId | String | LastActivityId. |
LastncomingMailTime | Datetime | LastncomingMailTime. |
LastoutgoingMailTime | Datetime | LastoutgoingMailTime. |
Lostreason | String | Lostreason. |
LostTime | String | LostTime. |
NextActivityDate | Date | NextActivityDate. |
NextActivityDuration | Time | NextActivityDuration. |
NextActivityId | Integer | NextActivityId. |
NextActivityNote | String | NextActivityNote. |
NextActivitySubject | String | NextActivitySubject. |
NextActivityTime | Time | NextActivityTime. |
NextActivityType | String | NextActivityType. |
NotesCount | Integer | NotesCount. |
OrgHidden | Boolean | OrgHidden. |
OrgId | Integer | OrgId. |
OrgName | String | OrgName. |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName. |
ParticipantsCount | Integer | ParticipantsCount. |
PersonHidden | Boolean | PersonHidden. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
PipelineId | Integer | PipelineId. |
Probability | String | Probability. |
ProductsCount | Integer | ProductsCount. |
RottenTime | String | RottenTime. |
StageChangeTime | Datetime | StageChangeTime. |
StageId | Integer | StageId. |
StageOrderNr | Integer | StageOrderNr. |
Status | String | Status. |
Title | String | Title. |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | UndoneActivitiesCount. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
Value | Integer | Value. |
VisibleTo | String | VisibleTo. |
WeightedValue | Integer | WeightedValue. |
WeightedValueCurrency | String | WeightedValueCurrency. |
WonTime | Datetime | WonTime. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
StartDate | Date | Date where the first interval starts. Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
IntervalType | String | Type Of Interval.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。day, week, month, quarter |
Amount | Integer | The number of given intervals, starting from start_date, to fetch E.g 3 months. |
FieldKey | String | The date field key which deals will be retrieved from. |
FilterId | Integer | Type Of Interval.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。day, week, month, quarter |
ExcludeDeals | Integer | Whether to exclude deals list 1 or not 0.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
ConvertCurrency | String | 3-letter currency code of any of the supported currencies. |