Get deals in a specific stage.
The 本製品 will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.
- StageId supports the '=' operator.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM StagesDeals WHERE StageId = 2
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Stages Deals Id. | |
StageId | Integer | Stage Id. | |
Active | Boolean | Active. | |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | Activities count. | |
AddTime | String | Added time of Stage deals. | |
CcEmail | String | Cc Email. | |
CloseTime | String | Close time of Stages deals. | |
CreatorUserId | Integer | Creator user id. | |
Currency | String | Currency. | |
Deleted | Boolean | Boolean value that represents stage deals is deleted or not. | |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | Count of done activities. | |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | Count of email messages. | |
ExpectedCloseDate | Date | Expected close date. | |
FilesCount | Integer | Count of files. | |
FirstWonTime | String | First won time. | |
FollowersCount | Integer | Count of followers. | |
FormattedValue | String | Formatted value. | |
FormattedWeightedValue | String | Formatted weighted value. | |
Label | String | Label. | |
LastActivityDate | String | Last activity date. | |
LastActivityId | String | Last activity id. | |
LastIncomingMailTime | String | Last incoming mail time. | |
LastOutgoingMailTime | String | Last outgoing mail time. | |
LostReason | String | Lost reason. | |
LostTime | String | Lost time. | |
NextAactivityDate | Date | Next activity date. | |
NextActivityDuration | String | Next activity duration. | |
NextActivityId | Integer | Next activity id. | |
NextActivityNote | String | Next activity note. | |
NextActivitySubject | String | Next activity subject. | |
NextActivityTime | String | Next activity time. | |
NextActivityType | String | Next activity type. | |
NotesCount | Integer | Notes count. | |
OrgHidden | Boolean | Org hidden. | |
OrgId | Integer | Org Id. | |
OrgName | String | Org Name. | |
OwnerName | String | Owner name. | |
ParticipantsCount | Integer | Participants count. | |
PersonHidden | Boolean | Person hidden. | |
PersonId | Integer | Person id. | |
PersonName | String | Person name. | |
PipelineId | Integer | Pipeline id. | |
Probability | Unknown | Probability. | |
ProductsCount | Integer | Products count. | |
RottenTime | String | Rotten time. | |
StageChangeTime | String | Stage change time. | |
StageOrderNr | Integer | Stage order nr. | |
Status | String | Status. | |
Title | String | Title. | |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | Count of undone activities. | |
UpdateTime | Datetime | Updated time. | |
UserId | Integer | User id. | |
Value | Integer | Value. | |
VisibleTo | String | Visible to. | |
WeightedValue | Integer | Weighted value. | |
WeightedValueCurrency | String | Weighted value currency. | |
WonTime | String | Won time. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description | |
FilterId | Integer | Filter id. | |
Everyone | String | Everyone. |