Get details of Persons deals.
The 本製品 will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.
- Id supports the '=' operator.
- Status supports the '=' operator.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsDeals WHERE Id = 246 SELECT * FROM PersonsDeals WHERE Id = 246 AND Status = 'open'
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. | |
Active | Boolean | Active. | |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | ActivitiesCount. | |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. | |
CcEmail | String | CcEmail. | |
CloseTime | String | CloseTime. | |
CreatoractiveFlag | Boolean | CreatoractiveFlag. | |
Creatoremail | String | Creatoremail. | |
CreatorhasPic | Boolean | CreatorhasPic. | |
Creatorid | Integer | Creatorid. | |
Creatorname | String | Creatorname. | |
CreatorPicHash | String | CreatorPicHash. | |
Creatorvalue | Integer | Creatorvalue. | |
Currency | String | Currency. | |
Deleted | Boolean | Deleted. | |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | DoneActivitiesCount. | |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | EmailMessagesCount. | |
ExpectedCloseDate | Date | ExpectedCloseDate. | |
FilesCount | Integer | FilesCount. | |
FirstWonTime | Datetime | FirstWonTime. | |
FollowersCount | Integer | FollowersCount. | |
FormattedValue | String | FormattedValue. | |
FormattedWeightedValue | String | FormattedWeightedValue. | |
Label | String | Label. | |
LastActivityDate | String | LastActivityDate. | |
LastActivityId | String | LastActivityId. | |
LastIncomingMailTime | Datetime | LastIncomingMailTime. | |
LastOutgoingMailTime | Datetime | LastOutgoingMailTime. | |
LostReason | String | LostReason. | |
LostTime | String | LostTime. | |
NextActivityDate | Date | NextActivityDate. | |
NextActivityDuration | Time | NextActivityDuration. | |
NextActivityId | Integer | NextActivityId. | |
NextActivitynote | String | NextActivitynote. | |
NextActivitysubject | String | NextActivitysubject. | |
NextActivitytime | Time | NextActivitytime. | |
NextActivitytype | String | NextActivitytype. | |
NotesCount | Integer | NotesCount. | |
OrgHidden | Boolean | OrgHidden. | |
OrgActive_flag | Boolean | OrgActive_flag. | |
OrgAddress | String | OrgAddress. | |
OrgCcEmail | String | OrgCcEmail. | |
OrgIdName | String | OrgName. | |
OrgOwnerId | Integer | OrgOwnerId. | |
OrgPeopleCount | Integer | OrgPeopleCount. | |
OrgValue | Integer | OrgValue. | |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName. | |
ParticipantsCount | Integer | ParticipantsCount. | |
PersonHidden | Boolean | PersonHidden. | |
PersonActiveFlag | Boolean | PersonActiveFlag. | |
PersonEmail | String | PersonEmail. | |
PersonIdName | String | PersonName. | |
PersonPhone | String | PersonPhone. | |
PersonValue | Integer | PersonValue. | |
PipelineId | Integer | PipelineId. | |
Probability | String | Probability. | |
ProductsCount | Integer | ProductsCount. | |
RottenTime | String | RottenTime. | |
StageChangeTime | Datetime | StageChangeTime. | |
StageId | Integer | StageId. | |
StageOrderNr | Integer | StageOrderNr. | |
Status | String | Only fetch deals with specific status.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted デフォルト値はall_not_deletedです。 | |
Title | String | Title. | |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | UndoneActivitiesCount. | |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. | |
UserActiveFlag | Boolean | UserActiveFlag. | |
UserEmail | String | UserEmail. | |
UserHasPic | Boolean | UserHasPic. | |
UserId | Integer | UserId. | |
UserName | String | UserName. | |
UserPicHash | String | UserPicHash. | |
UserValue | Integer | UserValue. | |
Value | Integer | Value. | |
VisibleTo | String | VisibleTo. | |
WeightedValue | Integer | WeightedValue. | |
WeightedValueCurrency | String | WeightedValueCurrency. | |
WonTime | Datetime | WonTime. | |
PersonName | String | Person Name. | |
OrgName | String | Org Name. |