TDV Adapter for Pipedrive

Build 24.0.9029


Get details of deals persons.


The adapter will use the API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the adapter.

  • Id supports the '=' operator.
  • DealId supports the '=' operator.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM DealsPersons
SELECT * FROM DealsPersons WHERE DealId = 8 


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id.
DealId Integer Deal Id.
ActivitiesCount Integer ActivitiesCount.
ActiveFlag Boolean ActiveFlag.
AddTime Datetime AddTime.
CcEmail String CcEmail.
ClosedDealsCount Integer ClosedDealsCount.
CompanyId Integer CompanyId.
DoneActivitiesCount Integer DoneActivitiesCount.
Email String Email.
EmailMessagesCount Integer EmailMessagesCount.
FilesCount Integer FilesCount.
Label Integer label.
LastActivityDate Date LastActivityDate.
LastActivityId Integer LastActivityId.
LastincomingMailTime String LastincomingMailTime.
Lastname String Lastname.
LastoutgoingMailTime String LastoutgoingMailTime.
LostdealsCount Integer LostdealsCount.
Name String Name.
NextActivityDate Date nextActivityDate.
NextActivityId Integer nextActivityId.
NextActivityTime String nextActivityTime.
NotesCount Integer NotesCount.
OpenDealsCount Integer OpenDealsCount.
OrgActiveFlag Boolean OrgActiveFlag.
OrgAddress String OrgAddress.
OrgCcEmail String OrgCcEmail.
OrgName String OrgName.
OrgownerId Integer OrgownerId.
OrgpeopleCount Integer OrgpeopleCount.
OrgId Integer OrgId.
OwnerActiveFlag Boolean OwnerActiveFlag.
OwnerEmail String OwnerEmail.
OwnerHasPic Integer OwnerHasPic.
OwnerId Integer OwnerId.
OwnerName String OwnerName.
OwnerPicHash String OwnerPicHash.
OwnerValue Integer OwnerValue.
ParticipantClosedDealsCount Integer ClosedDealsCount.
ParticipantOpenDealsCount Integer OpenDealsCount.
Phone String Phone.
PictureActiveFlag Boolean PictureActiveFlag.
PictureaddTime Datetime PictureaddTime.
PictureaddedByUserId Integer PictureaddedByUserId.
PictureItemId Integer PictureItemId.
PictureitemType String PictureitemType.
Picture128 String Picture128.
Picture512 String Picture512.
PictureupdateTime String PictureupdateTime.
Picturevalue Integer Picturevalue.
PictureId String PictureId.
RelatedclosedDealsCount Integer RelatedclosedDealsCount.
RelatedlostDealsCount Integer RelatedlostDealsCount.
RelatedopenDealsCount Integer RelatedopenDealsCount.
RelatedwonDealsCount Integer RelatedwonDealsCount.
UndoneActivitiesCount Integer UndoneActivitiesCount.
UpdateTime Datetime UpdateTime.
VisibleTo String visibleTo.
WonDealsCount Integer WonDealsCount.
FirstName String First Name.
FollowersCount Integer Followers Count.
PrimaryEmail String Primary Email.
FirstChar String First Char.
MarketingStatus String Marketing Status.

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Build 24.0.9029