Excel Add-In for Pipedrive

Build 23.0.8839




CData Excel Add-In for Pipedrive ビュー

Name Description
ActivitiesAttendees Get all Activities attendees assigned to a particular User
ActivitiesParticipants Getdetails of activities participants
ActivityFields Returns all activity fields.
ActivityFieldsOptions Returns all activity fields.
Currencies Returns all supported currencies in given account which should be used when saving monetary values with other objects.
CurrentUsers Returns data about an authorized user within the company with bound company data: company ID, company name, and domain.
DealFieldsOptions Returns data about all deal fields.
DealsActivities Get all Deals Activities assigned to a particular User.
DealsActivitiesAttendees Get Details of Deals Activities Attendees.
DealsActivitiesParticipants Getdetails of activities participants.
DealsFiles Get details of deals file.
DealsMailMessages Get details of Deal mail Messages.
DealsMailMessagesBcc Get details of Deal mail Messages.
DealsMailMessagesCc Get details of Deal mail Messages.
DealsMailMessagesFrom Get details of Deal mail Messages.
DealsMailMessagesTo Get details of Deal mail Messages.
DealsParticipantsEmail Get details of deals participants Person Email.
DealsParticipantsPersonEmail Get details of deals participants Person Email.
DealsParticipantsPersonPhone Get details of deals participants Person Phone.
DealsParticipantsPhone Get details of deals participants Person Email.
DealsPermittedUsers Get details of deals Permitted users
DealsPersonEmails Get all emails asscociated with persons in deal
DealsPersonPhone Get all phone asscociated with persons in deal.
DealsPersons Get details of deals persons.
DealsPersonsEmail Get details of deals participants Person Email.
DealsPersonsPhone Get details of deals participants Person Email.
DealsSummary Return detils of deals summary.
DealsTimeline Usage information for the operation DealsTimeline.rsd.
DealsTimelineDeals Return details of DealsTimeline deals.
DealsUpdates Get details of deals updates.
DealsUpdatesAttachments Get details of deals Updates Attachments.
DealsUpdatesAttendees Get Details of Deals Activities Attendees.
DealsUpdatesBcc Get details of Deal updates Bcc.
DealsUpdatesCc Get details of Deals Updates cc.
DealsUpdatesFrom Get details of Deals Updates From.
DealsUpdatesParticipants Get details of deals updates participants.
DealsUpdatesTo Get details of Deals Updates to.
FilterHelpers Returns all supported filter helpers.
FindUsersByName Finds users by their name.
LeadSources Returns all Lead Sources.
MailMessages Returns data about a specific mail message.
MailThreadMessages Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread..
MailThreadMessagesFrom Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread.
MailThreadMessagesTo Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread.
MailThreadsFrom Get details of the user who sent the mail.
MailThreadsTo Get details of the user to whom sent the mail.
NoteFields Returns data about all note fields.
NoteFieldsOptions Returns data about all note fields options.
OrganizationFieldsOptions Returns data about all organization fields options.
OrganizationsActivities Get details of organizations activities.
OrganizationsActivitiesAttendees Get details of organizations activities attendees.
OrganizationsActivitiesParticipants Get details of organizations activities participants.
OrganizationsDeals Get details of organization deals.
OrganizationsDealsPersonEmail get details of deals person email.
OrganizationsDealsPersonphone get details of deals person phone.
OrganizationsFiles Get details of deals file.
OrganizationsMailMessages Get details of organizations mail Messages.
OrganizationsMailMessagesBcc Get details of organizations mail Messages.
OrganizationsMailMessagesCc Get details of organizations mail Messages.
OrganizationsMailMessagesFrom Get details of organizations mail Messages.
OrganizationsMailMessagesTo Get details of organizations mail Messages.
OrganizationsPermittedUsers Get details of permitted users of organizations.
OrganizationsPersons Get details of organizations persons
OrganizationsPersonsEmail Get details of organizations persons email
OrganizationsPersonsPhone Get details of organizations persons phone
OrganizationsUpdates Get details of organizations updates..
OrganizationsUpdatesAttendees Get details of all attendees of organizations.
OrganizationsUpdatesParticipants Getdetails of activities participants.
PermissionSets Get all permissions.
PermissionSetsAssignments .
PersonFieldsOptions Returns data about all person fields options.
PersonsActivities Get all Persons Activities assigned to a particular Persons.
PersonsActivitiesAttendees Get Details of Persons Activities Attendees.
PersonsActivitiesParticipants Get details of Persons activities participants.
PersonsDeals Get details of Persons deals.
PersonsDealsEmail Get details of Persons deals email.
PersonsDealsPhone Get details of Persons deals phone.
PersonsEmails Get all emails asscociated with persons.
PersonsFiles Get details of Persons file.
PersonsMailMessages Get details of organizations mail Messages.
PersonsMailMessagesBcc Get details of Persons mail Messages.
PersonsMailMessagesCc Get details of persons mail Messages.
PersonsMailMessagesFrom Get details of persons mail Messages.
PersonsMailMessagesTo Get details of Persons mail Messages.
PersonsPermittedUsers Get details of permitted users of persons.
PersonsPhone Get all phone asscociated with persons.
PersonsProducts Get details of Persons Products.
PersonsUpdates Get details of persons updates.
PersonsUpdatesAttendees Get details of Deals Activities Attendees.
PersonsUpdatesParticipants Get details of activities participants
PipelineDeals Lists deals in a specific pipeline across all its stages.
PipelineDealsConversionRates Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period.
PipelineDealsMovements Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period.
PipelineDealsMovementsAverageAgeInDaysByStages Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period average age in days.
PipelineDealsStageConversions Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period
ProductFieldsOptions Returns data about all product fields options.
ProductsDeals Get details of Products Deals.
ProductsDealsPersonEmail Get details of Products Deals person email.
ProductsDealsPersonphone Get details of deals person phone.
ProductsFiles Get details of Persons file.
ProductsPermittedUsers Get details of users permitted to access a Product.
ProductsPrices Get details of Products Prices.
Recents Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp.
RecentsAttendees Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp attendees.
RecentsParticipants Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp participants.
RolesPipelinesVisibility Get the list of either visible or hidden pipeline IDs for a specific role.
StagesDeals Get deals in a specific stage.
SubscriptionPayments Returns all payments of an installment or recurring subscription.
UserConnection The data of user connections.
UsersAccess Returns data about all users within the company access.
UserSettings List settings of an authorized user.
UsersFollowers Lists the followers of a specific user.
UsersPermissions Lists the followers of a specific user.
UsersRoleAssignments Lists role assignments for a user.
UsersRoleSettings Lists the settings of user assigned role.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839