CData Sync App は、Pipedrive データをデータベース、データレイク、またはデータウェアハウスに継続的にパイプライン化する簡単な方法を提供し、分析、レポート、AI、および機械学習で簡単に利用できるようにします。
Pipedrive コネクタはCData Sync アプリケーションから使用可能で、Pipedrive からデータを取得して、サポートされている任意の同期先に移動できます。
Sync App は、Pipedrive API を利用してPipedrive への双方向アクセスを実現します。
API トークンはPipedrive ポータルに保存されます。これを取得するには、会社名をクリックし、ドロップダウンリストを使用して会社設定 -> Personal Preferences -> API に移動します。
以下のサブセクションでは、3つの一般的な認証フローでのPipedrive への認証について詳しく説明します。 カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成については、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成 を参照してください。 Pipedrive で利用可能な接続文字列プロパティの全リストは、Connection を参照してください。
OAuth アクセストークンの自動リフレッシュ:
Sync App がOAuth アクセストークンを自動的にリフレッシュするようにするには:
OAuth アクセストークンの手動リフレッシュ:
OAuth アクセストークンを手動でリフレッシュするために必要な唯一の値は、OAuth リフレッシュトークンです。
OAuth リフレッシュトークンを保存し、OAuth アクセストークンの有効期限が切れた後に手動でリフレッシュできるようにします。
このセクションでは、利用可能なAPI オブジェクトを示し、Pipedrive API へのSQL の実行について詳しく説明します。
ビュー では、利用可能なビューを説明します。ビューは、Currencies、DealsPersons、ProductsFiles などのPipedrive エンティティを静的にモデル化するように定義されています。
テーブル では、利用可能なテーブルを説明します。テーブルは、Activities、Users、Leads などのPipedrive エンティティを静的にモデル化するように定義されています。
ストアドプロシージャ は、Pipedrive のファンクションライクなインターフェースです。ストアドプロシージャを使用すると、オブジェクトのダウンロードやエンベロープの移動など、Pipedrive の操作を実行できます。
Sync App はPipedrive のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
Activities | Get all Activities assigned to a particular User. |
ActivityTypes | Get all ActivityTypes. |
CallLogs | Returns all call logs assigned to a particular user. |
DealFields | Returns data about all deal fields. |
Deals | Get all deals. |
DealsFollowers | Get details of deals followers. |
DealsParticipants | Get details of deals participants. |
DealsProducts | Get details of deals products. |
Files | Returns data about all files. |
Filters | Returns data about all filters. |
Goals | Goals help your team meet your sales targets. |
LeadLabels | Returns details of all Lead Labels. |
Leads | Returns lead data. |
MailThreads | Get, Update and Delete mail threads in a specified folder ordered by the most recent message within. |
NoteComments | Create, Update, Delete and Get the comments associated with a note. |
Notes | Returns all notes. |
OrganizationFields | Returns data about all organization fields. |
OrganizationRelationships | Gets all of the relationships. |
Organizations | Get details of organizations |
OrganizationsFollowers | Get details of organizations followers. |
OrganizationsInternal | Get details of organizations. |
PersonFields | Returns data about all person fields. |
PersonFollowers | Get details of persons followers. |
Persons | Get all details of persons. |
Pipelines | Get all Pipelines. |
ProductFields | Returns data about all product fields. |
Products | Get details of Products |
ProductsFollowers | Get details of products followers. |
Roles | Returns all the role. |
RolesAssignments | List assignments for a role. |
RolesSetting | Returns all the roles settings. |
Stages | Returns data about all stages. |
Subscriptions | Returns details of an installment or a recurring Subscription |
Users | Returns data about all users within the company |
Get all Activities assigned to a particular User.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE Id = 246 SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE Done = 0 SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE Type IN ('deadline', 'call') SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE EndDate = '2021-12-24' SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE UserId = 8230170
The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.
INSERT INTO ActivitiesAttendees#TEMP (EmailAddress) VALUES ('[email protected]') INSERT INTO Activities (DueDate, DueTime, Duration, Dealid, Attendees) VALUES ('1994-10-12', '10:20', '02:00', 1, 'ActivitiesAttendees#TEMP')
UPDATE can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE Activities SET DealId = 2 WHERE Id = 245
DELETE can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM Activities WHERE Id = 246
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
Activity Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
AssignedToUserId | Integer | True |
AssignedToUserId. |
Attendees | String | False |
Attendees of the Activity This can be either your existing Pipedrive contacts or an external email address. |
BusyFlag | Boolean | True |
Set the Activity as Busy or Free. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。true, false デフォルト値はtrueです。 |
CalendarSync | String | True |
CalendarSync. |
CompanyId | Integer | True |
CompanyId. |
MeetingClient | String | True |
MeetingClient. |
MeetingId | String | True |
MeetingId. |
MeetingUrl | String | True |
MeetingUrl. |
CreatedByUserId | Integer | True |
CreatedByUserId. |
DealDropboxBcc | String | True |
DealDropboxBcc. |
DealId | Integer | False |
The ID of the Deal this Activity is associated with. |
DealTitle | String | True |
DealTitle. |
Done | Boolean | True |
Whether the Activity is done or not 0 = Not done 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
DueDate | Date | False |
Due date of the Activity Format YYYY-MM-DD |
DueTime | Time | False |
Due time of the Activity in UTC Format HH:MM |
Duration | Time | True |
Duration of the Activity Format HH:MM |
FileCleanName | String | True |
FileCleanName. |
FileId | String | True |
FileId. |
FileUrl | String | True |
FileUrl. |
GcalEventId | String | True |
GcalEventId. |
GoogleCalendarEtag | String | True |
GoogleCalendarEtag. |
GoogleCalendarId | String | True |
GoogleCalendarId. |
LastNotificationTime | Datetime | True |
LastNotificationTime. |
LastNotificationUserId | Integer | True |
LastNotificationUserId. |
LeadId | String | True |
LeadId. |
Location | String | False |
The address of the Activity. |
AdminAreaLevel1 | String | True |
AdminAreaLevel1. |
AdminAreaLevel2 | String | True |
AdminAreaLevel2. |
LocationCountry | String | True |
LocationCountry. |
FormattedAddress | String | True |
FormattedAddress. |
LocationLat | Double | True |
LocationLat. |
LocationLocality | String | True |
LocationLocality. |
LocationLong | Double | True |
LocationLong. |
PostalCode | String | True |
PostalCode. |
LocationRoute | String | True |
LocationRoute. |
StreetNumber | String | True |
StreetNumber. |
Sublocality | String | True |
Sublocality. |
Subpremise | String | True |
Subpremise. |
MarkedAsDoneTime | Datetime | True |
MarkedAsDoneTime. |
Note | String | False |
Note of the Activity HTML format. |
NotificationLanguageId | Integer | True |
NotificationLanguageId. |
OrgId | Integer | False |
The ID of the Organization this Activity is associated with. |
OrgName | String | True |
OrgName. |
OwnerName | String | True |
OwnerName. |
Participants | String | False |
List of multiple Persons participants this Activity is associated with If omitted single participant from person_id field is used. |
PersonDropboxBcc | String | True |
PersonDropboxBcc. |
PersonId | Integer | False |
The ID of the Person this Activity is associated with. |
PersonName | String | True |
PersonName. |
PublicDescription | String | False |
Additional details about the Activity that is synced to your external calendar Unlike the note added to the Activity the description is publicly visible to any guests added to the Activity. |
RecMasterActivityId | String | True |
RecMasterActivityId. |
RecRule | String | True |
RecRule. |
RecRuleExtension | String | True |
RecRuleExtension. |
ReferenceId | Integer | True |
ReferenceId. |
ReferenceType | String | True |
ReferenceType. |
Series | String | True |
Series. |
SourceTimezone | String | True |
SourceTimezone. |
Subject | String | False |
Subject of the Activity. デフォルト値はCallです。 |
Type | String | True |
Type of the Activity This is in correlation with the key_string parameter of ActivityTypes When value for type is not set, it will be given a default value Call. デフォルト値はCallです。 |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
UpdateUserId | Integer | True |
The ID of the User whose Activities will be fetched If omitted the User associated with the API token will be used If 0 Activities for all company Users will be fetched based on the permission sets. |
UserId | Integer | False |
UserId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterId | Integer |
The ID of the Filter to use. |
StartDate | String |
Use the Activity due date where you wish to begin fetching Activities from Insert due date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
EndDate | String |
Use the Activity due date where you wish to stop fetching Activities from Insert due date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Get all ActivityTypes.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE Id = 9
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and IconKey columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO ActivityTypes (Name, IconKey, color, IsCustomFlag, KeyString) VALUES ('test42', 'task', 'FFFFFF', 'true', 'call')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE ActivityTypes SET IconKey = 'email' WHERE id = 7
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM ActivityTypes WHERE Id = 2
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
The ID of the ActivityType. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
Color | String | False |
A designated color for the ActivityType in 6-character HEX format. |
IconKey | String | False |
Icon graphic to use for representing this activity type. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。task, email, meeting, deadline, call, lunch, calendar, downarrow, document, smartphone, camera, scissors, cogs, bubble, uparrow, checkbox, signpost, shuffle, addressbook, linegraph, picture, car, world, search, clip, sound, brush, key, padlock, pricetag, suitcase, finish, plane, loop, wifi, truck, cart, bulb, bell, presentation |
IsCustomFlag | Boolean | True |
IsCustomFlag. |
KeyString | String | True |
KeyString. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the ActivityType. |
OrderNr | Integer | False |
An order number for this ActivityType. Order numbers should be used to order the types in the ActivityType selections. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
Returns all call logs assigned to a particular user.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CallLogs WHERE Id = 'cf75de9e4cbcb4a33658ad40561e3230'
Insert can be executed by specifying the Outcome, ToPhoneNumber, StartTime and EndTime columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
INSERT INTO CallLogs (Outcome, StartTime, EndTime, Duration, FromPhoneNumber, ToPhoneNumber, UserId, OrgId) VALUES ('connected', '2021-12-15', '2021-12-16', '140', '984656646', '9846566456', '8230170', '6')
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM CallLogs WHERE Id = '8381cea5da671fa16a1eb63af15e5ec4'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
ID. |
ActivityId | Integer | False |
ActivityId. |
CompanyId | Integer | True |
CompanyId. |
DealId | Integer | False |
The ID of the Deal this call is associated with. |
Duration | String | False |
Call duration in seconds. |
EndTime | Datetime | False |
The date and time of the end of the call in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
FromPhoneNumber | String | False |
The number that made the call. |
HasRecording | Boolean | True |
HasRecording. |
Note | String | False |
Note for the call log in HTML format. |
OrgId | Integer | False |
The ID of the Organization this call is associated with. |
Outcome | String | False |
Describes the outcome of the call. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。connected, no_answer, left_message, left_voicemail, wrong_number, busy |
PersonId | Integer | False |
The ID of the Person this call is associated with. |
StartTime | Datetime | False |
The date and time of the start of the call in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
Subject | String | False |
Name of the activity this call is attached to. |
ToPhoneNumber | String | False |
The number called. |
UserId | Integer | False |
The ID of the owner of the call log. |
Returns data about all deal fields.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealFields WHERE Id = 12478
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and IconKey columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO DealFields (Name, AddVisibleFlag, FieldType) VALUES ('test43', 'false', 'address')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE DealFields SET Name = 'test44' WHERE Id = '12500'
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM DealFields WHERE Id = 12500
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
ID of the field. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
Whether the field is available in 'add new' modal or not (both in web and mobile app). デフォルト値はtrueです。 |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
AddVisibleFlag | Boolean | False |
AddVisibleFlag. |
BulkEditAllowed | Boolean | True |
BulkEditAllowed. |
DetailsVisibleFlag | Boolean | True |
DetailsVisibleFlag. |
EditFlag | Boolean | True |
EditFlag. |
FieldType | String | False |
Type of the field. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。address, date, daterange, double, enum, monetary, org, people, phone, set, text, time, timerange, user, varchar, varchar_auto, visible_to |
FilteringAllowed | Boolean | True |
FilteringAllowed. |
ImportantFlag | Boolean | True |
ImportantFlag. |
IndexVisibleFlag | Boolean | True |
IndexVisibleFlag. |
Key | String | True |
Key. |
LastUpdatedByUserId | String | True |
LastUpdatedByUserId. |
MandatoryFlag | Boolean | True |
MandatoryFlag. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the field. |
Options | String | False |
Options. |
OrderNr | Integer | True |
OrderNr. |
SearchableFlag | Boolean | True |
SearchableFlag. |
SortableFlag | Boolean | True |
SortableFlag. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
Get all deals.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE Id = 14 SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE StageId = 1 SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE Status = 'Open' SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE FilterId = 1 SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE FilterId = 1 SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE OrgId = 1 SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE OwnedByYou = 1
Insert can be executed by specifying the Title columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.
INSERT INTO Deals (title, PersonId) VALUES ('tetsptest', 6203)
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE Deals SET Title = 'test' WHERE id = 15
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
Deals id. |
Active | Boolean | True |
Active. |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
Activities Count. |
AddTime | Datetime | False |
AddTime. |
CcEmail | String | True |
Cc Email. |
CloseTime | String | True |
Close Time. |
CreatorActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
Creator ActiveFlag. |
CreatorEmail | String | True |
Creator Email. |
CreatorHasPic | Boolean | True |
Creator HasPic. |
CreatorId | Integer | True |
Creator Id. |
CreatorName | String | True |
Creator Name. |
CreatorPicHash | String | True |
CreatorPicHash. |
Creatorvalue | Integer | True |
Creatorvalue. |
Currency | String | False |
Currency. |
CustomeField | String | True |
CustomeField you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used. |
Deleted | Boolean | True |
Deleted. |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
Done Activities Count. |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | True |
Email Messages Count. |
ExpectedCloseDate | Date | False |
Expected Close Date. |
FilesCount | Integer | True |
Files Count. |
FirstWonTime | Datetime | True |
First Won Time. |
FollowersCount | Integer | True |
Followers Count. |
FormattedValue | String | True |
Formatted Value. |
FormattedWeightedValue | String | True |
Formatted Weighted Value. |
Label | String | True |
Label. |
LastActivityDate | String | True |
Last Activity Date. |
LastActivityId | String | True |
Last Activity Id. |
LastIncomingMailTime | Datetime | True |
Last Incoming MailTime. |
LastOutgoingMailTime | Datetime | True |
Last OutgoingMail Time. |
LostReason | String | False |
Lost Reason. |
LostTime | String | True |
Lost Time. |
NextActivityDate | Date | True |
Next Activity Date. |
NextActivityDuration | Time | True |
Next Activity Duration. |
NextActivityId | Integer | True |
Next Activity Id. |
NextActivityNote | String | True |
Next Activity Note. |
NextActivitySubject | String | True |
Next Activity Subject. |
NextActivityTime | Time | True |
Next Activity Time. |
NextActivityType | String | True |
Next Activity Type. |
NotesCount | Integer | True |
NotesCount. |
Notes | String | True |
Notes. |
OrgHidden | Boolean | True |
Org Hidden. |
OrgActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
Org ActiveFlag. |
OrgAddress | String | True |
Org Address. |
OrgCcEmail | String | True |
Org CcEmail. |
OrgName | String | True |
Org Name. |
OrgOwnerId | Integer | True |
Org OwnerId. |
OrgPeopleCount | Integer | True |
Org PeopleCount. |
OrgValue | Integer | True |
Org Value. |
OwnerName | String | True |
Owner Name. |
OwnerId | String | True |
Owner Id you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used. |
ParticipantsCount | Integer | True |
Participants Count. |
PersonHidden | Boolean | True |
Person Hidden. |
PersonActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
Person Active Flag. |
PersonEmail | String | True |
Person Email. |
PersonName | String | True |
Person Name. |
PersonPhone | String | True |
Person Phone. |
Personvalue | Integer | True |
Personvalue. |
PipelineId | Integer | True |
PipelineId. |
Probability | String | True |
Probability. |
ProductsCount | Integer | True |
Products Count. |
RottenTime | String | True |
RottenTime. |
ResultScore | String | True |
Result score you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used. |
StageChangeTime | Datetime | True |
Stage Change Time. |
StageId | Integer | True |
StageId. |
StageName | String | True |
StageName. |
StageOrderNr | Integer | True |
Stage OrderNr. |
Status | String | False |
Status. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted デフォルト値はall_not_deletedです。 |
Title | String | False |
Title. |
Type | String | True |
Type you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used. |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
Undone Activities Count. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
Update Time. |
UserActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
User ActiveFlag. |
UserEmail | String | True |
User Email. |
UserHasPic | Boolean | True |
User HasPic. |
UserId | Integer | False |
User Id. |
UserName | String | True |
User Name. |
UserPicHash | String | True |
User PicHash. |
Uservalue | Integer | True |
User value. |
Value | Integer | False |
Value of the deal. デフォルト値は0です。 |
VisibleTo | String | False |
Visibility of the deal. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 3, 5, 7 |
WeightedValue | Integer | True |
Visible To. |
WeightedValueCurrency | String | True |
Weighted Value Currency. |
OrderOfStages | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
AverageTimeToWonY | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
AverageTimeToWonM | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
AverageTimeToWond | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
AverageTimeToWonh | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
AverageTimeToWons | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
AverageTimeToWoni | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
AverageTotalSeconds | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
AverageStageProgress | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
AgeY | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
AgeM | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
Aged | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
Ageh | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
Ages | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
Agei | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
AgeTotalSeconds | Integer | True |
You will get the result of this column only when criteria filter id is used. |
WonTime | Datetime | True |
Won time. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterId | Integer |
Filter Id |
OwnedByYou | Integer |
Owned By You 使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
PersonId | Integer |
Person Id |
OrgId | Integer |
Org Id |
Get details of deals followers.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsFollowers WHERE Id = 2
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and IconKey columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO DealsFollowers (userid, id) VALUES (8230170, 8)
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id, DealId in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM DealsFollowers WHERE Id = 1 AND Dealid = 1
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
Id. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
UserId | Integer | False |
User Id. |
DealId | Integer | True |
Deal Id. |
Get details of deals participants.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsParticipants WHERE Id = 9
Insert can be executed by specifying the Content and PersonId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO DealsParticipants (Id, Personid) VALUES (4, 6)
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM DealsParticipants WHERE id = 14 AND ItemDealId = 17
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
AddedByactiveFlag | Boolean | True |
AddedByactiveFlag. |
AddedByemail | String | True |
AddedByemail. |
AddedByhasPic | Integer | True |
AddedByhasPic. |
AddedByid | Integer | True |
AddedByid. |
AddedByname | String | True |
AddedByname. |
AddedBypicHash | String | True |
AddedBypicHash. |
AddedByvalue | Integer | True |
Added_byvalue. |
PersonActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
PersonActiveFlag. |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
ActivitiesCount. |
PersonAddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
CcEmail | String | True |
CcEmail. |
ClosedDealsCount | Integer | True |
ClosedDealsCount. |
CompanyId | Integer | True |
CompanyId. |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
DoneActivitiesCount. |
String | True |
Email. | |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | True |
EmailMessagesCount. |
FilesCount | Integer | True |
FilesCount. |
FirstChar | String | True |
FirstChar. |
FirstName | String | True |
FirstName. |
FollowersCount | Integer | True |
FollowersCount. |
Personlabel | String | True |
Personlabel. |
LastActivityDate | Date | True |
LastActivityDate. |
LastActivityId | Integer | True |
LastActivityId. |
LastincomingMailTime | String | True |
LastincomingMailTime. |
Lastname | String | True |
Lastname. |
LastoutgoingMailTime | String | True |
LastoutgoingMailTime. |
LostdealsCount | Integer | True |
LostdealsCount. |
Name | String | True |
Name. |
NextActivityDate | Date | True |
nextActivityDate. |
NextActivityId | Integer | True |
nextActivityId. |
NextActivityTime | String | True |
nextActivityTime. |
NotesCount | Integer | True |
NotesCount. |
OpenDealsCount | Integer | True |
OpenDealsCount. |
OrgActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
OrgActiveFlag. |
OrgAddress | String | True |
OrgAddress. |
OrgCcEmail | String | True |
OrgCcEmail. |
OrgName | String | True |
OrgName. |
OrgownerId | Integer | True |
OrgownerId. |
OrgpeopleCount | Integer | True |
OrgpeopleCount. |
OrgId | Integer | True |
OrgId. |
OwnerActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
OwnerActiveFlag. |
OwnerEmail | String | True |
OwnerEmail. |
OwnerHasPic | Integer | True |
OwnerHasPic. |
OwnerId | Integer | True |
OwnerId. |
OwnerName | String | True |
OwnerName. |
OwnerPicHash | String | True |
OwnerPicHash. |
OwnerValue | Integer | True |
OwnerValue. |
ParticipantClosedDealsCount | Integer | True |
ClosedDealsCount. |
ParticipantOpenDealsCount | Integer | True |
OpenDealsCount. |
Phone | String | True |
Phone. |
PictureId | String | True |
PictureId. |
RelatedclosedDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedclosedDealsCount. |
RelatedlostDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedlostDealsCount. |
RelatedopenDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedopenDealsCount. |
RelatedwonDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedwonDealsCount. |
SyncNeeded | Boolean | True |
SyncNeeded. |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
UndoneActivitiesCount. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
VisibleTo | String | True |
visibleTo. |
WonDealsCount | Integer | True |
WonDealsCount. |
PersonIdActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
PersonactiveFlag. |
Personemail | String | True |
Personemail. |
Personname | String | True |
Personname. |
Personphone | String | True |
Personphone. |
PersonValues | Integer | False |
PersonValues. |
ItemDealId | Integer | True |
ItemDealId. |
ItemTitle | String | True |
ItemTitle. |
ItemId | Integer | True |
ItemId. |
ItemType | String | True |
ItemType. |
PersonId | Integer | False |
Person Id. |
PersonOrgName | String | True |
Person OrgName. |
PersonOwnerName | String | True |
Person OwnerName. |
Get details of deals products.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsProducts WHERE Id = 9
Insert can be executed by specifying the Content and PersonId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO DealsProducts (DealId, ProductId, ItemPrice, quantity) VALUES (2, 2, 20000, 1)
Update can be executed by specifying the Id and Dealid in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE DealsProducts SET quantity = 20 WHERE id = 15 AND Dealid = 2
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id, DealId in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM DealsProducts WHERE id = 15 AND Dealid = 2
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
Comments | String | False |
Any textual comment associated with this product-deal attachment. |
Currency | String | True |
Currency. |
DealId | Integer | True |
Deal id. |
DiscountPercentage | Double | True |
Discount %. デフォルト値は0です。 |
Duration | Integer | True |
Duration of the product. デフォルト値は1です。 |
DurationUnit | String | True |
DurationUnit. |
EnabledFlag | Boolean | False |
Whether the product is enabled on the deal or not. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
ItemPrice | Integer | False |
Price at which this product will be added to the deal. |
LastEdit | String | True |
LastEdit. |
Name | String | True |
Name. |
OrderNr | Integer | True |
OrderNr. |
ProductActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
Product ActiveFlag. |
ProductAddTime | Datetime | True |
Product AddTime. |
Category | String | True |
Category. |
code | String | True |
Code. |
description | String | True |
Description. |
FilesCount | String | True |
FilesCount. |
FirstChar | String | True |
FirstChar. |
ProductsId | Integer | True |
ProductsId. |
ProductName | String | True |
ProductName. |
OwnerActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
OwnerActiveFlag. |
OwnerEmail | String | True |
OwnerEmail. |
OwnerHasPic | Boolean | True |
OwnerHasPic. |
OwnerId | Integer | True |
OwnerId. |
OwnerName | String | True |
OwnerName. |
OwnerPicHash | String | True |
OwnerPicHash. |
OwnerValue | Integer | True |
OwnerValue. |
EURCost | Integer | True |
EURCost. |
EURCurrency | String | True |
EURCurrency. |
EURId | Integer | True |
EURId. |
EUROverheadCost | Integer | True |
EUROverheadCost. |
EURPrice | Integer | True |
EURPrice. |
EURProductId | Integer | True |
EURProductId. |
Selectable | Boolean | True |
selectable. |
ProductTax | Integer | True |
ProductTax. |
unit | String | True |
unit. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
VisibleTo | String | True |
VisibleTo. |
ProductId | Integer | False |
ID of the product that will be attached. |
VariationId | String | False |
ID of the product variation. |
Quantity | Integer | False |
How many items of this product will be added to the deal. |
QuantityFormatted | String | True |
QuantityFormatted. |
Sum | Double | True |
Sum. |
SumFormatted | String | True |
SumFormatted. |
SumNoDiscount | Integer | True |
SumNoDiscount. |
Tax | Integer | False |
Tax percentage. デフォルト値は0です。 |
Returns data about all files.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Files WHERE Id = 400
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE Files SET Name = 'Updating PipeDrive Pipelines1' WHERE Id = 405
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
ID of the file. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag. |
ActivityId | String | True |
ID of the activity to associate file. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
Cid | String | True |
Cid. |
DealId | String | True |
ID of the deal to associate file. |
DealName | String | True |
DealName. |
Description | String | False |
Description of the file. |
FileName | String | True |
FileName. |
FileSize | Integer | True |
FileSize. |
FileType | String | True |
FileType. |
InlineFlag | Boolean | True |
InlineFlag. |
LogId | String | True |
LogId. |
MailMessageId | String | True |
MailMessageId. |
MailTemplateId | String | True |
MailTemplateId. |
Name | String | False |
Visible name of the file. |
OrgId | String | True |
ID of the organization to associate file. |
OrgName | String | True |
OrgName. |
PersonId | Integer | True |
ID of the person to associate file. |
PersonName | String | True |
PersonName. |
ProductId | String | True |
ID of the product to associate file. |
ProductName | String | True |
ProductName. |
RemoteId | String | True |
RemoteId. |
RemoteLocation | String | True |
RemoteLocation. |
S3Bucket | String | True |
S3Bucket. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
Url | String | True |
Url. |
UserId | Integer | True |
UserId. |
LeadId | String | True |
LeadId. |
LeadName | String | True |
LeadName. |
Returns data about all filters.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Filters WHERE Id = 39
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name, Conditions and Type columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO Filters (Name, Conditions, Type) VALUES ('Indias Filter', '{"glue": "and","conditions": [{"glue": "and","conditions": [{"object": "organization","field_id": "4020"}]}]}', 'deals')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE Filters SET Name = 'Updating Pipedrive filters', Conditions = '{"glue": "and","conditions": [{"glue": "or","conditions": [{"object": "organization123","field_id": "4021"}]}]}' WHERE Id = 39
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
The ID of the filter. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
CustomViewId | String | True |
CustomViewId. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the filter. |
TemporaryFlag | String | True |
TemporaryFlag. |
Type | String | False |
The types of filters to fetch. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。deals, org, people, products, activity |
UpdateTime | String | True |
UpdateTime. |
UserId | Integer | True |
UserId. |
VisibleTo | Integer | True |
VisibleTo. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Conditions | String |
The conditions of the filter as a JSON object. |
Goals help your team meet your sales targets.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Goals WHERE id = 'c924154b747f214228a906d3de079801' AND DurationEnd = '2022-02-03' AND DurationStart = '2022-01-01' SELECT * FROM Goals WHERE Title = 'test' SELECT * FROM Goals WHERE Type = 'test' SELECT * FROM Goals WHERE TypeName = 'test'
Insert can be executed by specifying the Content and PersonId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO Goals (Title, AssigneeId, AssigneeType, DurationStart, DurationEnd, Target, CurrencyId, TrackingMetric, Iterval, TypeName, PipelineId) VALUES ('test', 13815887, 'person', '2022-01-21', '2022-02-03', 50, 1, 'sum', 'monthly', 'deals_started', 'null')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE Goals SET title = 'test' WHERE id = 'c924154b747f214228a906d3de079801'
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM Goals WHERE id = 'c924154b747f214228a906d3de079801'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
Id. |
AssigneeId | Integer | False |
ID of the user who's goal to fetch. |
AssigneeType | String | False |
Type of the goal's assignee. If provided, everyone's goals will be returned. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。person, team, company |
DurationEnd | Date | False |
End date of the period for which to find goals. |
DurationStart | Date | False |
Start date of the period for which to find goals. |
Target | Integer | False |
Numeric value of the outcome. If provided, everyone's goals will be returned. |
CurrencyId | String | False |
Numeric value of the outcome. If provided, everyone's goals will be returned. |
TrackingMetric | String | False |
Tracking metric of the expected outcome of the goal. If provided, everyone's goals will be returned. |
Interval | String | False |
Interval of the goal. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly |
IsActive | Boolean | False |
Whether goal is active or not. デフォルト値はtrueです。 |
OwnerId | Integer | True |
OwnerId. |
ReportIds | String | True |
ReportIds. |
Title | String | False |
Title of the goal. |
TypeName | String | False |
Type of the goal. If provided, everyone's goals will be returned. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。deals_won, deals_progressed, activities_completed, activities_added, deals_started |
PipelineId | String | False |
ID of the pipeline. |
ActivityTypeId | String | False |
ID of the activity_type. |
Returns details of all Lead Labels.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM LeadLabels
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and Color columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO LeadLabels (Name, Color) VALUES ('BangaloreCdataIndia123', 'blue')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE LeadLabels SET Name = 'I am updating content' WHERE id = '28093520-743a-11ec-96e6-031cfba07e9a'
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM LeadLabels WHERE Id = '28093520-743a-11ec-96e6-031cfba07e9a'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The ID of the Lead Label. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
Color | String | False |
The color of the label. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。green, blue, red, yellow, purple, gray |
Name | String | False |
The name of the Lead Label. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
Returns lead data.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Leads SELECT * FROM Leads WHERE Id = 'a300ea00-5d6c-11ec-9270-93cbb0be1eed' SELECT * FROM Leads WHERE SearchByEmail = 'all'
Insert can be executed by specifying the Title column. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO Leads (Title, Personid, Visibleto, ExpectedCloseDate) VALUES ('CData123', 1, 1, '2022-01-01')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE Leads SET Title = 'CdataIndia' WHERE Id = 'bf1bb1e0-6e13-11ec-b981-a127469657bd'
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM Leads WHERE Id = 'bf1bb1e0-6e13-11ec-b981-a127469657bd'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The ID of the Lead. |
Addtime | Datetime | True |
Addtime. |
CcEmail | String | True |
Ccemail. |
CreatorId | Integer | True |
Creatorid. |
ExpectedCloseDate | String | False |
The date of when the Deal which will be created from the Lead is expected to be closed. |
Isarchived | Boolean | True |
A flag indicating whether the Lead is archived or not. |
Labelids | String | False |
The IDs of the Lead Labels which will be associated with the Lead. |
NextactivityId | Integer | True |
Nextactivityid. |
OrganizationId | String | False |
The ID of an Organization which this Lead will be linked to. |
OwnerId | Integer | False |
The ID of the User which will be the owner of the created Lead. |
PersonId | Integer | False |
The ID of a Person which this Lead will be linked to. |
Sourcename | String | False |
Sourcename. |
Title | String | False |
The name of the Lead. |
Updatetime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
Amount | Integer | False |
The potential value of the Lead. |
Currency | String | True |
The currency value of the Lead. |
Visibleto | String | False |
Visibility of the Lead. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 3, 5, 7 |
Wasseen | Boolean | False |
A flag indicating whether the Lead was seen by someone in the Pipedrive UI. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SearchByEmail | Integer |
Filtering based on archived status of a Lead. If not provided, All is used. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。archived, not_archived, all デフォルト値はallです。 |
Get, Update and Delete mail threads in a specified folder ordered by the most recent message within.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM MailThreads WHERE Folder = 'inbox'
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE MailThreads SET Subject = 'test' WHERE Id = 145
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM MailThreads WHERE Id = 145
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
ID of the Mail Threads. |
PartiesTo | String | True |
To. |
PartiesFrom | String | True |
From. |
DraftParties | String | True |
Draft Parties. |
Folders | String | True |
Folders. |
AccountId | String | True |
Account Id. |
UserId | Integer | True |
User Id. |
Version | Integer | True |
Version. |
Subject | String | True |
Subject. |
Snippet | String | True |
Snippet. |
SnippetDraft | String | True |
SnippetDraft. |
SnippetSent | String | True |
SnippetSent. |
HasAttachmentsFlag | Integer | True |
HasAttachmentsFlag. |
HasInlineAttachmentsFlag | Integer | True |
HasInlineAttachmentsFlag. |
HasRealAttachmentsFlag | Integer | True |
HasRealAttachmentsFlag. |
HasDraftFlag | Integer | True |
HasDraftFlag. |
HasSentFlag | Integer | True |
HasSentFlag. |
ArchivedFlag | Integer | True |
ArchivedFlag. |
DeletedFlag | Integer | True |
DeletedFlag. |
SyncedFlag | Integer | True |
SyncedFlag. |
ExternalDeletedFlag | Integer | True |
ExternalDeletedFlag. |
SmartBccFlag | Integer | True |
SmartBccFlag. |
FirstMessageToMeFlag | Integer | True |
FirstMessageToMeFlag. |
MailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag | Integer | True |
MailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag. |
LastMessageTimestamp | String | True |
LastMessageTimestamp. |
FirstMessageTimestamp | String | True |
FirstMessageTimestamp. |
LastMessageSentTimestamp | String | True |
LastMessageSentTimestamp. |
LastMessageReceivedTimestamp | String | True |
LastMessageReceivedTimestamp. |
AddTime | String | True |
AddTime. |
UpdateTime | String | True |
UpdateTime. |
DealId | Integer | True |
DealId. |
DealStatus | Integer | True |
DealStatus. |
AllMessagesSentFlag | Integer | True |
AllMessagesSentFlag. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Folder | String |
The type of folder to fetch. |
Create, Update, Delete and Get the comments associated with a note.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM NoteComments WHERE NoteId = 14
Insert can be executed by specifying the NoteId and Content columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.
INSERT INTO NoteComments (NoteId,Content) VALUES (2, 'Test comment')
Update can be executed by specifying the NoteId and UUID in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE NoteComments SET Content='Test' where NoteId=1 and UUID = '53e0c79fdacf083d9fe1f799fdc0a206'
Delete can be executed by specifying the NoteId and UUID in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM NoteComments WHERE NoteId=1 and UUID = '53e0c79fdacf083d9fe1f799fdc0a206'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
NoteId [KEY] | Integer | True |
ID of the note. |
UUID | String | False |
Comment Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | False |
Active flag. |
AddTime | String | False |
Add time of the note comment. |
CompanyId | Integer | True |
Company Id. |
Content | String | False |
Content of the comment. |
ObjectId | String | True |
Object Id. |
ObjectType | String | False |
Object type. |
UpdateTime | String | False |
Update time of the comment. |
UpdaterId | Integer | True |
Updater Id. |
UserId | Integer | True |
User Id. |
Returns all notes.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
Insert can be executed by specifying the Content and PersonId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO Notes (ActiveFlag, Content, PersonId, AddTime) VALUES ('true', 'this is frist notes', '8', '2021-12-31')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE Notes SET Content = 'I am updating content' WHERE id = 7
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
ID of the note. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | False |
ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | False |
AddTime. |
Content | String | False |
Content. |
DealTitle | String | True |
DealTitle. |
DealId | Integer | False |
The ID of the deal which notes to fetch. |
LastUpdateUserId | Integer | True |
LastUpdateUserId. |
LeadId | String | False |
The ID of the lead which notes to fetch. |
OrgId | Integer | False |
The ID of the organization which notes to fetch. |
OrganizationName | String | True |
OrganizationName. |
PersonName | String | True |
PersonName. |
PersonId | Integer | False |
The ID of the person whose notes to fetch. |
PinnedToDealFlag | Boolean | False |
If set, then results are filtered by note to deal pinning state. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
PinnedToLeadFlag | Boolean | False |
If set, then results are filtered by note to lead pinning state. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
PinnedToOrganizationFlag | Boolean | False |
If set, then results are filtered by note to organization pinning state. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
PinnedToPersonFlag | Boolean | False |
If set, then results are filtered by note to person pinning state. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
UserEmail | String | True |
UserEmail. |
UserIconUrl | String | True |
UserIconUUserNamerl. |
UserIsYou | Boolean | True |
UserIsYouUserName. |
UserName | String | True |
UserName. |
UserId | Integer | True |
The ID of the user whose notes to fetch. |
Returns data about all organization fields.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationRelationships WHERE id = 2
Insert can be executed by specifying the Type, RelOwnerOrgId and RelLinkedOrgId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO OrganizationRelationships (Type, RelOwnerOrgId, RelLinkedOrgId) VALUES ('parent', '8230170', '8230170')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE OrganizationRelationships SET Type = 'related' WHERE id = 2
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM OrganizationRelationships WHERE Id = 2
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
ID of the field. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
AddVisibleFlag | Boolean | False |
Whether the field is available in 'add new' modal or not. デフォルト値はtrueです。 |
BulkEditAllowed | Boolean | True |
BulkEditAllowed. |
DetailsVisibleFlag | Boolean | True |
DetailsVisibleFlag. |
EditFlag | Boolean | True |
EditFlag. |
FieldType | String | False |
Type of the field. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。address, date, daterange, double, enum, monetary, org, people, phone, set, text, time, timerange, user, varchar, varchar_auto, visible_to |
FilteringAllowed | Boolean | True |
FilteringAllowed. |
ImportantFlag | Boolean | True |
ImportantFlag. |
IndexVisibleFlag | Boolean | True |
IndexVisibleFlag. |
Key | String | True |
Key. |
LastUpdatedByUserId | String | True |
LastUpdatedByUserId. |
MandatoryFlag | Boolean | True |
MandatoryFlag. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the field. |
Options | String | False |
Options. |
OrderNr | Integer | True |
OrderNr. |
SearchableFlag | Boolean | True |
SearchableFlag. |
SortableFlag | Boolean | True |
SortableFlag. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
Gets all of the relationships.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationRelationships WHERE Id = 9
Insert can be executed by specifying the Content and PersonId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO OrganizationRelationships (type, RelOwnerOrgId, RelLinkedOrgId) VALUES ('parent', 2, 3)
Update can be executed by specifying the Id and Dealid in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE OrganizationRelationships SET type = 'parent' WHERE Id = 10
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id, DealId in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM OrganizationRelationships WHERE Id = 10
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
ID of the organization relationship. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
CalculatedRelatedOrgId | Integer | False |
CalculatedRelatedOrgId. |
CalculatedType | String | False |
CalculatedType. |
RelLinkedOrgIdActiveFlag | Boolean | False |
RelLinkedOrgIdActiveFlag. |
RelLinkedOrgIdAddress | String | False |
RelLinkedOrgIdAddress. |
RelLinkedOrgIdCcEmail | String | False |
RelLinkedOrgIdCcEmail. |
RelLinkedOrgIdname | String | False |
RelLinkedOrgIdname. |
RelLinkedOrgIdownerId | Integer | False |
RelLinkedOrgIdownerId. |
RelLinkedOrgIdPeopleCount | Integer | False |
RelLinkedOrgIdPeopleCount. |
RelLinkedOrgIdvalue | Integer | False |
RelLinkedOrgIdvalue. |
RelOwnerOrgIdActiveFlag | Boolean | False |
RelOwnerOrgIdActiveFlag. |
RelOwnerOrgIdAddress | String | False |
RelOwnerOrgIdAddress. |
RelOwnerOrgIdCcEmail | String | False |
RelOwnerOrgIdCcEmail. |
RelOwnerOrgIdName | String | False |
RelOwnerOrgIdName. |
RelOwnerOrgIdOwnerId | Integer | False |
RelOwnerOrgIdOwnerId. |
RelOwnerOrgIdPeopleCount | Integer | False |
RelOwnerOrgIdPeopleCount. |
OrgId | Integer | False |
RelOwnerOrgIdValue. |
RelatedOrganizationName | String | False |
RelatedOrganizationName. |
Type | String | False |
The type of organization relationship. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。parent, related |
UpdateTime | Datetime | False |
UpdateTime. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
RelOwnerOrgId | Integer |
Real Organization Id. |
RelLinkedOrgId | Integer |
Real Organization Id. |
Get details of organizations
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE Id = 14 SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE FirstChar = 'c' SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE FilterId = 1 SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE UserId = 1
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.
INSERT INTO Organizations (name) VALUES ('testpankaj')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE Organizations SET Name = 'test123' WHERE Id = 2495
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM Organizations WHERE id = 15
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
Id |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
ActivitiesCount |
AddTime | Datetime | False |
Optional creation date time of the organization in UTC. Requires admin user API token. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
Address | String | True |
Address |
AdminArealevel1 | String | True |
AdminArealevel1 |
AdminArealevel2 | String | True |
AdminArealevel2 |
Country | String | True |
Country |
FormattedAddress | String | True |
FormattedAddress |
Locality | String | True |
Locality |
PostalCode | String | True |
PostalCode |
Route | String | True |
Route |
StreetNumber | String | True |
StreetNumber |
Sublocality | String | True |
Sublocality |
Subpremise | String | True |
Subpremise |
CcEmail | String | True |
CcEmail |
CustomeField | String | True |
CustomeField you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used |
ClosedDealsCount | Integer | True |
ClosedDealsCount |
CompanyId | Integer | True |
CompanyId |
CountryCode | String | True |
CountryCode |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
DoneActivitiesCount |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | True |
EmailMessagesCount |
FilesCount | Integer | True |
FilesCount |
FirstChar | String | True |
FirstChar |
FollowersCount | Integer | True |
FollowersCount |
Label | Integer | True |
Label |
LastActivityDate | Date | True |
LastActivityDate |
LastActivityId | Integer | True |
LastActivityId |
LostDealsCount | Integer | True |
LostDealsCount |
Name | String | False |
Name |
NextActivityDate | Date | True |
NextActivityDate |
NextActivityId | Integer | True |
NextActivityId |
NextActivityTime | Time | True |
NextActivityTime |
NotesCount | Integer | True |
NotesCount |
OpenDealsCount | Integer | True |
OpenDealsCount |
Owneractive_flag | Boolean | True |
Owneractive_flag |
OwnerEmail | String | True |
OwnerEmail |
OwnerHasPic | Integer | True |
OwnerHasPic |
OwnerId | Integer | False |
OwnerId |
OwnerName | String | True |
OwnerName |
OwnerPicHash | String | True |
OwnerPicHash |
OwnerIdValue | Integer | True |
OwnerIdValue |
OwnerName | String | True |
OwnerName |
PeopleCount | Integer | True |
PeopleCount |
PictureActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
PictureActiveFlag |
PictureAddTime | Datetime | True |
PictureAddTime |
PictureAddedByUserId | Integer | True |
PictureAddedByUserId |
PictureItemId | Integer | True |
PictureItemId |
PictureItemType | String | True |
PictureItemType |
Picture128 | String | True |
Picture128 |
Picture512 | String | True |
Picture512 |
PictureUpdateTime | String | True |
PictureUpdateTime |
PictureIid | Integer | True |
PictureIid |
RelatedClosedDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedClosedDealsCount |
RelatedLostDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedLostDealsCount |
RelatedOpenDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedOpenDealsCount |
RelatedWonDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedWonDealsCount |
Type | String | True |
Type you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
UndoneActivitiesCount |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime |
VisibleTo | Integer | False |
Visibility of the organization 使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 3, 5, 7 |
WonDealsCount | Integer | True |
WonDealsCount |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | Integer |
User Id |
FilterId | Integer |
Filter Id |
Get details of organizations followers.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsFollowers WHERE OrgId = 6
Insert can be executed by specifying the UserId ,OrgId columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.
INSERT INTO OrganizationsFollowers (UserId,OrgId) VALUES (8230170,1)
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id ,OrgId in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM OrganizationsFollowers WHERE OrgId = 1 AND id = 1
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
Id. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
OrgId | Integer | True |
OrgId. |
UserId | Integer | False |
UserId. |
Get details of organizations.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag. |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
ActivitiesCount. |
AddTime | Datetime | False |
Optional creation date time of the organization in UTC. Requires admin user API token. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
Address | String | True |
Address. |
AdminArealevel1 | String | True |
AdminArealevel1. |
AdminArealevel2 | String | True |
AdminArealevel2. |
Country | String | True |
Country. |
FormattedAddress | String | True |
FormattedAddress. |
Locality | String | True |
Locality. |
PostalCode | String | True |
PostalCode. |
Route | String | True |
Route. |
StreetNumber | String | True |
StreetNumber. |
Sublocality | String | True |
Sublocality. |
Subpremise | String | True |
Subpremise. |
CcEmail | String | True |
CcEmail. |
CustomeField | String | True |
CustomeField you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used. |
ClosedDealsCount | Integer | True |
ClosedDealsCount. |
CompanyId | Integer | True |
CompanyId. |
CountryCode | String | True |
CountryCode. |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
DoneActivitiesCount. |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | True |
EmailMessagesCount. |
FilesCount | Integer | True |
FilesCount. |
FirstChar | String | True |
FirstChar. |
FollowersCount | Integer | True |
FollowersCount. |
Label | Integer | True |
Label. |
LastActivityDate | Date | True |
LastActivityDate. |
LastActivityId | Integer | True |
LastActivityId. |
LostDealsCount | Integer | True |
LostDealsCount. |
Name | String | False |
Name. |
NextActivityDate | Date | True |
NextActivityDate. |
NextActivityId | Integer | True |
NextActivityId. |
NextActivityTime | Time | True |
NextActivityTime. |
NotesCount | Integer | True |
NotesCount. |
OpenDealsCount | Integer | True |
OpenDealsCount. |
OwneractiveFlag | Boolean | True |
Owneractive_flag. |
OwnerEmail | String | True |
OwnerEmail. |
OwnerHasPic | Boolean | True |
OwnerHasPic. |
OwnerId | Integer | False |
OwnerId. |
OwnerName | String | True |
OwnerName. |
OwnerPicHash | String | True |
OwnerPicHash. |
OwnerIdValue | Integer | True |
OwnerIdValue. |
PeopleCount | Integer | True |
PeopleCount. |
PictureActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
PictureActiveFlag. |
PictureAddTime | Datetime | True |
PictureAddTime. |
PictureAddedByUserId | Integer | True |
PictureAddedByUserId. |
PictureItemId | Integer | True |
PictureItemId. |
PictureItemType | String | True |
PictureItemType. |
Picture128 | String | True |
Picture128. |
Picture512 | String | True |
Picture512. |
PictureUpdateTime | String | True |
PictureUpdateTime. |
PictureId | Integer | True |
PictureIid. |
RelatedClosedDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedClosedDealsCount. |
RelatedLostDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedLostDealsCount. |
RelatedOpenDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedOpenDealsCount. |
RelatedWonDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedWonDealsCount. |
Type | String | True |
Type you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used. |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
UndoneActivitiesCount. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
VisibleTo | Integer | False |
Visibility of the organization. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 3, 5, 7 |
WonDealsCount | Integer | True |
WonDealsCount. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | Integer |
User Id. |
FilterId | Integer |
Filter Id. |
Returns data about all person fields.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonFields WHERE Id = 9039
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and FieldType columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO PersonFields (Name, AddVisibleFlag, FieldType) VALUES ('NameCdataIndia', 'true', 'address')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE PersonFields SET Name = 'My name just started here' WHERE Id = '9062'
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM PersonFields WHERE Id = 9040
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
ID of the field. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
AddVisibleFlag | Boolean | False |
Whether the field is available in 'add new' modal or not (both in web and mobile app). デフォルト値はtrueです。 |
BulkEditAllowed | Boolean | True |
BulkEditAllowed. |
DetailsVisibleFlag | Boolean | True |
DetailsVisibleFlag. |
EditFlag | Boolean | True |
EditFlag. |
FieldType | String | False |
Type of the field. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。address, date, daterange, double, enum, monetary, org, people, phone, set, text, time, timerange, user, varchar, varchar_auto, visible_to |
FilteringAllowed | Boolean | True |
FilteringAllowed. |
ImportantFlag | Boolean | True |
ImportantFlag. |
IndexVisibleFlag | Boolean | True |
IndexVisibleFlag. |
Key | String | True |
Key. |
LastUpdatedByUserId | String | True |
LastUpdatedByUserId. |
MandatoryFlag | Boolean | True |
MandatoryFlag. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the field. |
Options | String | False |
Options. |
OrderNr | Integer | True |
OrderNr. |
SearchableFlag | Boolean | True |
SearchableFlag. |
SortableFlag | Boolean | True |
SortableFlag. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
Get details of persons followers.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
Followers id. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
Add time. |
PersonId | Integer | True |
Person id. |
UserId | Integer | False |
User id. |
DealId | Integer | True |
Deal id. |
Get all details of persons.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Id = 14 SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstChar = 'c' SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FilterId = 1 SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE UserId = 1
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.
INSERT INTO Persons (name) VALUES ('testpankaj')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE Persons SET Name = 'test123' WHERE Id = 2495
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM Persons WHERE id = 15
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | False |
ActiveFlag. |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
ActivitiesCount. |
AddTime | Datetime | False |
Optional creation date time of the person Requires admin user API token. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
CcEmail | String | True |
CcEmail. |
ClosedDealsCount | Integer | True |
ClosedDealsCount. |
CompanyId | Integer | True |
CompanyId. |
CustomeField | String | True |
CustomeField you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used. |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
DoneActivitiesCount. |
String | False |
Email. | |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | True |
EmailMessagesCount. |
FilesCount | Integer | True |
FilesCount. |
FirstChar | String | True |
If supplied, only persons whose name starts with the specified letter will be returned. |
FirstName | String | True |
FirstName. |
FollowersCount | Integer | True |
FollowersCount. |
Label | Integer | True |
Label. |
LastActivityDate | Date | True |
LastActivityDate. |
LastActivityId | Integer | True |
LastActivityId. |
LastIncomingMailTime | Datetime | True |
LastIncomingMailTime. |
LastName | String | True |
LastName. |
LastOutgoingMailTime | Datetime | True |
LastOutgoingMailTime. |
LostDealsCount | Integer | True |
LostDealsCount. |
Name | String | False |
Name. |
NextActivityDate | Date | True |
NextActivityDate. |
NextActivityId | Integer | True |
NextActivityId. |
NextActivityTime | Time | True |
NextActivityTime. |
Notes | String | True |
Notes. |
NotesCount | Integer | True |
NotesCount. |
OpenDealsCount | Integer | True |
OpenDealsCount. |
OrgActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
OrgActiveFlag. |
OrgAddress | String | True |
OrgAddress. |
OrgccEmail | String | True |
OrgccEmail. |
OrgName | String | True |
OrgName. |
OrgownerId | Integer | True |
OrgownerId. |
OrgpeopleCount | Integer | True |
OrgpeopleCount. |
Orgvalue | Integer | False |
Orgvalue. |
OwnerActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
OwnerActiveFlag. |
OwnerEmail | String | True |
OwnerEmail. |
OwnerHasPic | Integer | True |
OwnerHasPic. |
OwnerId | Integer | False |
OwnerId. |
OwnerIdName | String | True |
OwnerName. |
OwnerPicHash | String | True |
OwnerPicHash. |
OwnerValue | Integer | True |
OwnerValue. |
ParticipantClosedDealscount | Integer | True |
ParticipantClosedDealscount. |
ParticipantOpenDealsCount | Integer | True |
ParticipantOpenDealsCount. |
Phone | String | False |
Phone. |
PictureActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
PictureActiveFlag. |
PictureAddTime | Datetime | True |
PictureAddTime. |
PictureAddedByUserId | Integer | True |
PictureAddedByUserId. |
PictureItemId | Integer | True |
PictureItemId. |
PictureItemType | String | True |
PictureItemType. |
Picture128 | String | True |
Picture128. |
Picture512 | String | True |
Picture512. |
PictureUpdateTime | String | True |
PictureUpdateTime. |
Picturevalue | Integer | True |
Picturevalue. |
RelatedClosedDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedClosedDealsCount. |
RelatedLostDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedLostDealsCount. |
RelatedOpenDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedOpenDealsCount. |
RelatedWonDealsCount | Integer | True |
RelatedWonDealsCount. |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | True |
UndoneActivitiesCount. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
VisibleTo | String | False |
Visibility of the person. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 3 |
WonDealsCount | Integer | True |
WonDealsCount. |
PrimaryEmail | String | True |
Primary Email. |
MarketingStatus | String | True |
Marketing Status. |
OwnerName | String | True |
Owner Name. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterId | Integer |
Filter Id. |
UserId | Integer |
User Id. |
Get all Pipelines.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Pipelines WHERE Id = 4
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name, Active, DealProbability, OrderNr and UrlTitle columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO PipeLines (Name, Active, DealProbability, OrderNr, UrlTitle) VALUES ('Indias PipeLines for Pipedrive', 'true', '0', 1, 'indiapipedrivepipeline@com')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE PipeLines SET Name = 'Updating Pipedrive Pipelines1' WHERE Id = 4
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
ID of the pipeline. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the Pipeline. |
Active | Boolean | False |
Whether this Pipeline will be made inactive (hidden) or active. |
DealProbability | Integer | False |
Whether Deal probability is disabled or enabled for this Pipeline. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
OrderNr | Integer | False |
Defines the order of Pipelines. デフォルト値は0です。 |
Selected | Boolean | True |
Selected. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
UrlTitle | String | False |
UrlTitle. |
Returns data about all product fields.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductFields WHERE Id = 28
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and FieldType columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO ProductFields (Name, FieldType) VALUES ('BangaloreCdataIndia123', 'address')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE ProductFields SET Name = 'My name just started here' WHERE Id = 28
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM ProductFields WHERE Id = 9040
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
ID of the Product Field. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
AddVisibleFlag | Boolean | True |
AddVisibleFlag. |
BulkEditAllowed | Boolean | True |
BulkEditAllowed. |
DetailsVisibleFlag | Boolean | True |
DetailsVisibleFlag. |
EditFlag | Boolean | True |
EditFlag. |
FieldType | String | False |
Type of the field. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。address, date, daterange, double, enum, monetary, org, people, phone, set, text, time, timerange, user, varchar, varchar_auto, visible_to |
FilteringAllowed | Boolean | True |
FilteringAllowed. |
ImportantFlag | Boolean | True |
ImportantFlag. |
IndexVisibleFlag | Boolean | True |
IndexVisibleFlag. |
Key | String | True |
Key. |
LastUpdatedByUserId | String | True |
LastUpdatedByUserId. |
MandatoryFlag | Boolean | True |
MandatoryFlag. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the field. |
Options | String | False |
Options. |
OrderNr | Integer | True |
OrderNr. |
PicklistData | String | True |
PicklistData. |
SearchableFlag | Boolean | True |
SearchableFlag. |
SortableFlag | Boolean | True |
SortableFlag. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
Get details of Products
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Id = 14 SELECT * FROM Products WHERE FirstChar = 'c' SELECT * FROM Products WHERE FilterId = 1 SELECT * FROM Products WHERE UserId = 1 SELECT * FROM Products WHERE GetSummary = 1 SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Ids IN (1, 2)
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.
INSERT INTO Products (name) VALUES ('tests')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE Products SET Name = 'test123' WHERE Id = 2495
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM Products WHERE Id = 15
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id | Integer | True |
product Id |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
Whether this product will be made active or not 使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 デフォルト値は1です。 |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
Add Time |
Category | String | True |
category |
Code | String | False |
Product code. |
CustomeField | String | True |
CustomeField you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used |
Description | String | True |
description |
FilesCount | String | True |
FilesCount |
FirstChar | String | True |
If supplied only Products whose name starts with the specified letter will be returned |
Name | String | False |
Name of the product |
OwnerActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
OwnerActiveFlag |
OwnerEmail | String | True |
OwnerEmail |
OwnerHasPic | Boolean | True |
OwnerHasPic |
OwnerId | Integer | False |
ID of the user who will be marked as the owner of this product |
OwnerName | String | True |
OwnerName |
OwnerPicHash | String | True |
OwnerPicHas |
Ownervalue | Integer | True |
Owner Id |
Prices | String | False |
Object containing price objects |
Selectable | Boolean | False |
Whether this product can be selected in Deals or not 使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 デフォルト値は1です。 |
Tax | Integer | False |
Tax percentage デフォルト値は0です。 |
Type | String | True |
Type you will get the result of this column only when criteria filter title is used |
Unit | String | False |
Unit in which this product is sold |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
Update Time |
VisibleTo | String | False |
Visibility of the product 使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 3, 5, 7 |
SummaryTotalCount | String | True |
You will get data of this column when Criterial filter is GetSummary is used |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | Integer |
User Id |
FilterId | Integer |
Filter Id |
GetSummary | Boolean |
Get SUmmary |
Ids | Integer |
The Ids of the Products that should be returned in the response |
Get details of products followers.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductsFollowers WHERE ProductId = 6
Insert can be executed by specifying the UserId, ProductId columns.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted. Following is an example of how to insert into this table.
INSERT INTO ProductsFollowers (UserId, ProductId) VALUES (8230170, 1)
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id, ProductId in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM ProductsFollowers WHERE ProductId = 1 AND id = 1
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id | Integer | True |
Id. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
ProductId | Integer | True |
ProductId. |
UserId | Integer | False |
UserId. |
Returns all the role.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and ParentRoleId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO Roles (Name, ParentRoleId) VALUES ('BangaloreCdataIndia123', '2')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE Roles SET Name = 'My name just started here' WHERE Id = 1
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
ID of the role. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag. |
AssignmentCount | String | True |
AssignmentCount. |
Level | Integer | True |
Level. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the Role. |
ParentRoleId | Integer | False |
The ID of the parent Role. |
SubRoleCount | String | True |
SubRoleCount. |
List assignments for a role.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM RolesAssignments SELECT * FROM RolesAssignments WHERE Id = 1
Insert can be executed by specifying the Id and UserId columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO RoleAssignments (Id, UserId, RoleId) VALUES (1, 'NameCdataIndia', '1')
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id and UserId WHERE Clause.
For example:
DELETE FROM RolesAssignments WHERE Id = 1 AND UserId = 1
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
RoleId | Integer | False |
RoleId. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag. |
Name | String | True |
Name. |
ParentRoleId | String | True |
ParentRoleId. |
Type | String | True |
Type. |
UserId | Integer | False |
ID of the user. |
Returns all the roles settings.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM RolesSetting SELECT * FROM RolesSetting WHERE RoleId = 1
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name and FieldType columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO RolesSetting (RoleId, SettingKey, Value) VALUES (1, 'deal_default_visibility', '1')
Update can be executed by specifying the RoleId in the WHERE Clause and SettingKey and Value in Body Parameter. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE RolesSetting SET Value = '3', SettingKey = 'deal_default_visibility' WHERE RoleId = 1
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
RoleId [KEY] | Integer | True |
Role Id. |
DealDefaultVisibility | Integer | True |
DealDefaultVisibility. |
LeadDefaultVisibility | Integer | True |
LeadDefaultVisibility. |
OrgDefaultVisibility | Integer | True |
OrgDefaultVisibility. |
PersonDefaultVisibility | Integer | True |
PersonDefaultVisibility. |
ProductDefaultVisibility | Integer | True |
ProductDefaultVisibility. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Value | String |
Possible values for the default_visibility setting depending on the subscription plan. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 3, 5, 7 |
SettingKey | String |
SettingKey. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。deal_default_visibility, lead_default_visibility, org_default_visibility, person_default_visibility, product_default_visibility |
Returns data about all stages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name, PipelineId, DealProbability and RottenFlag columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO Stages (Name, PipelineId, DealProbability, RottenFlag) VALUES ('BangaloreCdataIndia123', '1', '1', '0')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE Stages SET Name = 'My name just started here' WHERE Id = 7
Delete can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause.
For example:
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
ID of the stage. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | True |
ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
DealProbability | Integer | False |
Deal success probability percentage. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the Stage. |
OrderNr | Integer | False |
An order number for this stage. |
PipelineDealProbability | Integer | True |
PipelineDealProbability. |
PipelineId | Integer | False |
The ID of the Pipeline to add Stage to. |
PipelineName | String | True |
PipelineName. |
RottenDays | String | False |
The number of days the Deals not updated in this Stage would become rotten. Applies only if the rotten_flag is set. |
RottenFlag | Boolean | False |
Whether Deals in this stage can become rotten. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
UpdateTime | Datetime | True |
UpdateTime. |
Returns details of an installment or a recurring Subscription
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
ID of the Subscription. |
AddTime | Datetime | True |
AddTime. |
CadenceType | String | False |
Interval between payments. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly |
Currency | String | False |
The currency of the Installment Subscription. Accepts a 3-character currency code. |
CycleAmount | Double | False |
Amount of each payment. |
CyclesCount | Integer | False |
Shows how many payments the Subscription has. |
DealId | Integer | False |
ID of the Deal this Installment Subscription is associated with. |
Description | String | False |
Description of the Recurring Subscription. |
EndDate | String | False |
EndDate. |
FinalStatus | String | True |
FinalStatus. |
Infinite | Boolean | False |
This indicates that the Recurring Subscription will last until it's manually canceled or deleted. |
IsActive | Boolean | True |
IsActive. |
LifetimeValue | Double | True |
LifetimeValue. |
StartDate | String | False |
Start date of the Recurring Subscription. Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
UpdateTime | Datetime | False |
UpdateTime. |
UserId | Integer | True |
UserId. |
SubscriptionType | String | True |
SubscriptionType. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。recurring, installment デフォルト値はrecurringです。 |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Payments | String |
Array of payments. |
EffectiveDate | Date |
Array of payments. |
UpdateDealValue | Boolean |
Indicates that the Deal value must be set to Recurring Subscription's MRR value. |
Returns data about all users within the company
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = 13816635
Insert can be executed by specifying the Name, Email and ActiveFlag columns. The columns that are not required can be inserted optionally.
For example:
INSERT INTO Users (Name, Email, ActiveFlag) VALUES ('CdataIndiaEngineering', '[email protected]', 'true')
Update can be executed by specifying the Id in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be Updated.
For example:
UPDATE Users SET ActiveFlag = 'false' WHERE Id = 13944807
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
ID of the user. |
Activated | Boolean | False |
Activated. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | False |
Whether the user is active or not. デフォルト値はtrueです。 |
Created | Datetime | False |
Created. |
DefaultCurrency | String | False |
DefaultCurrency. |
String | False |
Email of the user. | |
Hascreatedcompany | Boolean | False |
Hascreatedcompany. |
IconUrl | String | False |
IconUrl. |
IsAdmin | Integer | False |
IsAdmin. |
IsYou | Boolean | False |
IsYou. |
Lang | Integer | False |
Lang. |
LastLogin | Datetime | False |
LastLogin. |
Locale | String | False |
Locale. |
Modified | Datetime | False |
Modified. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the user. |
Phone | String | False |
Phone. |
RoleId | Integer | False |
ID of the role. |
TimezoneName | String | False |
TimezoneName. |
TimezoneOffset | String | False |
TimezoneOffset. |
Access | String | False |
The access given to the user. |
Name | Description |
ActivitiesAttendees | Get all Activities attendees assigned to a particular User |
ActivitiesParticipants | Getdetails of activities participants |
ActivityFields | Returns all activity fields. |
ActivityFieldsOptions | Returns all activity fields. |
Currencies | Returns all supported currencies in given account which should be used when saving monetary values with other objects. |
CurrentUsers | Returns data about an authorized user within the company with bound company data: company ID, company name, and domain. |
DealFieldsOptions | Returns data about all deal fields. |
DealsActivities | Get all Deals Activities assigned to a particular User. |
DealsActivitiesAttendees | Get Details of Deals Activities Attendees. |
DealsActivitiesParticipants | Getdetails of activities participants. |
DealsFiles | Get details of deals file. |
DealsMailMessages | Get details of Deal mail Messages. |
DealsMailMessagesBcc | Get details of Deal mail Messages. |
DealsMailMessagesCc | Get details of Deal mail Messages. |
DealsMailMessagesFrom | Get details of Deal mail Messages. |
DealsMailMessagesTo | Get details of Deal mail Messages. |
DealsParticipantsEmail | Get details of deals participants Person Email. |
DealsParticipantsPersonEmail | Get details of deals participants Person Email. |
DealsParticipantsPersonPhone | Get details of deals participants Person Phone. |
DealsParticipantsPhone | Get details of deals participants Person Email. |
DealsPermittedUsers | Get details of deals Permitted users |
DealsPersonEmails | Get all emails asscociated with persons in deal |
DealsPersonPhone | Get all phone asscociated with persons in deal. |
DealsPersons | Get details of deals persons. |
DealsPersonsEmail | Get details of deals participants Person Email. |
DealsPersonsPhone | Get details of deals participants Person Email. |
DealsSummary | Return detils of deals summary. |
DealsTimeline | Usage information for the operation DealsTimeline.rsd. |
DealsTimelineDeals | Return details of DealsTimeline deals. |
DealsUpdates | Get details of deals updates. |
DealsUpdatesAttachments | Get details of deals Updates Attachments. |
DealsUpdatesAttendees | Get Details of Deals Activities Attendees. |
DealsUpdatesBcc | Get details of Deal updates Bcc. |
DealsUpdatesCc | Get details of Deals Updates cc. |
DealsUpdatesFrom | Get details of Deals Updates From. |
DealsUpdatesParticipants | Get details of deals updates participants. |
DealsUpdatesTo | Get details of Deals Updates to. |
FilterHelpers | Returns all supported filter helpers. |
FindUsersByName | Finds users by their name. |
LeadSources | Returns all Lead Sources. |
MailMessages | Returns data about a specific mail message. |
MailThreadMessages | Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread.. |
MailThreadMessagesFrom | Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread. |
MailThreadMessagesTo | Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread. |
MailThreadsFrom | Get details of the user who sent the mail. |
MailThreadsTo | Get details of the user to whom sent the mail. |
NoteFields | Returns data about all note fields. |
NoteFieldsOptions | Returns data about all note fields options. |
OrganizationFieldsOptions | Returns data about all organization fields options. |
OrganizationsActivities | Get details of organizations activities. |
OrganizationsActivitiesAttendees | Get details of organizations activities attendees. |
OrganizationsActivitiesParticipants | Get details of organizations activities participants. |
OrganizationsDeals | Get details of organization deals. |
OrganizationsDealsPersonEmail | get details of deals person email. |
OrganizationsDealsPersonphone | get details of deals person phone. |
OrganizationsFiles | Get details of deals file. |
OrganizationsMailMessages | Get details of organizations mail Messages. |
OrganizationsMailMessagesBcc | Get details of organizations mail Messages. |
OrganizationsMailMessagesCc | Get details of organizations mail Messages. |
OrganizationsMailMessagesFrom | Get details of organizations mail Messages. |
OrganizationsMailMessagesTo | Get details of organizations mail Messages. |
OrganizationsPermittedUsers | Get details of permitted users of organizations. |
OrganizationsPersons | Get details of organizations persons |
OrganizationsPersonsEmail | Get details of organizations persons email |
OrganizationsPersonsPhone | Get details of organizations persons phone |
OrganizationsUpdates | Get details of organizations updates.. |
OrganizationsUpdatesAttendees | Get details of all attendees of organizations. |
OrganizationsUpdatesParticipants | Getdetails of activities participants. |
PermissionSets | Get all permissions. |
PermissionSetsAssignments | . |
PersonFieldsOptions | Returns data about all person fields options. |
PersonsActivities | Get all Persons Activities assigned to a particular Persons. |
PersonsActivitiesAttendees | Get Details of Persons Activities Attendees. |
PersonsActivitiesParticipants | Get details of Persons activities participants. |
PersonsDeals | Get details of Persons deals. |
PersonsDealsEmail | Get details of Persons deals email. |
PersonsDealsPhone | Get details of Persons deals phone. |
PersonsEmails | Get all emails asscociated with persons. |
PersonsFiles | Get details of Persons file. |
PersonsMailMessages | Get details of organizations mail Messages. |
PersonsMailMessagesBcc | Get details of Persons mail Messages. |
PersonsMailMessagesCc | Get details of persons mail Messages. |
PersonsMailMessagesFrom | Get details of persons mail Messages. |
PersonsMailMessagesTo | Get details of Persons mail Messages. |
PersonsPermittedUsers | Get details of permitted users of persons. |
PersonsPhone | Get all phone asscociated with persons. |
PersonsProducts | Get details of Persons Products. |
PersonsUpdates | Get details of persons updates. |
PersonsUpdatesAttendees | Get details of Deals Activities Attendees. |
PersonsUpdatesParticipants | Get details of activities participants |
PipelineDeals | Lists deals in a specific pipeline across all its stages. |
PipelineDealsConversionRates | Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period. |
PipelineDealsMovements | Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period. |
PipelineDealsMovementsAverageAgeInDaysByStages | Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period average age in days. |
PipelineDealsStageConversions | Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period |
ProductFieldsOptions | Returns data about all product fields options. |
ProductsDeals | Get details of Products Deals. |
ProductsDealsPersonEmail | Get details of Products Deals person email. |
ProductsDealsPersonphone | Get details of deals person phone. |
ProductsFiles | Get details of Persons file. |
ProductsPermittedUsers | Get details of users permitted to access a Product. |
ProductsPrices | Get details of Products Prices. |
Recents | Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp. |
RecentsAttendees | Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp attendees. |
RecentsParticipants | Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp participants. |
RolesPipelinesVisibility | Get the list of either visible or hidden pipeline IDs for a specific role. |
StagesDeals | Get deals in a specific stage. |
SubscriptionPayments | Returns all payments of an installment or recurring subscription. |
UserConnection | The data of user connections. |
UsersAccess | Returns data about all users within the company access. |
UserSettings | List settings of an authorized user. |
UsersFollowers | Lists the followers of a specific user. |
UsersPermissions | Lists the followers of a specific user. |
UsersRoleAssignments | Lists role assignments for a user. |
UsersRoleSettings | Lists the settings of user assigned role. |
Get all Activities attendees assigned to a particular User
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ActivitiesAttendees WHERE ActivitiesId = 246 SELECT * FROM ActivitiesAttendees WHERE Done = 0 SELECT * FROM ActivitiesAttendees WHERE Type IN ('deadline', 'call') SELECT * FROM ActivitiesAttendees WHERE EndDate = '2021-12-24' SELECT * FROM ActivitiesAttendees WHERE UserId = 8230170
Name | Type | Description |
ActivitiesId [KEY] | Integer | Activities ID. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
IsOrganizer | Integer | IsOrganizer. |
Name | String | Name. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
Status | String | Status. |
UserId | String | UserId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Type | String | Type of the Activity This is in correlation with the key_string parameter of ActivityTypes When value for type is not set, it will be given a default value Call.
デフォルト値はCallです。 |
Done | Boolean | Whether the Activity is done or not. 0 = Not done 1 = Done. If omitted, returns both Done and Not done activities.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
FilterId | Integer | The ID of the Filter to use. |
StartDate | String | Use the Activity due date where you wish to begin fetching Activities from Insert due date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
EndDate | String | Use the Activity due date where you wish to stop fetching Activities from Insert due date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Getdetails of activities participants
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ActivitiesParticipants WHERE ActivitiesId = 246 SELECT * FROM ActivitiesParticipants WHERE Done = 0 SELECT * FROM ActivitiesParticipants WHERE Type IN ('deadline', 'call') SELECT * FROM ActivitiesParticipants WHERE EndDate = '2021-12-24' SELECT * FROM ActivitiesParticipants WHERE UserId = 8230170
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Integer | PersonId |
ActivitiesId | Integer | Activities ID. |
PrimaryFlag | Boolean | PrimaryFlag |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Type | String | Type of the Activity This is in correlation with the key_string parameter of ActivityTypes When value for type is not set, it will be given a default value Call
デフォルト値はCallです。 |
Done | Boolean | Whether the Activity is done or not 0 = Not done 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
FilterId | Integer | The ID of the Filter to use |
StartDate | String | Use the Activity due date where you wish to begin fetching Activities from Insert due date in YYYY-MM-DD format |
EndDate | String | Use the Activity due date where you wish to stop fetching Activities from Insert due date in YYYY-MM-DD format |
UserId | String | UserId |
Returns all activity fields.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ActivityFields
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
AddVisibleFlag | Boolean | AddVisibleFlag. |
BulkEditAllowed | Boolean | BulkEditAllowed. |
DetailsVisibleFlag | Boolean | DetailsVisibleFlag. |
EditFlag | Boolean | EditFlag. |
FieldType | String | FieldType. |
FilteringAllowed | Boolean | FilteringAllowed. |
ImportantFlag | Boolean | ImportantFlag. |
IndexVisibleFlag | Boolean | IndexVisibleFlag. |
Key | String | Key. |
LastUpdatedByUserId | String | LastUpdatedByUserId. |
MandatoryFlag | Boolean | MandatoryFlag. |
Name | String | Name. |
Options | String | Options. |
OrderNr | Integer | OrderNr. |
SearchableFlag | Boolean | SearchableFlag. |
SortableFlag | Boolean | SortableFlag. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
Returns all activity fields.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
Returns all supported currencies in given account which should be used when saving monetary values with other objects.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side. Term can be Currencies.Name or/and Currencies.Code:
SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE Term = 'Armenian Dram' SELECT * FROM Currencies WHERE Term = 'AFN'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | ActiveFlag. |
Code | String | Code. |
DecimalPoints | Integer | DecimalPoints. |
IsCustomFlag | Boolean | IsCustomFlag. |
Name | String | Name. |
Symbol | String | Symbol. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Term | String | Optional search term that is searched for from currency's name and/or code. |
Returns data about an authorized user within the company with bound company data: company ID, company name, and domain.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CurrentUsers SELECT * FROM CurrentUsers WHERE Id = 2
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID of the user. |
Activated | Boolean | Activated. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | Whether the user is active or not.
デフォルト値はtrueです。 |
Created | Datetime | Created. |
DefaultCurrency | String | DefaultCurrency. |
String | Email of the user. | |
Hascreatedcompany | Boolean | Hascreatedcompany. |
IconUrl | String | IconUrl. |
IsAdmin | Integer | IsAdmin. |
IsYou | Boolean | IsYou. |
Lang | Integer | Lang. |
LastLogin | Datetime | LastLogin. |
Locale | String | Locale. |
Modified | Datetime | Modified. |
Name | String | Name of the user. |
Phone | String | Phone. |
RoleId | Integer | ID of the role. |
TimezoneName | String | TimezoneName. |
TimezoneOffset | String | TimezoneOffset. |
Access | String | The access given to the user. |
CompanyId | Integer | Company Id. |
CompanyName | String | Company Name. |
CompanyDomain | String | Company Domain. |
CompanyCountry | String | Company Country. |
CompanyIndustry | String | Company Industry. |
LanguageCode | String | Language Code. |
CountryCode | String | Country Code. |
Returns data about all deal fields.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Name of the field. |
FieldType | String | Type of the field.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。address, date, daterange, double, enum, monetary, org, people, phone, set, text, time, timerange, user, varchar, varchar_auto, visible_to |
AddVisibleFlag | Boolean | AddVisibleFlag. |
Get all Deals Activities assigned to a particular User.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsActivities WHERE DealId = 246 SELECT * FROM DealsActivities WHERE DealId = 246 AND done = 0 SELECT * FROM DealsActivities WHERE DealId = 246 AND Exclude IN ('240', '241')
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | Active Flag. |
AddTtime | Datetime | Add Ttime. |
AssignedToUserId | Integer | Assigned To UserId. |
Attendees | String | Attendees. |
BusyFlag | Boolean | BusyFlag. |
IncludeContext | String | Include Context. |
CompanyId | Integer | Company Id. |
MeetingClient | String | Meeting Client. |
MeetingId | String | Meeting Id. |
MeetingUrl | String | Meeting Url. |
CreatedByUserId | Integer | CreatedBy UserId. |
DealDropboxBcc | String | Deal Dropbox Bcc. |
DealId | Integer | Deal Id. |
DealTitle | String | Deal Title. |
Done | Boolean | Whether the activity is done or not 0 = Not done, 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
DueDate | Date | Due Date. |
DueTime | Time | Due Time. |
Duration | Time | Duration. |
FileCleanName | String | FileCleanName. |
FileId | String | FileId. |
FileUrl | String | FileUrl. |
EventId | String | eventId. |
CalendarEtag | String | CalendarEtag. |
CalendarId | String | Calendar Id. |
NotificationTime | Datetime | Notification Time. |
NotificationUserId | Integer | Notification UserId. |
LeadId | String | Lead Id. |
Location | String | Location. |
AreaLevel1 | String | AreaLevel1. |
AreaLevel2 | String | AreaLevel2. |
Country | String | Country. |
FormattedAddress | String | FormattedAddress. |
Lat | Double | Lat. |
Locality | String | Locality. |
Long | Double | Long. |
PostalCode | String | PostalCode. |
Route | String | Route. |
StreetNumber | String | StreetNumber. |
Sublocality | String | Sublocality. |
Subpremise | String | Subpremise. |
MarkedAsDoneTime | Datetime | MarkedAsDoneTime. |
Note | String | Note. |
NotificationLanguageId | Integer | NotificationLanguageId. |
OrgId | Integer | OrgId. |
OrgName | String | OrgName. |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName. |
Participants | String | Participants. |
PersonDropboxBcc | String | Person Dropbox Bcc. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
PublicDescription | String | PublicDescription. |
MasterActivityId | String | MasterActivityId. |
Rule | String | Rule. |
RuleExtension | String | RuleExtension. |
ReferenceId | Integer | ReferenceId. |
ReferenceType | String | ReferenceType. |
Series | String | Series. |
SourceTimezone | String | SourceTimezone. |
Subject | String | Subject. |
Type | String | Type. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UpdateUserId | Integer | UpdateUserId. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Exclude | String | A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result. |
Get Details of Deals Activities Attendees.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsActivitiesAttendees WHERE DealId = 246 SELECT * FROM DealsActivitiesAttendees WHERE DealId = 246 AND done = 0 SELECT * FROM DealsActivitiesAttendees WHERE DealId = 246 Exclude IN ('240', '241')
Name | Type | Description |
DealId | Integer | Deal Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
IsOrganizer | Integer | IsOrganizer. |
Name | String | Name. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
Status | String | Status. |
UserId | String | UserId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Done | Boolean | Whether the activity is done or not 0 = Not done, 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
Exclude | String | A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result. |
Getdetails of activities participants.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsActivitiesParticipants WHERE DealId = 246 SELECT * FROM DealsActivitiesParticipants WHERE DealId = 246 AND done = 0 SELECT * FROM DealsActivitiesParticipants WHERE DealId = 246 Exclude IN ('240', '241')
Name | Type | Description |
DealId | Integer | Deal Id. |
PersonId [KEY] | Integer | PersonId. |
PrimaryFlag | Boolean | PrimaryFlag. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Done | Boolean | Whether the activity is done or not 0 = Not done, 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
Exclude | String | A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result. |
Get details of deals file.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsFiles WHERE DealId = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID of the deal. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | Active Flag. |
ActivityId | String | Activity Id. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
Cid | String | Cid. |
DealId | String | Deal Id. |
DealName | String | DealName. |
Description | String | Description. |
FileName | String | File Name. |
FileSize | Integer | File Size. |
FileType | String | File Type. |
InlineFlag | Boolean | Inline Flag. |
LogId | String | Log Id. |
MailMessageId | String | MailMessage Id. |
MailTemplateId | String | MailTemplate Id. |
Name | String | Name. |
OrgId | Integer | Org Id. |
OrgName | String | Org Name. |
PeopleName | String | People Name. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | Person Name. |
ProductId | String | Product Id. |
ProductName | String | Product Name. |
RemoteId | String | Remote Id. |
RemoteLocation | String | Remote Location. |
S3Bucket | String | S3Bucket. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | Update Time. |
Url | String | Url. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
LeadId | String | Lead Id. |
LeadName | String | Lead Name. |
Get details of Deal mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsMailMessages WHERE Id = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | id. |
AccountId | String | AccountId. |
AddTime | Datetime | addTime. |
Bcc | String | Bcc. |
BodyUrl | String | bodyUrl. |
Cc | String | cc. |
CompanyId | Integer | companyId. |
DeletedFlag | Integer | DeletedFlag. |
Draft | String | Draft. |
DraftFlag | Integer | DraftFlag. |
ExternalDeletedFlag | Integer | ExternalDeletedFlag. |
From | String | From. |
AttachmentsFlag | Integer | AttachmentsFlag. |
BodyFlag | Integer | BodyFlag. |
InlineAttachmentsFlag | Integer | InlineAttachmentsFlag. |
RealAttachmentsFlag | Integer | RealAttachmentsFlag. |
ItemType | String | ItemType. |
TrackingEnabledFlag | Integer | TrackingEnabledFlag. |
ThreadId | Integer | ThreadId. |
TrackingStatus | String | TrackingStatus. |
MessageTime | String | MessageTime. |
MessageId | String | MessageId. |
NylasId | String | NylasId. |
ReadFlag | Integer | ReadFlag. |
S3Bucket | String | S3Bucket. |
S3BucketPath | String | S3BucketPath. |
SentFlag | Integer | SentFlag. |
SentFromPipedriveFlag | Integer | SentFromPipedriveFlag. |
SmartBccFlag | Integer | SmartBccFlag. |
Snippet | String | Snippet. |
Subject | String | Subject. |
SyncedFlag | Integer | SyncedFlag. |
TemplateId | String | TemplateId. |
Timestamp | Datetime | Timestamp. |
To | String | To. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
WriteFlag | Boolean | writeFlag. |
Object | String | Object. |
Get details of Deal mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsMailMessagesBcc WHERE Id = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
Get details of Deal mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsMailMessagesCc WHERE Id = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
Get details of Deal mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsMailMessagesFrom WHERE Id = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
Get details of Deal mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsMailMessagesTo WHERE Id = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
Get details of deals participants Person Email.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsEmail SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsEmail WHERE DealsParticipantsId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
DealsParticipantsId [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
Value | String | Email. |
Primary | Boolean | Boolean value Primary. |
Get details of deals participants Person Email.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsPersonEmail SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsPersonEmail WHERE DealsParticipantsId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
DealsParticipantsId [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
Value | String | Email. |
Primary | Boolean | Boolean value Primary. |
Get details of deals participants Person Phone.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsPersonPhone SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsPersonPhone WHERE DealsParticipantsId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
DealsParticipantsId [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
Value | String | Value. |
Primary | Boolean | Boolean value Primary. |
Get details of deals participants Person Email.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsPhone SELECT * FROM DealsParticipantsPhone WHERE DealsParticipantsId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
DealsParticipantsId [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
Value | String | Value. |
Primary | Boolean | Boolean value Primary. |
Get details of deals Permitted users
Name | Type | Description |
Data | String | Data. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | Id. |
Get all emails asscociated with persons in deal
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsPersonEmails SELECT * FROM DealsPersonEmails WHERE DealsId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
DealsId [KEY] | Integer | Deals ID. |
Label | String | Label. |
Value | String | Value. |
Primary | Boolean | Primary. |
Get all phone asscociated with persons in deal.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsPersonPhone SELECT * FROM DealsPersonPhone WHERE DealsId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
DealsId [KEY] | Integer | Deals ID. |
label | String | Label. |
Value | String | Value. |
Primary | Boolean | Primary. |
Get details of deals persons.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsPersons SELECT * FROM DealsPersons WHERE DealId = 8
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
DealId | Integer | Deal Id. |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | ActivitiesCount. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
CcEmail | String | CcEmail. |
ClosedDealsCount | Integer | ClosedDealsCount. |
CompanyId | Integer | CompanyId. |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | DoneActivitiesCount. |
String | Email. | |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | EmailMessagesCount. |
FilesCount | Integer | FilesCount. |
Label | Integer | label. |
LastActivityDate | Date | LastActivityDate. |
LastActivityId | Integer | LastActivityId. |
LastincomingMailTime | String | LastincomingMailTime. |
Lastname | String | Lastname. |
LastoutgoingMailTime | String | LastoutgoingMailTime. |
LostdealsCount | Integer | LostdealsCount. |
Name | String | Name. |
NextActivityDate | Date | nextActivityDate. |
NextActivityId | Integer | nextActivityId. |
NextActivityTime | String | nextActivityTime. |
NotesCount | Integer | NotesCount. |
OpenDealsCount | Integer | OpenDealsCount. |
OrgActiveFlag | Boolean | OrgActiveFlag. |
OrgAddress | String | OrgAddress. |
OrgCcEmail | String | OrgCcEmail. |
OrgName | String | OrgName. |
OrgownerId | Integer | OrgownerId. |
OrgpeopleCount | Integer | OrgpeopleCount. |
OrgId | Integer | OrgId. |
OwnerActiveFlag | Boolean | OwnerActiveFlag. |
OwnerEmail | String | OwnerEmail. |
OwnerHasPic | Integer | OwnerHasPic. |
OwnerId | Integer | OwnerId. |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName. |
OwnerPicHash | String | OwnerPicHash. |
OwnerValue | Integer | OwnerValue. |
ParticipantClosedDealsCount | Integer | ClosedDealsCount. |
ParticipantOpenDealsCount | Integer | OpenDealsCount. |
Phone | String | Phone. |
PictureActiveFlag | Boolean | PictureActiveFlag. |
PictureaddTime | Datetime | PictureaddTime. |
PictureaddedByUserId | Integer | PictureaddedByUserId. |
PictureItemId | Integer | PictureItemId. |
PictureitemType | String | PictureitemType. |
Picture128 | String | Picture128. |
Picture512 | String | Picture512. |
PictureupdateTime | String | PictureupdateTime. |
Picturevalue | Integer | Picturevalue. |
PictureId | String | PictureId. |
RelatedclosedDealsCount | Integer | RelatedclosedDealsCount. |
RelatedlostDealsCount | Integer | RelatedlostDealsCount. |
RelatedopenDealsCount | Integer | RelatedopenDealsCount. |
RelatedwonDealsCount | Integer | RelatedwonDealsCount. |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | UndoneActivitiesCount. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
VisibleTo | String | visibleTo. |
WonDealsCount | Integer | WonDealsCount. |
FirstName | String | First Name. |
FollowersCount | Integer | Followers Count. |
PrimaryEmail | String | Primary Email. |
FirstChar | String | First Char. |
MarketingStatus | String | Marketing Status. |
Get details of deals participants Person Email.
Name | Type | Description |
DealsPersonsId [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
Value | String | Email. |
Primary | Boolean | Boolean value Primary. |
Get details of deals participants Person Email.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsPersonsPhone WHERE DealsPersonsId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
DealsPersonsId [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
Value | String | Value. |
Primary | Boolean | Boolean value Primary. |
Return detils of deals summary.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsSummary WHERE UserId = 8230170 SELECT * FROM DealsSummary WHERE Status = 'open' SELECT * FROM DealsSummary WHERE StageId = 1 SELECT * FROM DealsSummary WHERE FilterId = 1
Name | Type | Description |
TotalCount | Integer | Total Count. |
Totalvalue | Double | Total value. |
TotalValueFormatted | String | Total Value Formatted. |
TotalWeightedValue | Double | Total Weighted Value. |
TotalWeightedValueFormatted | String | Total Weighted Value Formatted. |
EURCount | Integer | EUR Count. |
EURValue | Integer | EUR Value. |
EURConverted | Double | EUR Converted. |
EURConvertedFormatted | String | EUR Converted Formatted. |
EURFormatted | String | EUR Formatted. |
USDCount | Integer | USD Count. |
USDValue | Integer | USD Value. |
USDConverted | Integer | USD Converted. |
USDConvertedFormatted | String | USD Converted Formatted. |
USDFormatted | String | USD Formatted. |
WeightedEURCount | Integer | Weighted EUR Count. |
WeightedEURValue | Integer | Weighted EUR Value. |
WeightedEURValueFormatted | String | Weighted EUR Value Formatted. |
WeightedUSDCount | Integer | Weighted USD Count. |
WeightedUSD | Integer | Weighted USD. |
WeightedUSDFormatted | String | Weighted USD Formatted. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterId | Integer | Filter Id. |
UserId | Integer | User Id. |
StageId | Integer | Stage Id. |
Status | String | Status. |
Usage information for the operation DealsTimeline.rsd.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
Required fields: Amount, StartDate, FieldKey and IntervalType is required
SELECT * FROM DealsTimeline WHERE Amount = '3' AND StartDate = '2021-12-12' AND FieldKey = 'add_time' AND IntervalType = 'month'
Name | Type | Description |
Deals | String | Deals |
PeriodEnd | Datetime | Period End |
PeriodStart | Date | Period Start |
Count | Integer | Count |
OpenCount | Integer | open Count |
OpenValuesEUR | Integer | open Values EUR |
ValuesEUR | Integer | Values EUR |
ValuesUSD | Integer | Values USD |
WeightedOpenValuesEUR | Integer | Weighted Open Values EUR |
WeightedValuesEUR | Integer | Weighted Values EUR |
WeightedValuesUSD | Integer | Weighted Values USD |
WonCount | Integer | Won Count |
WonValuesUSD | Integer | Won Values USD |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
StartDate | Date | Date where the first interval starts. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. |
IntervalType | String | Type Of Interval.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。day, week, month, quarter |
Amount | Integer | The number of given intervals, starting from start_date, to fetch E.g 3 months. |
FieldKey | String | The date field key which deals will be retrieved from. |
UserId | Integer | User id. |
FilterId | Integer | Type Of Interval.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。day, week, month, quarter |
ExcludeDeals | Integer | Whether to exclude deals list 1 or not 0.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
ConvertCurrency | String | 3-letter currency code of any of the supported currencies. |
PipelineId | Integer | Pipeline Id. |
Return details of DealsTimeline deals.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Active | Boolean | Active. |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | ActivitiesCount. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
CcEmail | String | CcEmail. |
CloseTime | String | CloseTime. |
CreatorUserId | Integer | CreatorUserId. |
Currency | String | Currency. |
Deleted | Boolean | Deleted. |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | DoneActivitiesCount. |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | EmailMessagesCount. |
ExpectedCloseDate | Date | ExpectedCloseDate. |
FilesCount | Integer | FilesCount. |
FirstWonTime | Datetime | FirstWonTime. |
FollowersCount | Integer | FollowersCount. |
FormattedValue | String | FormattedValue. |
FormattedWeightedValue | String | FormattedWeightedValue. |
Label | String | Label. |
LastActivityDate | String | LastActivityDate. |
LastActivityId | String | LastActivityId. |
LastncomingMailTime | Datetime | LastncomingMailTime. |
LastoutgoingMailTime | Datetime | LastoutgoingMailTime. |
Lostreason | String | Lostreason. |
LostTime | String | LostTime. |
NextActivityDate | Date | NextActivityDate. |
NextActivityDuration | Time | NextActivityDuration. |
NextActivityId | Integer | NextActivityId. |
NextActivityNote | String | NextActivityNote. |
NextActivitySubject | String | NextActivitySubject. |
NextActivityTime | Time | NextActivityTime. |
NextActivityType | String | NextActivityType. |
NotesCount | Integer | NotesCount. |
OrgHidden | Boolean | OrgHidden. |
OrgId | Integer | OrgId. |
OrgName | String | OrgName. |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName. |
ParticipantsCount | Integer | ParticipantsCount. |
PersonHidden | Boolean | PersonHidden. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
PipelineId | Integer | PipelineId. |
Probability | String | Probability. |
ProductsCount | Integer | ProductsCount. |
RottenTime | String | RottenTime. |
StageChangeTime | Datetime | StageChangeTime. |
StageId | Integer | StageId. |
StageOrderNr | Integer | StageOrderNr. |
Status | String | Status. |
Title | String | Title. |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | UndoneActivitiesCount. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
Value | Integer | Value. |
VisibleTo | String | VisibleTo. |
WeightedValue | Integer | WeightedValue. |
WeightedValueCurrency | String | WeightedValueCurrency. |
WonTime | Datetime | WonTime. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
StartDate | Date | Date where the first interval starts. Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
IntervalType | String | Type Of Interval.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。day, week, month, quarter |
Amount | Integer | The number of given intervals, starting from start_date, to fetch E.g 3 months. |
FieldKey | String | The date field key which deals will be retrieved from. |
FilterId | Integer | Type Of Interval.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。day, week, month, quarter |
ExcludeDeals | Integer | Whether to exclude deals list 1 or not 0.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
ConvertCurrency | String | 3-letter currency code of any of the supported currencies. |
Get details of deals updates.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdates WHERE DealId = 3 SELECT * FROM DealsUpdates WHERE DealId = 246 AND AllChanges = 1 SELECT * FROM DealsUpdates WHERE DealId = 246 AND Items IN ('activity', 'call')
Name | Type | Description |
Id | Integer | Id. |
AccountId | String | AccountId. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
AdditionalData | String | AdditionalData. |
AssignedToUserId | Integer | AssignedToUserId. |
Attachments | String | Attachments. |
Attendees | String | Attendees. |
Bcc | String | Bcc. |
BodyUrl | String | BodyUrl. |
BusyFlag | Boolean | BusyFlag. |
IncludeContext | String | IncludeContext. |
Cc | String | Cc. |
ChangeSource | String | ChangeSource. |
UserAgent | String | UserAgent. |
CompanyId | Integer | CompanyId. |
MeetingClient | String | MeetingClient. |
MeetingId | String | MeetingId. |
MeetingUrl | String | MeetingUrl. |
CreatedByUserId | Integer | CreatedByUserId. |
DealDropboxBcc | String | DealDropboxBcc. |
DealId | Integer | DealId. |
DealTitle | String | DealTitle. |
DeletedFlag | Integer | DeletedFlag. |
Done | Boolean | Done. |
Draft | String | Draft. |
DraftFlag | Integer | DraftFlag. |
DueDate | Date | DueDate. |
DueTime | Time | DueTime. |
Duration | Time | Duration. |
ExternalDeletedFlag | Integer | ExternalDeletedFlag. |
FieldKey | String | FieldKey. |
CleanName | String | CleanName. |
FileId | String | FileId. |
Url | String | Url. |
From | String | From. |
GcalEventId | String | GcalEventId. |
GoogleCalendarEtag | String | GoogleCalendarEtag. |
GoogleCalendarId | String | GoogleCalendarId. |
AttachmentsFlag | Integer | AttachmentsFlag. |
BodyFlag | Integer | BodyFlag. |
InlineAttachmentsFlag | Integer | InlineAttachmentsFlag. |
RealAttachmentsFlag | Integer | RealAttachmentsFlag. |
IsBulkUpdateFlag | String | IsBulkUpdateFlag. |
ItemId | Integer | ItemId. |
ItemType | String | ItemType. |
NotificationTime | Datetime | NotificationTime. |
NotificationUserId | Integer | NotificationUserId. |
LeadId | String | LeadId. |
Location | String | Location. |
AdminAreaLevel1 | String | AdminAreaLevel1. |
AdminAreaLevel2 | String | AdminAreaLevel2. |
Country | String | Country. |
FormattedAddress | String | FormattedAddress. |
Lat | Double | Lat. |
Locality | String | Locality. |
Long | Double | Long. |
PostalCode | String | PostalCode. |
Route | String | Route. |
StreetNumber | String | StreetNumber. |
Sublocality | String | Sublocality. |
Subpremise | String | Subpremise. |
LogTime | Datetime | LogTime. |
TrackingEnabledFlag | Integer | TrackingEnabledFlag. |
MailThreadId | Integer | MailThreadId. |
MailTrackingStatus | String | MailTrackingStatus. |
MarkedAsDoneTime | Datetime | MarkedAsDoneTime. |
MessageTime | String | MessageTime. |
MuaMessageId | String | MuaMessageId. |
NewValue | String | NewValue. |
Note | String | Note. |
LanguageId | Integer | LanguageId. |
NylasId | String | NylasId. |
OldValue | Integer | OldValue. |
OrgId | Integer | OrgId. |
OrgName | String | OrgName. |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName. |
Participants | String | Participants. |
PersonDropboxBcc | String | PersonDropboxBcc. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
PublicDescription | String | PublicDescription. |
ReadFlag | Integer | ReadFlag. |
RecActivityId | String | RecActivityId. |
RecRule | String | RecRule. |
RecRuleExtension | String | RecRuleExtension. |
ReferenceId | Integer | ReferenceId. |
ReferenceType | String | ReferenceType. |
S3Bucket | String | S3Bucket. |
S3BucketPath | String | S3BucketPath. |
SentFlag | Integer | SentFlag. |
SentFromPipedriveFlag | Integer | SentFromPipedriveFlag. |
Series | String | Series. |
SmartBccFlag | Integer | SmartBccFlag. |
Snippet | String | Snippet. |
SourceTimezone | String | SourceTimezone. |
Subject | String | Subject. |
SyncedFlag | Integer | SyncedFlag. |
TemplateId | String | TemplateId. |
Timestamp | Datetime | Timestamp. |
To | String | To. |
Type | String | Type. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UpdateUserId | Integer | UpdateUserId. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
WriteFlag | Boolean | WriteFlag. |
Object | String | Object. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllChanges | String | Whether to show custom field updates or not.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。1 |
Items | String | Item specific updates.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document |
Get details of deals Updates Attachments.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesAttachments WHERE DealId = 3 SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesAttachments WHERE DealId = 246 AND AllChanges = 1 SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesAttachments WHERE DealId = 246 AND Items IN ('activity', 'call')
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | ActiveFlag. |
ActivityId | String | ActivityId. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
Cid | String | Cid. |
DealName | String | DealName. |
DealId | Integer | dealid. |
Description | String | Description. |
FileName | String | FileName. |
FileSize | Integer | FileSize. |
FileType | String | FileType. |
InlineFlag | Boolean | InlineFlag. |
LogId | String | LogId. |
MailMessageId | String | MailMessageId. |
MailTemplateId | String | MailTemplateId. |
Name | String | Name. |
OrgId | Integer | OrgId. |
OrgName | String | OrgName. |
PeopleName | String | PeopleName. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
ProductId | String | ProductId. |
ProductName | String | ProductName. |
RemoteId | String | RemoteId. |
RemoteLocation | String | RemoteLocation. |
S3Bucket | String | S3Bucket. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
Url | String | Url. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
LeadId | Integer | Lead Id. |
LeadName | Integer | Lead Name. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllChanges | String | Whether to show custom field updates or not.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。1 |
Items | String | Item specific updates.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document |
Get Details of Deals Activities Attendees.
Name | Type | Description |
DealId | Integer | Deal Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
IsOrganizer | Integer | IsOrganizer. |
Name | String | Name. |
Status | String | Status. |
UserId | String | UserId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllChanges | String | Whether to show custom field updates or not.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。1 |
Items | String | Item specific updates.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document |
Get details of Deal updates Bcc.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesBcc WHERE DealId = 3 SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesBcc WHERE DealId = 246 AND AllChanges = 1 SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesBcc WHERE DealId = 246 AND Items IN ('activity', 'call')
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
DealId | Integer | Deal Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllChanges | String | Whether to show custom field updates or not.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。1 |
Items | String | item specific updates.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document |
Get details of Deals Updates cc.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesCc WHERE DealId = 3 SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesCc WHERE DealId = 246 AND AllChanges = 1 SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesCc WHERE DealId = 246 AND Items IN ('activity', 'call')
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
DealId | Integer | Deal Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllChanges | String | Whether to show custom field updates or not.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。1 |
Items | String | item specific updates.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document |
Get details of Deals Updates From.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesFrom WHERE DealId = 3 SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesFrom WHERE DealId = 246 AND AllChanges = 1 SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesFrom WHERE DealId = 246 AND Items IN ('activity', 'call')
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
DealId | Integer | Deal Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllChanges | String | Whether to show custom field updates or not
使用できる値は次のとおりです。1 |
Items | String | item specific updates
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document |
Get details of deals updates participants.
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Integer | PersonId. |
DealId | Integer | Deal Id. |
PrimaryFlag | Boolean | PrimaryFlag. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllChanges | String | Whether to show custom field updates or not.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。1 |
Items | String | Item specific updates.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document |
Get details of Deals Updates to.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesTo WHERE DealId = 3 SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesTo WHERE DealId = 246 AND AllChanges = 1 SELECT * FROM DealsUpdatesTo WHERE DealId = 246 AND Items IN ('activity', 'call')
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
DealId | Integer | Deal Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllChanges | String | Whether to show custom field updates or not.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。1 |
Items | String | item specific updates.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document |
Returns all supported filter helpers.
Name | Type | Description |
AdminAreaLevel1 | String | AdminAreaLevel1. |
AdminAreaLevel2 | String | AdminAreaLevel2. |
Country | String | Country. |
FormattedAddress | String | FormattedAddress. |
Locality | String | Locality. |
PostalCode | String | PostalCode. |
Route | String | Route. |
StreetNumber | String | StreetNumber. |
Sublocality | String | Sublocality. |
Subpremise | String | Subpremise. |
CurrencyNotEqual | String | CurrencyNotEqual. |
CurrencyEqual | String | CurrencyEqual. |
DateNotEqual | String | DateNotEqual. |
DateLessThan | String | DateLessThan. |
DateLessThanOrEqual | String | DateLessThanOrEqual. |
DateEqual | String | DateEqual. |
DateGreaterThan | String | DateGreaterThan. |
DateGreaterThanOrEqual | String | DateGreaterThanOrEqual. |
DateISNULL | String | DateISNULL. |
DateRangeNotEqual | String | DateRangeNotEqual. |
DateRangeLessThan | String | DateRangeLessThan. |
DateRangeLessThanOrEqual | String | DateRangeLessThanOrEqual. |
DateRangeEqual | String | DateRangeEqual. |
DateRangeGreaterThan | String | DateRangeGreaterThan. |
DateRangeGreaterThanOrEqual | String | DateRangeGreaterThanOrEqual. |
DateRangeDoesNotEndAt | String | DateRangeDoesNotEndAt. |
DateRangeEndsAfter | String | DateRangeEndsAfter. |
DateRangeEndsAt | String | DateRangeEndsAt. |
DateRangeEndsBefore | String | DateRangeEndsBefore. |
DateRangeEndsEAfter | String | DateRangeEndsEAfter. |
DateRangeEndsEBefore | String | DateRangeEndsEBefore. |
DateRangeincludes | String | DateRangeincludes. |
DateRangeISNOTNULL | String | DateRangeISNOTNULL. |
DateRangeISNULL | String | DateRangeISNULL. |
DealNotEqual | String | DealNotEqual. |
DealEqual | String | DealEqual. |
DealISNULL | String | DealISNULL. |
DoubleNotEqual | String | DoubleNotEqual. |
DoubleLessThan | String | DoubleLessThan. |
DoubleLessThanOrEqual | String | DoubleLessThanOrEqual. |
DoubleEqual | String | DoubleEqual. |
DoubleGreaterThan | String | DoubleGreaterThan. |
DoubleGreaterThanOrEqual | String | DoubleGreaterThanOrEqual. |
DoubleISNOTNULL | String | DoubleISNOTNULL. |
DoubleISNULL | String | DoubleISNULL. |
EnteredStageNotEqual | String | EnteredStageNotEqual. |
EnteredStageLessThan | String | EnteredStageLessThan. |
EnteredStageLessThanOrEqual | String | EnteredStageLessThanOrEqual. |
EnteredStageEqual | String | EnteredStageEqual. |
EnteredStageGreaterThan | String | EnteredStageGreaterThan. |
EnteredStageGreaterThanOrEqual | String | EnteredStageGreaterThanOrEqual. |
EnumNotEqual | String | EnumNotEqual. |
EnumEqual | String | EnumEqual. |
EnumISNULL | String | EnumISNULL. |
IntNotEqual | String | IntNotEqual. |
IntLessThan | String | IntLessThan. |
IntLessThanOrEqual | String | IntLessThanOrEqual. |
IntEqual | String | IntEqual. |
IntGreaterThan | String | IntGreaterThan. |
IntGreaterThanOrEqual | String | IntGreaterThanOrEqual. |
IntISNULL | String | IntISNULL. |
MonetaryNotEqual | String | MonetaryNotEqual. |
MonetaryLessThan | String | MonetaryLessThan. |
MonetaryLessThanOrEqual | String | MonetaryLessThanOrEqual. |
MonetaryEqual | String | MonetaryEqual. |
MonetaryGreaterThan | String | MonetaryGreaterThan. |
MonetaryGreaterThanOrEqual | String | MonetaryGreaterThanOrEqual. |
MonetaryISNOTNULL | String | MonetaryISNOTNULL. |
MonetaryISNULL | String | MonetaryISNULL. |
OrganizationNotEqual | String | OrganizationNotEqual. |
OrganizationEqual | String | OrganizationEqual. |
OrganizationISNOTNULL | String | OrganizationISNOTNULL. |
OrganizationISNULL | String | OrganizationISNULL. |
PersonNotEqual | String | PersonNotEqual. |
PersonEqual | String | PersonEqual. |
PersonISNOTNULL | String | PersonISNOTNULL. |
PersonISNULL | String | PersonISNULL. |
PipelineNotEqual | String | PipelineNotEqual. |
PipelineEqual | String | PipelineEqual. |
ProductNotEqual | String | ProductNotEqual. |
ProductEqual | String | ProductEqual. |
ProductISNOTNULL | String | ProductISNOTNULL. |
ProductISNULL | String | ProductISNULL. |
SetNotEqual | String | SetNotEqual. |
SetEqual | String | SetEqual. |
SetContains | String | SetContains. |
SetISNULL | String | SetISNULL. |
SetNotContains | String | SetNotContains. |
StageNotEqual | String | StageNotEqual. |
StageEqual | String | StageEqual. |
StageHasBeen | String | StageHasBeen. |
StatusNotEqual | String | StatusNotEqual. |
StatusEqual | String | StatusEqual. |
TimeNotEqual | String | TimeNotEqual. |
TimeLessThan | String | TimeLessThan. |
TimeLessThanOrEqual | String | TimeLessThanOrEqual. |
TimeEqual | String | TimeEqual. |
TimeGreaterThan | String | TimeGreaterThan. |
TimeGreaterThanOrEqual | String | TimeGreaterThanOrEqual. |
TimeISNULL | String | TimeISNULL. |
TimerangeNotEqual | String | TimerangeNotEqual. |
TimerangeLessThan | String | TimerangeLessThan. |
TimerangeLessThanOrEqual | String | TimerangeLessThanOrEqual. |
TimerangeEqual | String | TimerangeEqual. |
TimerangeGreaterThan | String | TimerangeGreaterThan. |
TimerangeGreaterThanOrEqual | String | TimerangeGreaterThanOrEqual. |
TimerangedoesNotEndAt | String | TimerangeDoes_not_end_at. |
TimerangeEndsAfter | String | TimerangeEndsAfter. |
TimerangeEndsAt | String | TimerangeEndsAt. |
TimerangeEndsBefore | String | TimerangeEndsBefore. |
TimerangeEndsEAfter | String | TimerangeEndsEAfter. |
TimerangeEndsEBefore | String | TimerangeEndsEBefore. |
TimerangeIncludes | String | TimerangeIncludes. |
TimerangeISNOTNULL | String | TimerangeISNOTNULL. |
TimerangeISNULL | String | TimerangeISNULL. |
TitleEqual | String | TitleEqual. |
TitleLIKE'$%' | String | TitleLIKE'$%'. |
TitleLIKE'%$' | String | TitleLIKE'%$'. |
TitleLIKE'%$%' | String | TitleLIKE'%$%'. |
TitleNOTLIKE'$%' | String | TitleNOTLIKE'$%'. |
TitleNOTLIKE'%$' | String | TitleNOTLIKE'%$'. |
TitleNOTLIKE'%$%' | String | TitleNOTLIKE'%$%'. |
UserNotEqual | String | UserNotEqual. |
UserEqual | String | UserEqual. |
UserBelongsToTeam | String | User.belongs_to_team. |
UserISNOTNULL | String | User.IS_NOT_NULL. |
UserISNULL | String | User.IS_NULL. |
VarcharNotEqual | String | VarcharNotEqual. |
VarcharEqual | String | VarcharEqual. |
VarcharISNOTNULL | String | VarcharISNOTNULL. |
VarcharISNULL | String | VarcharISNULL. |
VarcharLIKE'$%' | String | VarcharLIKE'$%' |
VarcharLIKE'%$' | String | VarcharLIKE'%$' |
VarcharLIKE'%$%' | String | VarcharLIKE'%$%' |
VarcharNOTLIKE'$%' | String | VarcharNOTLIKE'$%' |
VarcharNOTLIKE'%$' | String | VarcharNOTLIKE'%$' |
VarcharNOTLIKE'%$%' | String | VarcharNOTLIKE'%$%' |
VisibletoNotEqual | String | VisibletoNotEqual. |
VisibletoEqual | String | VisibletoEqual. |
RottenTime | String | RottenTime. |
LastMonth | String | LastMonth. |
LastQuarter | String | LastQuarter. |
LastWeek | String | LastWeek. |
NextMonth | String | NextMonth. |
NextWeek | String | NextWeek. |
ThisMonth | String | ThisMonth. |
ThisQuarter | String | ThisQuarter. |
ThisWeek | String | ThisWeek. |
OnemonthsAgo | String | OnemonthsAgo. |
OneweekAgo | String | OneweekAgo. |
TwoMonthsAgo | String | TwoMonthsAgo. |
TwoWeeksAgo | String | TwoWeeksAgo. |
ThreeMonthsAgo | String | ThreeMonthsAgo. |
ThreeWeeksAgo | String | ThreeWeeksAgo. |
FourMonthsAgo | String | FourMonthsAgo. |
FiveMonthsAgo | String | FiveMonthsAgo. |
SixMonthsAgo | String | SixMonthsAgo. |
BeforeToday | String | BeforeToday. |
BeforeTomorrow | String | BeforeTomorrow. |
InOneMonth | String | InOneMonth. |
InOneWeek | String | InOneWeek. |
InTwoMonths | String | InTwoMonths. |
InTwoWeeks | String | InTwoWeeks. |
InThreeMonths | String | InThreeMonths. |
InThreeWeeks | String | InThreeWeeks. |
InFourMonths | String | InFourMonths. |
InFiveMonths | String | InFiveMonths. |
InSixMonths | String | InSixMonths. |
LaterOrToday | String | LaterOrToday. |
LaterOrTomorrow | String | LaterOrTomorrow. |
Now | String | Now. |
Today | String | Today. |
Tomorrow | String | Tomorrow. |
Yesterday | String | Yesterday. |
Finds users by their name.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM FindUsersByName WHERE Term = 'name'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID of the user. |
Activated | Boolean | Activated. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | Whether the user is active or not.
デフォルト値はtrueです。 |
Created | Datetime | Created. |
DefaultCurrency | String | DefaultCurrency. |
String | Email of the user. | |
Hascreatedcompany | Boolean | Hascreatedcompany. |
IconUrl | String | IconUrl. |
IsAdmin | Integer | IsAdmin. |
IsYou | Boolean | IsYou. |
Lang | Integer | Lang. |
LastLogin | Datetime | LastLogin. |
Locale | String | Locale. |
Modified | Datetime | Modified. |
Name | String | Name of the user. |
Phone | String | Phone. |
RoleId | Integer | ID of the role. |
TimezoneName | String | TimezoneName. |
TimezoneOffset | String | TimezoneOffset. |
Access | String | The access given to the user. |
Term | String | The search term to look for. |
SearchByEmail | Integer | When enabled, the term will only be matched against email addresses of users.
デフォルト値はfalseです。 |
Returns all Lead Sources.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM LeadSources
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Name. |
Returns data about a specific mail message.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID of the Mail Threads. |
PartiesTo | String | To. |
PartiesFrom | String | From. |
DraftParties | String | Draft Parties. |
Folders | String | Folders. |
AccountId | String | Account Id. |
UserId | Integer | User Id. |
Version | Integer | Version. |
Subject | String | Subject. |
Snippet | String | Snippet. |
SnippetDraft | String | SnippetDraft. |
SnippetSent | String | SnippetSent. |
HasAttachmentsFlag | Integer | HasAttachmentsFlag. |
HasInlineAttachmentsFlag | Integer | HasInlineAttachmentsFlag. |
HasRealAttachmentsFlag | Integer | HasRealAttachmentsFlag. |
HasDraftFlag | Integer | HasDraftFlag. |
HasSentFlag | Integer | HasSentFlag. |
ArchivedFlag | Integer | ArchivedFlag. |
DeletedFlag | Integer | DeletedFlag. |
SyncedFlag | Integer | SyncedFlag. |
ExternalDeletedFlag | Integer | ExternalDeletedFlag. |
SmartBccFlag | Integer | SmartBccFlag. |
FirstMessageToMeFlag | Integer | FirstMessageToMeFlag. |
MailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag | Integer | MailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag. |
LastMessageTimestamp | String | LastMessageTimestamp. |
FirstMessageTimestamp | String | FirstMessageTimestamp. |
LastMessageSentTimestamp | String | LastMessageSentTimestamp. |
LastMessageReceivedTimestamp | String | LastMessageReceivedTimestamp. |
AddTime | String | AddTime. |
UpdateTime | String | UpdateTime. |
DealId | Integer | DealId. |
DealStatus | Integer | DealStatus. |
AllMessagesSentFlag | Integer | AllMessagesSentFlag. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Folder | String | The type of folder to fetch. |
Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread..
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM MailThreadMessages WHERE MailThreadId = 145
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID of the Mail Thread Messages. |
MailThreadId | Integer | ID of the Mail Thread. |
To | String | To. |
From | String | From. |
Cc | String | Cc. |
Bcc | String | Bcc. |
BodyUrl | String | Body url. |
AccountId | String | Account Id. |
UserId | Integer | User Id. |
Subject | String | Subject. |
Snippet | String | Snippet. |
MailTrackingStatus | String | Mail Tracking status. |
MailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag | Integer | MailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag. |
ReadFlag | Integer | Readflag. |
Draft | String | Draft. |
DraftFlag | Integer | Draft flag. |
SyncedFlag | Integer | Synced flag. |
DeletedFlag | Integer | Deleted flag. |
HasBodyFlag | Integer | Has body flag. |
SentFlag | Integer | Sent flag. |
SentFromPipeDriveFlag | Integer | SentFromPipeDriveFlag. |
SmartBccFlag | Integer | SmartBccFlag. |
MessageTime | String | MessageTime. |
AddTime | String | AddTime. |
UpdateTime | String | UpdateTime. |
HasAttachmentsFlag | Integer | HasAttachmentsFlag. |
HasInlineAttachmentsFlag | Integer | HasInlineAttachmentsFlag. |
HasRealAttachmentsFlag | Integer | HasRealAttachmentsFlag. |
Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM MailThreadMessagesFrom WHERE MailThreadId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID of the Mail Thread Messages. |
MailThreadId | Integer | ID of the Mail Thread. |
EmailAddress | String | Email address. |
Name | String | Name. |
LinkedPersonId | Integer | Linked Person Id. |
LinkedPersonName | String | Linked Person Name. |
MailMessagePartyId | Integer | Mail message Party Id. |
Returns all the mail messages inside a specified mail thread.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM MailThreadMessagesTo WHERE MailThreadId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID of the Mail Thread Messages. |
MailThreadId | Integer | ID of the Mail Thread. |
EmailAddress | String | Email address. |
Name | String | Name. |
LinkedPersonId | Integer | Linked Person Id. |
LinkedPersonName | String | Linked Person Name. |
MailMessagePartyId | Integer | Mail message Party Id. |
Get details of the user who sent the mail.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM MailThreadsFrom WHERE Folder = 'inbox'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID. |
Name | String | Name. |
LatestSent | Boolean | LatestSent. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
MessageTime | String | MessageTime. |
LinkedPersonId | Integer | LinkedPersonId. |
LinkedPersonName | String | LinkedPersonName. |
LinkedOrganizationId | String | LinkedOrganizationId. |
MailMessagePartyId | Integer | MailMessagePartyId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Folder | String | The type of folder to fetch. |
Get details of the user to whom sent the mail.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM MailThreadsTo WHERE Folder = 'inbox'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID. |
Name | String | Name. |
LatestSent | Boolean | LatestSent. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
MessageTime | String | MessageTime. |
LinkedPersonId | Integer | LinkedPersonId. |
LinkedPersonName | String | LinkedPersonName. |
LinkedOrganizationId | String | LinkedOrganizationId. |
MailMessagePartyId | Integer | MailMessagePartyId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Folder | String | The type of folder to fetch. |
Returns data about all note fields.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM NoteFields
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | ActiveFlag. |
BulkEditAllowed | Boolean | BulkEditAllowed. |
EditFlag | Boolean | EditFlag. |
FieldType | String | FieldType. |
Key | String | Key. |
MandatoryFlag | Boolean | MandatoryFlag. |
Name | String | Name. |
Options | String | Options. |
Returns data about all note fields options.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM NoteFieldsOptions
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
Returns data about all organization fields options.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationFieldsOptions
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID of the field. |
Label | String | Label. |
Get details of organizations activities.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsActivities WHERE Id = 246 SELECT * FROM OrganizationsActivities WHERE Id = 246 AND done = 0 SELECT * FROM OrganizationsActivities WHERE Id = 246 AND Exclude IN ('240', '241')
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
AssignedTouserId | Integer | AssignedTouserId. |
Attendees | String | Attendees. |
BusyFlag | Boolean | BusyFlag. |
IncludeContext | String | IncludeContext. |
CompanyId | Integer | CompanyId. |
MeetingClient | String | MeetingClient. |
MeetingId | String | MeetingId. |
MeetingUrl | String | MeetingUrl. |
CreatedByUserId | Integer | CreatedByUserId. |
DealDropboxBcc | String | DealDropboxBcc. |
DealId | Integer | DealId. |
DealTitle | String | DealTitle. |
Done | Boolean | Done. |
DueDate | Date | DueDate. |
DueTime | Time | DueTime. |
Duration | Time | Duration. |
FileCleanName | String | FileCleanName. |
FileId | String | FileId. |
FileUrl | String | FileUrl. |
GcaleventId | String | GcaleventId. |
GoogleCalendarEtag | String | GoogleCalendarEtag. |
GoogleCalendarId | String | GoogleCalendarId. |
LastNotificationTime | Datetime | LastNotificationTime. |
LastNotificationUserId | Integer | LastNotificationUserId. |
LeadId | String | LeadId. |
Location | String | Location. |
AdminAreaLevel1 | String | AdminAreaLevel1. |
AdminAreaLevel2 | String | AdminAreaLevel2. |
Country | String | Country. |
FormattedAddress | String | FormattedAddress. |
Lat | Double | Lat. |
Locality | String | Locality. |
Long | Double | Long. |
PostalCode | String | PostalCode. |
Route | String | Route. |
StreetNumber | String | StreetNumber. |
Sublocality | String | Sublocality. |
Subpremise | String | Subpremise. |
MarkedAsDoneTime | Datetime | MarkedAsDoneTime. |
Note | String | Note. |
NotificationLanguageId | Integer | NotificationLanguageId. |
OrgId | Integer | OrgId. |
OrgName | String | OrgName. |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName. |
Participants | String | Participants. |
PersonDropboxBcc | String | PersonDropboxBcc. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
PublicDescription | String | PublicDescription. |
MasterActivityId | String | MasterActivityId. |
Rule | String | Rule. |
RuleExtension | String | RuleExtension. |
ReferenceId | Integer | ReferenceId. |
ReferenceType | String | ReferenceType. |
Series | String | Series. |
SourceTimezone | String | SourceTimezone. |
Subject | String | Subject. |
Type | String | Type. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UpdateUserId | Integer | UpdateUserId. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Exclude | String | A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result. |
Get details of organizations activities attendees.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsActivitiesAttendees SELECT * FROM OrganizationsActivitiesAttendees WHERE OrgId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
OrgId | Integer | OrgId. |
EmailAddress | String | Email Address. |
IsOrganizer | Integer | IsOrganizer. |
Name | String | Name. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
Status | String | Status. |
UserId | String | UserId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Exclude | String | A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result. |
Get details of organizations activities participants.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsActivitiesParticipants SELECT * FROM OrganizationsActivitiesParticipants WHERE OrgId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
OrgId | Integer | OrgId. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
PrimaryFlag | Boolean | Primary Flag. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Exclude | String | A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result. |
Get details of organization deals.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDeals WHERE Id = 246 SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDeals WHERE Id = 246 AND Status = 'open' SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDeals WHERE Id = 246 AND OnlyPrimaryAssociation = 1
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Active | Boolean | Active. |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | ActivitiesCount. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
CcEmail | String | CcEmail. |
CloseTime | String | CloseTime. |
CreatoractiveFlag | Boolean | CreatoractiveFlag. |
Creatoremail | String | Creatoremail. |
CreatorhasPic | Boolean | CreatorhasPic. |
Creatorid | Integer | Creatorid. |
Creatorname | String | Creatorname. |
CreatorPicHash | String | CreatorPicHash. |
Creatorvalue | Integer | Creatorvalue. |
Currency | String | Currency. |
Deleted | Boolean | Deleted. |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | DoneActivitiesCount. |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | EmailMessagesCount. |
ExpectedCloseDate | Date | ExpectedCloseDate. |
FilesCount | Integer | FilesCount. |
FirstWonTime | Datetime | FirstWonTime. |
FollowersCount | Integer | FollowersCount. |
FormattedValue | String | FormattedValue. |
FormattedWeightedValue | String | FormattedWeightedValue. |
Label | String | Label. |
LastActivityDate | String | LastActivityDate. |
LastActivityId | String | LastActivityId. |
LastIncomingMailTime | Datetime | LastIncomingMailTime. |
LastOutgoingMailTime | Datetime | LastOutgoingMailTime. |
LostReason | String | LostReason. |
LostTime | String | LostTime. |
NextActivityDate | Date | NextActivityDate. |
NextActivityDuration | Time | NextActivityDuration. |
NextActivityId | Integer | NextActivityId. |
NextActivitynote | String | NextActivitynote. |
NextActivitysubject | String | NextActivitysubject. |
NextActivitytime | Time | NextActivitytime. |
NextActivitytype | String | NextActivitytype. |
NotesCount | Integer | NotesCount. |
OrgHidden | Boolean | OrgHidden. |
OrgActive_flag | Boolean | OrgActive_flag. |
OrgAddress | String | OrgAddress. |
OrgCcEmail | String | OrgCcEmail. |
OrgIdName | String | OrgName. |
OrgOwnerId | Integer | OrgOwnerId. |
OrgPeopleCount | Integer | OrgPeopleCount. |
OrgId | Integer | OrgValue. |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName. |
ParticipantsCount | Integer | ParticipantsCount. |
PersonHidden | Boolean | PersonHidden. |
PersonActiveFlag | Boolean | PersonActiveFlag. |
PersonEmail | String | PersonEmail. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
PersonPhone | String | PersonPhone. |
PersonValue | Integer | PersonValue. |
PipelineId | Integer | PipelineId. |
Probability | String | Probability. |
ProductsCount | Integer | ProductsCount. |
RottenTime | String | RottenTime. |
StageChangeTime | Datetime | StageChangeTime. |
StageId | Integer | StageId. |
StageOrderNr | Integer | StageOrderNr. |
Status | String | Only fetch deals with specific status..
使用できる値は次のとおりです。open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted |
Title | String | Title. |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | UndoneActivitiesCount. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UserActiveFlag | Boolean | UserActiveFlag. |
UserEmail | String | UserEmail. |
UserHasPic | Boolean | UserHasPic. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
UserName | String | UserName. |
UserPicHash | String | UserPicHash. |
UserValue | Integer | UserValue. |
Value | Integer | Value. |
VisibleTo | String | VisibleTo. |
WeightedValue | Integer | WeightedValue. |
WeightedValueCurrency | String | WeightedValueCurrency. |
WonTime | Datetime | WonTime. |
OrgName | String | Org Name. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
OnlyPrimaryAssociation | Integer | If set, only deals that are directly associated to the organization are fetched.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
get details of deals person email.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDealsPersonEmail WHERE OrgId = 246 SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDealsPersonEmail WHERE OrgId = 246 AND Status = 'open' SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDealsPersonEmail WHERE OrgId = 246 AND OnlyPrimaryAssociation = 1
Name | Type | Description |
OrgId [KEY] | Integer | Org Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
Primary | Boolean | Primary. |
Value | String | Value. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Only fetch deals with specific status.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted デフォルト値はall_not_deletedです。 |
OnlyPrimaryAssociation | Integer | If set, only deals that are directly associated to the organization are fetched.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
get details of deals person phone.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDealsPersonphone WHERE OrgId = 246 SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDealsPersonphone WHERE OrgId = 246 AND Status = open SELECT * FROM OrganizationsDealsPersonphone WHERE OrgId = 246 AND OnlyPrimaryAssociation = 1
Name | Type | Description |
OrgId [KEY] | Integer | Org Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
Primary | Boolean | Primary. |
Value | String | Value. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Only fetch deals with specific status.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted デフォルト値はall_not_deletedです。 |
OnlyPrimaryAssociation | Integer | If set, only deals that are directly associated to the organization are fetched
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
Get details of deals file.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsFiles WHERE OrgId = 6
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID of the organizations. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | Active Flag. |
ActivityId | String | Activity Id. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
Cid | String | Cid. |
DealId | String | Deal Id. |
DealName | String | DealName. |
Description | String | Description. |
FileName | String | File Name. |
FileSize | Integer | File Size. |
FileType | String | File Type. |
InlineFlag | Boolean | Inline Flag. |
LogId | String | Log Id. |
MailMessageId | String | MailMessage Id. |
MailTemplateId | String | MailTemplate Id. |
Name | String | Name. |
OrgId | Integer | Org Id. |
OrgName | String | Org Name. |
PeopleName | String | People Name. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | Person Name. |
ProductId | String | Produc tId. |
ProductName | String | Product Name. |
RemoteId | String | Remote Id. |
RemoteLocation | String | Remote Location. |
S3Bucket | String | S3Bucket. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | Update Time. |
Url | String | Url. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
LeadId | String | LeadId. |
LeadName | String | LeadName. |
Get details of organizations mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsMailMessages WHERE OrgId = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Org id. |
OrgId | Integer | Activities ID. |
AccountId | String | AccountId. |
AddTime | Datetime | addTime. |
Bcc | String | Bcc. |
BodyUrl | String | bodyUrl. |
Cc | String | cc. |
CompanyId | Integer | companyId. |
DeletedFlag | Boolean | DeletedFlag. |
Draft | String | Draft. |
DraftFlag | Boolean | DraftFlag. |
ExternalDeletedFlag | Boolean | External DeletedFlag. |
From | String | From. |
AttachmentsFlag | Boolean | AttachmentsFlag. |
BodyFlag | Boolean | BodyFlag. |
InlineAttachmentsFlag | Boolean | InlineAttachmentsFlag. |
RealAttachmentsFlag | Boolean | RealAttachmentsFlag. |
ItemType | String | ItemType. |
TrackingEnabledFlag | Boolean | TrackingEnabledFlag. |
ThreadId | Integer | ThreadId. |
TrackingStatus | String | TrackingStatus. |
MessageTime | String | MessageTime. |
MessageId | String | MessageId. |
NylasId | String | NylasId. |
ReadFlag | Boolean | ReadFlag. |
S3Bucket | String | S3Bucket. |
S3BucketPath | String | S3BucketPath. |
SentFlag | Boolean | SentFlag. |
SentFromPipedriveFlag | Boolean | SentFromPipedriveFlag. |
SmartBccFlag | Boolean | SmartBccFlag. |
Snippet | String | Snippet. |
Subject | String | Subject. |
SyncedFlag | Boolean | SyncedFlag. |
TemplateId | String | TemplateId. |
Timestamp | Datetime | Timestamp. |
To | String | To. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
WriteFlag | Boolean | writeFlag. |
Object | String | Object. |
Get details of organizations mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsMailMessagesBcc WHERE OrgId = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | id. |
OrgId | Integer | Org Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
Get details of organizations mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsMailMessagesCc WHERE OrgId = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
OrgId | Integer | Org Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
Get details of organizations mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsMailMessagesFrom WHERE OrgId = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
OrgId | Integer | Org Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
Get details of organizations mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsMailMessagesTo WHERE OrgId = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
OrgId | Integer | Org Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
Get details of permitted users of organizations.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsPermittedUsers WHERE OrgId = 10
Name | Type | Description |
OrgId | Integer | Organization Id. |
UserId | Integer | User Id. |
Get details of organizations persons
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsPersons WHERE OrgId = 10
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | ActivitiesCount |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | ActiveFlag |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime |
CcEmail | String | CcEmail |
ClosedDealsCount | Integer | ClosedDealsCount |
CompanyId | Integer | CompanyId |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | DoneActivitiesCount |
String | ||
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | EmailMessagesCount |
FilesCount | Integer | FilesCount |
Label | Integer | label |
LastActivityDate | Date | LastActivityDate |
LastActivityId | Integer | LastActivityId |
LastincomingMailTime | String | LastincomingMailTime |
Lastname | String | Lastname |
LastoutgoingMailTime | String | LastoutgoingMailTime |
LostdealsCount | Integer | LostdealsCount |
Name | String | Name |
NextActivityDate | Date | nextActivityDate |
NextActivityId | Integer | nextActivityId |
NextActivityTime | String | nextActivityTime |
NotesCount | Integer | NotesCount |
OpenDealsCount | Integer | OpenDealsCount |
OrgActiveFlag | Boolean | OrgActiveFlag |
OrgAddress | String | OrgAddress |
OrgCcEmail | String | OrgCcEmail |
OrgIdName | String | OrgName |
OrgownerId | Integer | OrgownerId |
OrgpeopleCount | Integer | OrgpeopleCount |
OrgId | Integer | OrgId |
OwnerActiveFlag | Boolean | OwnerActiveFlag |
OwnerEmail | String | OwnerEmail |
OwnerHasPic | Boolean | OwnerHasPic |
OwnerId | Integer | OwnerId |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName |
OwnerPicHash | String | OwnerPicHash |
OwnerValue | Integer | OwnerValue |
ParticipantClosedDealsCount | Integer | ParticipantClosedDealsCount |
ParticipantOpenDealsCount | Integer | ParticipantOpenDealsCount |
Phone | String | Phone |
PictureActiveFlag | Boolean | PictureActiveFlag |
PictureaddTime | Datetime | PictureaddTime |
PictureaddedByUserId | Integer | PictureaddedByUserId |
PictureItemId | Integer | PictureItemId |
PictureitemType | String | PictureitemType |
Picture128 | String | Picture128 |
Picture512 | String | Picture512 |
PictureupdateTime | String | PictureupdateTime |
Picturevalue | Integer | Picturevalue |
PictureId | String | PictureId |
RelatedclosedDealsCount | Integer | RelatedclosedDealsCount |
RelatedlostDealsCount | Integer | RelatedlostDealsCount |
RelatedopenDealsCount | Integer | RelatedopenDealsCount |
RelatedwonDealsCount | Integer | RelatedwonDealsCount |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | UndoneActivitiesCount |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime |
VisibleTo | String | visibleTo |
WonDealsCount | Integer | WonDealsCount |
FirstName | String | First name. |
FollowersCount | Integer | Followes Count. |
PrimaryEmail | String | Primary Email. |
FirstChar | String | First Char. |
MarketingStatus | String | Marketing Status. |
OrgName | String | Org name. |
Get details of organizations persons email
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsPersonsEmail WHERE OrgId = 10
Name | Type | Description |
OrgId [KEY] | Integer | OrgId |
Value | String | Value. |
Primary | Boolean | Primary. |
Label | String | Label. |
Get details of organizations persons phone
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsPersonsPhone WHERE OrgId = 10
Name | Type | Description |
OrgId [KEY] | Integer | OrgId |
Value | String | Value. |
Primary | Boolean | Primary. |
Label | String | Label. |
Get details of organizations updates..
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdates WHERE OrgId = 246 SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdates WHERE OrgId = 10 AND AllChanges = 1 SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdates WHERE OrgId = 10 AND Items IN ('activity', 'plannedActivity')
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | ActiveFlag. |
ActivityId | String | ActivityId. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
NewValueFormatted | String | NewValueFormatted. |
OldValueFormatted | String | OldValueFormatted. |
AssignedToUserId | Integer | AssignedToUserId. |
Attendees | String | Attendees. |
BusyFlag | Boolean | BusyFlag. |
IncludeContext | String | IncludeContext. |
ChangeSource | String | ChangeSource. |
User_agent | String | User_agent. |
Cid | String | Cid. |
CompanyId | Integer | CompanyId. |
ConferenceMeetingClient | String | ConferenceMeetingClient. |
ConferenceMeetingId | String | ConferenceMeetingId. |
ConferenceMeetingUrl | String | ConferenceMeetingUrl. |
CreatedByUserId | Integer | CreatedByUserId. |
DealDropboxBcc | String | DealDropboxBcc. |
DealId | Integer | DealId. |
DealName | String | DealName. |
DealTitle | String | DealTitle. |
Description | String | Description. |
Done | Boolean | Done. |
DueDate | Date | DueDate. |
DueTime | Time | DueTime. |
Duration | Time | Duration. |
FieldKey | String | FieldKey. |
FileCleanName | String | FileCleanName. |
FileId | String | FileId. |
FileUrl | String | FileUrl. |
FileName | String | FileName. |
FileSize | Integer | FileSize. |
FileType | String | FileType. |
GcalEventId | String | GcalEventId. |
GoogleCalendarEtag | String | GoogleCalendarEtag. |
GoogleCalendarId | String | GoogleCalendarId. |
InlineFlag | Boolean | InlineFlag. |
IsBulkUpdateFlag | String | IsBulkUpdateFlag. |
ItemId | Integer | ItemId. |
LastNotificationTime | Datetime | LastNotificationTime. |
LastNotificationUserId | Integer | LastNotificationUserId. |
LeadId | String | LeadId. |
Location | String | Location. |
AdminAreaLevel1 | String | AdminAreaLevel1. |
AdminAreaLevel2 | String | AdminAreaLevel2. |
Country | String | Country. |
FormattedAddress | String | FormattedAddress. |
Lat | Double | Lat. |
Locality | String | Locality. |
Long | Double | Long. |
PostalCode | String | PostalCode. |
Route | String | Route. |
StreetNumber | String | StreetNumber. |
Sublocality | String | Sublocality. |
Subpremise | String | Subpremise. |
LogId | String | LogId. |
LogTime | Datetime | LogTime. |
MessageId | String | MessageId. |
TemplateId | String | TemplateId. |
MarkedAsDoneTime | Datetime | MarkedAsDoneTime. |
Name | String | Name. |
NewValue | String | NewValue. |
Note | String | Note. |
NotificationLanguageId | Integer | NotificationLanguageId. |
OldValue | Integer | OldValue. |
OrgId | Integer | OrgId. |
OrgName | String | OrgName. |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName. |
Participants | String | Participants. |
PeopleName | String | PeopleName. |
PersonDropboxBcc | String | PersonDropboxBcc. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
ProductId | String | ProductId. |
ProductName | String | ProductName. |
PublicDescription | String | PublicDescription. |
RecActivityId | String | RecActivityId. |
RecRule | String | RecRule. |
RecRuleExtension | String | RecRuleExtension. |
ReferenceId | Integer | ReferenceId. |
ReferenceType | String | ReferenceType. |
RemoteId | String | RemoteId. |
RemoteLocation | String | RemoteLocation. |
S3Bucket | String | S3Bucket. |
Series | String | Series. |
Sourcetimezone | String | Sourcetimezone. |
Subject | String | Subject. |
Type | String | Type. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UpdateUserId | Integer | UpdateUserId. |
Url | String | Url. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
Object | String | Object. |
Timestamp | Datetime | Timestamp. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllChanges | String | Whether to show custom field updates or not.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。1 |
Items | String | item specific updates.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document |
Get details of all attendees of organizations.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdatesAttendees WHERE OrgId = 246 SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdatesAttendees WHERE OrgId = 10 AND AllChanges = 1 SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdatesAttendees WHERE OrgId = 10 AND Items IN ('activity', 'plannedActivity')
Name | Type | Description |
OrgId [KEY] | Integer | Activities ID. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
IsOrganizer | Boolean | IsOrganizer. |
Name | String | Name. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
Status | String | Status. |
UserId | String | UserId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllChanges | String | Whether to show custom field updates or not.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。1 |
Items | String | item specific updates.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document |
Getdetails of activities participants.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdatesParticipants WHERE OrgId = 246 SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdatesParticipants WHERE OrgId = 10 AND AllChanges = 1 SELECT * FROM OrganizationsUpdatesParticipants WHERE OrgId = 10 AND Items IN ('activity', 'plannedActivity')
Name | Type | Description |
OrgId [KEY] | Integer | Activities ID. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
PrimaryFlag | Boolean | PrimaryFlag. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllChanges | String | Whether to show custom field updates or not.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。1 |
Items | String | item specific updates.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document |
Get all permissions.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PermissionSets WHERE Id = 'a3d3f720-154f-11ec-905b-d96b2abf3c60'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | ID of the permission set. |
AssignmentCount | Integer | AssignmentCount. |
Name | String | Name. |
Type | String | Type. |
Description | String | Description. |
App | String | App. |
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | ID of the permission set Assignments. |
Name | String | Name. |
PermissionSetId | String | PermissionSetId. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
Returns data about all person fields options.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonFieldsOptions
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID of the field. |
Label | String | Label. |
Get all Persons Activities assigned to a particular Persons.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsActivities WHERE PersonId = 113 SELECT * FROM PersonsActivities WHERE PersonId = 113 AND Done = 0 SELECT * FROM PersonsActivities WHERE PersonId = 113 AND Exclude IN ('240', '241')
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | Active Flag. |
AddTtime | Datetime | Add Ttime. |
AssignedToUserId | Integer | Assigned To UserId. |
Attendees | String | Attendees. |
BusyFlag | Boolean | BusyFlag. |
IncludeContext | String | Include Context. |
CompanyId | Integer | Company Id. |
MeetingClient | String | Meeting Client. |
MeetingId | String | Meeting Id. |
MeetingUrl | String | Meeting Url. |
CreatedByUserId | Integer | CreatedBy UserId. |
DealDropboxBcc | String | Deal Dropbox Bcc. |
DealId | Integer | Deal Id. |
DealTitle | String | Deal Title. |
Done | Boolean | Whether the activity is done or not 0 = Not done, 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
DueDate | Date | Due Date. |
DueTime | Time | Due Time. |
Duration | Time | Duration. |
FileCleanName | String | FileCleanName. |
FileId | String | FileId. |
FileUrl | String | FileUrl. |
EventId | String | eventId. |
CalendarEtag | String | CalendarEtag. |
CalendarId | String | Calendar Id. |
NotificationTime | Datetime | Notification Time. |
NotificationUserId | Integer | Notification UserId. |
LeadId | String | Lead Id. |
Location | String | Location. |
AreaLevel1 | String | AreaLevel1. |
AreaLevel2 | String | AreaLevel2. |
Country | String | Country. |
FormattedAddress | String | FormattedAddress. |
Lat | Double | Lat. |
Locality | String | Locality. |
Long | Double | Long. |
PostalCode | String | PostalCode. |
Route | String | Route. |
StreetNumber | String | StreetNumber. |
Sublocality | String | Sublocality. |
Subpremise | String | Subpremise. |
MarkedAsDoneTime | Datetime | MarkedAsDoneTime. |
Note | String | Note. |
NotificationLanguageId | Integer | NotificationLanguageId. |
OrgId | Integer | OrgId. |
OrgName | String | OrgName. |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName. |
Participants | String | Participants. |
PersonDropboxBcc | String | Person Dropbox Bcc. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
PublicDescription | String | PublicDescription. |
MasterActivityId | String | MasterActivityId. |
Rule | String | Rule. |
RuleExtension | String | RuleExtension. |
ReferenceId | Integer | ReferenceId. |
ReferenceType | String | ReferenceType. |
Series | String | Series. |
SourceTimezone | String | SourceTimezone. |
Subject | String | Subject. |
Type | String | Type. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime.. |
UpdateUserId | Integer | UpdateUserId.. |
UserId | Integer | UserId.. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Exclude | String | A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result.. |
Get Details of Persons Activities Attendees.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsActivitiesAttendees WHERE PersonId = 113 SELECT * FROM PersonsActivitiesAttendees WHERE PersonId = 113 AND Done = 0 SELECT * FROM PersonsActivitiesAttendees WHERE PersonId = 113 AND Exclude IN ('240', '241')
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Integer | PersonId. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
IsOrganizer | Integer | IsOrganizer. |
Name | String | Name. |
Status | String | Status. |
UserId | String | UserId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Done | Boolean | Whether the activity is done or not 0 = Not done, 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
Exclude | String | A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result. |
Get details of Persons activities participants.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsActivitiesParticipants WHERE PersonId = 113 SELECT * FROM PersonsActivitiesParticipants WHERE PersonId = 113 AND Done = 0 SELECT * FROM PersonsActivitiesParticipants WHERE PersonId = 113 AND Exclude IN ('240', '241')
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Integer | PersonId. |
PrimaryFlag | Boolean | PrimaryFlag. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Done | Boolean | Whether the activity is done or not 0 = Not done, 1 = Done If omitted returns both Done and Not done activities.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
Exclude | String | A comma-separated string of activity IDs to exclude from result. |
Get details of Persons deals.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsDeals WHERE Id = 246 SELECT * FROM PersonsDeals WHERE Id = 246 AND Status = 'open'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Active | Boolean | Active. |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | ActivitiesCount. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
CcEmail | String | CcEmail. |
CloseTime | String | CloseTime. |
CreatoractiveFlag | Boolean | CreatoractiveFlag. |
Creatoremail | String | Creatoremail. |
CreatorhasPic | Boolean | CreatorhasPic. |
Creatorid | Integer | Creatorid. |
Creatorname | String | Creatorname. |
CreatorPicHash | String | CreatorPicHash. |
Creatorvalue | Integer | Creatorvalue. |
Currency | String | Currency. |
Deleted | Boolean | Deleted. |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | DoneActivitiesCount. |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | EmailMessagesCount. |
ExpectedCloseDate | Date | ExpectedCloseDate. |
FilesCount | Integer | FilesCount. |
FirstWonTime | Datetime | FirstWonTime. |
FollowersCount | Integer | FollowersCount. |
FormattedValue | String | FormattedValue. |
FormattedWeightedValue | String | FormattedWeightedValue. |
Label | String | Label. |
LastActivityDate | String | LastActivityDate. |
LastActivityId | String | LastActivityId. |
LastIncomingMailTime | Datetime | LastIncomingMailTime. |
LastOutgoingMailTime | Datetime | LastOutgoingMailTime. |
LostReason | String | LostReason. |
LostTime | String | LostTime. |
NextActivityDate | Date | NextActivityDate. |
NextActivityDuration | Time | NextActivityDuration. |
NextActivityId | Integer | NextActivityId. |
NextActivitynote | String | NextActivitynote. |
NextActivitysubject | String | NextActivitysubject. |
NextActivitytime | Time | NextActivitytime. |
NextActivitytype | String | NextActivitytype. |
NotesCount | Integer | NotesCount. |
OrgHidden | Boolean | OrgHidden. |
OrgActive_flag | Boolean | OrgActive_flag. |
OrgAddress | String | OrgAddress. |
OrgCcEmail | String | OrgCcEmail. |
OrgIdName | String | OrgName. |
OrgOwnerId | Integer | OrgOwnerId. |
OrgPeopleCount | Integer | OrgPeopleCount. |
OrgValue | Integer | OrgValue. |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName. |
ParticipantsCount | Integer | ParticipantsCount. |
PersonHidden | Boolean | PersonHidden. |
PersonActiveFlag | Boolean | PersonActiveFlag. |
PersonEmail | String | PersonEmail. |
PersonIdName | String | PersonName. |
PersonPhone | String | PersonPhone. |
PersonValue | Integer | PersonValue. |
PipelineId | Integer | PipelineId. |
Probability | String | Probability. |
ProductsCount | Integer | ProductsCount. |
RottenTime | String | RottenTime. |
StageChangeTime | Datetime | StageChangeTime. |
StageId | Integer | StageId. |
StageOrderNr | Integer | StageOrderNr. |
Status | String | Only fetch deals with specific status.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted デフォルト値はall_not_deletedです。 |
Title | String | Title. |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | UndoneActivitiesCount. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UserActiveFlag | Boolean | UserActiveFlag. |
UserEmail | String | UserEmail. |
UserHasPic | Boolean | UserHasPic. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
UserName | String | UserName. |
UserPicHash | String | UserPicHash. |
UserValue | Integer | UserValue. |
Value | Integer | Value. |
VisibleTo | String | VisibleTo. |
WeightedValue | Integer | WeightedValue. |
WeightedValueCurrency | String | WeightedValueCurrency. |
WonTime | Datetime | WonTime. |
PersonName | String | Person Name. |
OrgName | String | Org Name. |
Get details of Persons deals email.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsDealsEmail SELECT * FROM PersonsDealsEmail WHERE PersonsDealsId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
PersonsDealsId [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
Value | String | Value. |
Primary | Boolean | Primary. |
Get details of Persons deals phone.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsDealsPhone SELECT * FROM PersonsDealsPhone WHERE PersonsDealsId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
PersonsDealsId [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
Value | String | Value. |
Primary | Boolean | Primary. |
Get all emails asscociated with persons.
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId | Integer | Persons Id. |
label | String | Label. |
Value | String | Value. |
Primary | Boolean | Primary. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FirstChar | String | If supplied, only persons whose name starts with the specified letter will be returned. |
FilterId | Integer | Filter Id. |
UserId | Integer | User Id. |
Get details of Persons file.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsFiles WHERE PersonId = 6
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of the files. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | Active Flag. |
ActivityId | String | Activity Id. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
Cid | String | Cid. |
DealId | String | Deal Id. |
DealName | String | DealName. |
Description | String | Description. |
FileName | String | File Name. |
FileSize | Integer | File Size. |
FileType | String | File Type. |
InlineFlag | Boolean | Inline Flag. |
LogId | String | Log Id. |
MailMessageId | String | MailMessage Id. |
MailTemplateId | String | MailTemplate Id. |
Name | String | Name. |
OrgId | Integer | Org Id. |
OrgName | String | Org Name. |
PeopleName | String | People Name. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | Person Name. |
ProductId | String | Produc tId. |
ProductName | String | Product Name. |
RemoteId | String | Remote Id. |
RemoteLocation | String | Remote Location. |
S3Bucket | String | S3Bucket. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | Update Time. |
Url | String | Url. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
LeadId | String | LeadId. |
LeadName | String | LeadName. |
Get details of organizations mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsMailMessages WHERE PersonId = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
PersonId | Integer | Persons Id. |
AccountId | String | AccountId. |
AddTime | Datetime | addTime. |
Bcc | String | Bcc. |
BodyUrl | String | bodyUrl. |
Cc | String | cc. |
CompanyId | Integer | companyId. |
DeletedFlag | Boolean | DeletedFlag. |
Draft | String | Draft. |
DraftFlag | Boolean | DraftFlag. |
ExternalDeletedFlag | Boolean | ExternalDeletedFlag. |
From | String | From. |
AttachmentsFlag | Boolean | AttachmentsFlag. |
BodyFlag | Boolean | BodyFlag. |
InlineAttachmentsFlag | Boolean | InlineAttachmentsFlag. |
RealAttachmentsFlag | Boolean | RealAttachmentsFlag. |
ItemType | String | ItemType. |
TrackingEnabledFlag | Boolean | TrackingEnabledFlag. |
ThreadId | Integer | ThreadId. |
TrackingStatus | String | TrackingStatus. |
MessageTime | String | MessageTime. |
MessageId | String | MessageId. |
NylasId | String | NylasId. |
ReadFlag | Boolean | ReadFlag. |
S3Bucket | String | S3Bucket. |
S3BucketPath | String | S3BucketPath. |
SentFlag | Boolean | SentFlag. |
SentFromPipedriveFlag | Boolean | SentFromPipedriveFlag. |
SmartBccFlag | Boolean | SmartBccFlag. |
Snippet | String | Snippet. |
Subject | String | Subject. |
SyncedFlag | Boolean | SyncedFlag. |
TemplateId | String | TemplateId. |
Timestamp | Datetime | Timestamp. |
To | String | To. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
WriteFlag | Boolean | writeFlag. |
Object | String | Object. |
Get details of Persons mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsMailMessagesBcc WHERE PersonId = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
Get details of persons mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsMailMessagesCc WHERE PersonId = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
Get details of persons mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsMailMessagesFrom WHERE PersonId = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
Get details of Persons mail Messages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsMailMessagesTo WHERE PersonId = 246
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
MessagePartyId | Integer | MessagePartyId. |
Name | String | Name. |
Get details of permitted users of persons.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsPermittedUsers WHERE PersonId = 6
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId | Integer | Persons Id. |
Data | String | Users permitted to access an organization. |
Get all phone asscociated with persons.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsPhone WHERE PersonId = 14 SELECT * FROM PersonsPhone WHERE FirstChar = 'c' SELECT * FROM PersonsPhone WHERE FilterId = 1 SELECT * FROM PersonsPhone WHERE UserId = 1
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId | Integer | Persons ID. |
label | String | Label. |
Value | String | Value. |
Primary | Boolean | Primary. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FirstChar | String | If supplied, only persons whose name starts with the specified letter will be returned. |
FilterId | Integer | Filter Id. |
UserId | Integer | User Id. |
Get details of Persons Products.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsProducts WHERE DealPersonId = 113
Name | Type | Description |
ProductId [KEY] | Integer | ProductId. |
DealActive | Boolean | DealActive. |
DealActivitiesCount | Integer | DealActivitiesCount. |
DealAddTime | Datetime | DealAddTime. |
DealCloseTime | String | DealCloseTime. |
DealCompanyId | Integer | DealCompanyId. |
DealCreatorUserId | Integer | DealCreatorUserId. |
DealCurrency | String | DealCurrency. |
DealDeleted | Boolean | DealDeleted. |
DealDoneActivitiesCount | Integer | DealDoneActivitiesCount. |
DealEmailMessagesCount | Integer | DealEmailMessagesCount. |
DealExpectedCloseDate | String | DealExpectedCloseDate. |
DealFilesCount | Integer | DealFilesCount. |
DealFirstAddtime | Datetime | DealFirstAddtime. |
DealFirstWonTime | String | DealFirstWonTime. |
DealFollowersCount | Integer | DealFollowersCount. |
DealId | Integer | DealId. |
DealLabel | String | DealLabel. |
DealLastActivityDate | String | DealLastActivityDate. |
DealLastActivityId | String | DealLastActivityId. |
DealLastIncomingMailTime | Datetime | DealLastIncomingMailTime. |
DealLastOutgoingMailTime | Datetime | DealLastOutgoingMailTime. |
DealLostReason | String | DealLostReason. |
DealLostTime | String | DealLostTime. |
DealNextActivityDate | Date | DealNextActivityDate. |
DealNextActivityId | Integer | DealNextActivityId. |
DealNextActivityTime | String | DealNextActivityTime. |
DealNotesCount | Integer | DealNotesCount. |
DealOrgId | Integer | DealOrgId. |
DealParticipantsCount | Integer | DealParticipantsCount. |
DealPersonId | Integer | persons Id. |
DealPipelineId | Integer | DealPipelineId. |
DealProbability | String | DealProbability. |
DealProductsCount | Integer | DealProductsCount. |
DealStageChangetime | Datetime | DealStageChangetime. |
DealStageId | Integer | DealStageId. |
DealStatus | String | DealStatus. |
DealTitle | String | DealTitle. |
UndoneActivitiescount | Integer | UndoneActivitiescount. |
DealUpdateTime | Datetime | DealUpdateTime. |
DealUserId | Integer | DealUserId. |
DealValue | Double | DealValue. |
DealVisibleTo | String | DealVisibleTo. |
DealWonTime | String | DealWonTime. |
ProductActiveFlag | Boolean | ProductActiveFlag. |
ProductAddTime | Datetime | ProductAddTime. |
ProductCategory | String | ProductCategory. |
ProductCode | String | ProductCode. |
ProductCompanyId | Integer | ProductCompanyId. |
ProductDealId | Integer | ProductDealId. |
ProductDescription | String | ProductDescription. |
ProductFilesCount | String | ProductFilesCount. |
ProductFirstChar | String | ProductFirstChar. |
ProductFollowersCount | Integer | ProductFollowersCount. |
ProductName | String | ProductName. |
ProductOwnerId | Integer | ProductOwnerId. |
ProductSelectable | Boolean | ProductSelectable. |
ProductTax | Integer | ProductTax. |
ProductUnit | String | ProductUnit. |
ProductUpdateTime | Datetime | ProductUpdateTime. |
ProductVisibleTo | String | ProductVisibleTo. |
Get details of persons updates.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdates WHERE PersonId = 246 SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdates WHERE PersonId = 10 AND AllChanges = 1 SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdates WHERE PersonId = 10 AND Items IN ('activity', 'plannedActivity')
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | ActiveFlag. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
NewValueFormatted | String | NewValueFormatted. |
AssignedToUserId | Integer | AssignedToUserId. |
Attendees | String | Attendees. |
BusyFlag | Boolean | BusyFlag. |
SyncIncludecontext | String | SyncIncludecontext. |
changeSource | String | changeSource. |
UserAgent | String | UserAgent. |
CompanyId | Integer | CompanyId. |
MeetingClient | String | MeetingClient. |
MeetingId | String | MeetingId. |
MeetingUrl | String | MeetingUrl. |
CreatedByUserId | Integer | CreatedByUserId. |
DealDropboxBcc | String | DealDropboxBcc. |
DealId | Integer | DealId. |
DealTitle | String | DealTitle. |
Done | Boolean | Done. |
DueDate | Date | DueDate. |
DueTime | Time | DueTime. |
Duration | Time | Duration. |
FieldKey | String | FieldKey. |
Fileclean_name | String | Fileclean_name. |
FileId | String | FileId. |
FileUrl | String | FileUrl. |
GcaleventId | String | GcaleventId. |
GoogleCalendarEtag | String | GoogleCalendarEtag. |
GoogleCalendarId | String | GoogleCalendarId. |
IsBulkUpdateFlag | String | IsBulkUpdateFlag. |
ItemId | Integer | ItemId. |
NotificationTime | Datetime | NotificationTime. |
NotificationUserId | Integer | NotificationUserId. |
LeadId | String | LeadId. |
Location | String | Location. |
AdminAreaLevel1 | String | AdminAreaLevel1. |
AdminAreaLevel2 | String | AdminAreaLevel2. |
Country | String | Country. |
FormattedAddress | String | FormattedAddress. |
Lat | Double | Lat. |
Locality | String | Locality. |
Long | Double | Long. |
PostalCode | String | PostalCode. |
Route | String | Route. |
StreetNumber | String | StreetNumber. |
Sublocality | String | Sublocality. |
Subpremise | String | Subpremise. |
LogTime | Datetime | LogTime. |
MarkedAsDoneTime | Datetime | MarkedAsDoneTime. |
NewValue | String | NewValue. |
Note | String | Note. |
LanguageId | Integer | LanguageId. |
OldValue | String | OldValue. |
OrgId | Integer | Organizations Id. |
OrgName | String | Organizations Name. |
OwnerName | String | Owner Name. |
Participants | String | Participants. |
PersonDropboxBcc | String | Person Dropbox Bcc. |
PersonId | Integer | Persons Id. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
Publicdescription | String | Publicdescription. |
RecMasterActivityId | String | RecMasterActivityId. |
RecRule | String | RecRule. |
RecRuleExtension | String | RecRuleExtension. |
ReferenceId | Integer | ReferenceId. |
ReferenceType | String | ReferenceType. |
Series | String | Series. |
SourceTimezone | String | SourceTimezone. |
Subject | String | Subject. |
Type | String | Type. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UpdateUserId | Integer | UpdateUserId. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
Object | String | Object. |
Timestamp | Datetime | Timestamp. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllChanges | String | Whether to show custom field updates or not.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。1 |
Items | String | item specific updates.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document |
Get details of Deals Activities Attendees.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdatesAttendees WHERE PersonId = 246 SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdatesAttendees WHERE PersonId = 10 AND AllChanges = 1 SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdatesAttendees WHERE PersonId = 10 AND Items IN ('activity', 'plannedActivity')
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Integer | PersonId. |
EmailAddress | String | EmailAddress. |
IsOrganizer | Integer | IsOrganizer. |
Name | String | Name. |
Status | String | Status. |
UserId | String | UserId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllChanges | String | Whether to show custom field updates or not.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。1 |
Items | String | Item specific updates.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document |
Get details of activities participants
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdatesParticipants WHERE PersonId = 10 SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdatesParticipants WHERE PersonId = 10 AND AllChanges = 1 SELECT * FROM PersonsUpdatesParticipants WHERE PersonId = 10 AND Items IN ('activity', 'plannedActivity')
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId [KEY] | Integer | PersonId. |
PrimaryFlag | Boolean | PrimaryFlag. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllChanges | String | Whether to show custom field updates or not
使用できる値は次のとおりです。1 |
Items | String | item specific updates
使用できる値は次のとおりです。activity, plannedActivity, note, file, change, deal, follower, participant, mailMessage, mailMessageWithAttachment, invoice, activityFile, document |
Lists deals in a specific pipeline across all its stages.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PipelineDeals WHERE PipelineId = 4
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID of the pipeline. |
Active | Boolean | Active. |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | ActivitiesCount. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
CcEmail | String | CcEmail. |
CloseTime | String | CloseTime. |
CreatorUserId | Integer | CreatorUserId. |
Currency | String | Currency. |
Deleted | Boolean | Deleted. |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | DoneActivitiesCount. |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | EmailMessagesCount. |
ExpectedCloseDate | Date | ExpectedCloseDate. |
FilesCount | Integer | FilesCount. |
FirstWonTime | Datetime | FirstWonTime. |
FollowersCount | Integer | FollowersCount. |
FormattedValue | String | FormattedValue. |
FormattedWeightedValue | String | FormattedWeightedValue. |
Label | String | Label. |
LastActivityDate | String | LastActivityDate. |
LastActivityId | String | LastActivityId. |
LastIncomingMailTime | Datetime | LastIncomingMailTime. |
LastOutgoingMailTime | Datetime | LastOutgoingMailTime. |
LostReason | String | LostReason. |
LostTime | String | LostTime. |
NextActivityDate | Date | NextActivityDate. |
NextActivityDuration | Time | NextActivityDuration. |
NextActivityId | Integer | NextActivityId. |
NextActivityNote | String | NextActivityNote. |
NextActivitySubject | String | NextActivitySubject. |
NextActivityTime | Time | NextActivityTime. |
NextActivityType | String | NextActivityType. |
NotesCount | Integer | NotesCount. |
OrgHidden | Boolean | OrgHidden. |
OrgId | Integer | OrgId. |
OrgName | String | OrgName. |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName. |
ParticipantsCount | Integer | ParticipantsCount. |
PersonHidden | Boolean | PersonHidden. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
PipelineId | Integer | PipelineId. |
Probability | String | Probability. |
ProductsCount | Integer | ProductsCount. |
RottenTime | String | RottenTime. |
StageChangeTime | Datetime | StageChangeTime. |
StageId | Integer | If supplied, only deals within the given stage will be returned. |
StageOrderNr | Integer | StageOrderNr. |
Status | String | Status. |
Title | String | Title. |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | UndoneActivitiesCount. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
Value | Integer | Value. |
VisibleTo | String | VisibleTo. |
WeightedValue | Integer | WeightedValue. |
WeightedValueCurrency | String | WeightedValueCurrency. |
WonTime | Datetime | WonTime. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterId | Integer | If supplied, only deals matching the given filter will be returned. |
Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PipelineDealsConversionRates WHERE PipelineId = 4
Name | Type | Description |
PipelineId | Integer | ID of the pipeline. |
LostConversion | Integer | LostConversion. |
StageConversions | String | StageConversions. |
WonConversion | Integer | WonConversion. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | Integer | ID of the user who's pipeline statistics to fetch. |
StartDate | Datetime | Start of the period. |
EndDate | Datetime | End of the period. |
Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PipeLineDealsMovements WHERE PipelineId = 4
Name | Type | Description |
PipelineId | Integer | ID of the pipeline. |
AverageAgeInDaysAcrossAllStages | Integer | AverageAgeInDaysAcrossAllStages. |
AverageAgeInDaysByStages | String | AverageAgeInDaysByStages. |
DealsLeftOpenCount | Integer | DealsLeftOpenCount. |
DealsLeftOpenDealsIds | String | DealsLeftOpenDealsIds. |
DealsLeftOpenFormattedValuesUSD | String | DealsLeftOpenFormattedValuesUSD. |
DealsLeftOpenValuesUSD | Integer | DealsLeftOpenValuesUSD. |
LostDealsCount | Integer | LostDealsCount. |
LostDealsDealsIds | String | LostDealsDealsIds. |
LostDealsFormattedValuesUSD | String | LostDealsFormattedValuesUSD. |
LostDealsValuesUSD | Integer | LostDealsValuesUSD. |
MovementsBetweenStagesCount | Integer | MovementsBetweenStagesCount. |
NewDealsCount | Integer | NewDealsCount. |
NewDealsDealsIds | String | NewDealsDealsIds. |
NewDealsFormattedValuesUSD | String | NewDealsFormattedValuesUSD. |
NewDealsValuesUSD | Integer | NewDealsValuesUSD. |
WonDealsCount | Integer | WonDealsCount. |
WonDealsDealsIds | String | WonDealsDealsIds. |
WonDealsFormattedValuesUSD | String | WonDealsFormattedValuesUSD. |
WonDealsValuesUSD | Integer | WonDealsValuesUSD. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | Integer | ID of the user who's pipeline statistics to fetch. |
StartDate | Datetime | Start of the period. Date in format of YYYY-MM-DD |
EndDate | Datetime | End of the period. Date in format of YYYY-MM-DD |
Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period average age in days.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PipelineDealsMovementsAverageAgeInDaysByStages WHERE StartDate='2022-05-18' and EndDate='2023-05-18'
Name | Type | Description |
PipelineId | Integer | ID of the pipeline. |
StageId | Integer | AverageAgeInDaysAcrossAllStages. |
Value | Integer | AverageAgeInDaysAcrossAllStages. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | Integer | ID of the user who's pipeline statistics to fetch. |
StartDate | Datetime | Start of the period. Date in format of YYYY-MM-DD |
EndDate | Datetime | End of the period. Date in format of YYYY-MM-DD |
Returns statistics for deals movements for given time period
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM PipelineDealsStageConversions SELECT * FROM PipelineDealsStageConversions WHERE PipelineId = 4
Name | Type | Description |
PipelineId | Integer | ID of the pipeline |
ConversionRate | Integer | ConversionRate |
FromStageId | String | FromStageId |
ToStageId | Integer | ToStageId |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | Integer | ID of the user who's pipeline statistics to fetch |
StartDate | Date | Start of the period |
EndDate | Date | End of the period |
Returns data about all product fields options.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductFieldsOptions
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID of the Product Field Options. |
Label | String | Label. |
Get details of Products Deals.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductsDeals WHERE Id = 10 SELECT * FROM ProductsDeals WHERE Id = 10 AND status = 'open'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
ProductId | Integer | Products Id. |
Active | Boolean | Active. |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | ActivitiesCount. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
CcEmail | String | CcEmail. |
CloseTime | String | CloseTime. |
CreatorActiveFlag | Boolean | CreatorActiveFlag. |
CreatorEmail | String | CreatorEmail. |
CreatorHasPic | Boolean | CreatorHasPic. |
CreatorId | Integer | CreatorId. |
CreatorName | String | CreatorName. |
CreatorPicHash | String | CreatorPicHash. |
CreatorValue | Integer | CreatorValue. |
Currency | String | Currency. |
Deleted | Boolean | Deleted. |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | DoneActivitiesCount. |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | EmailMessagesCount. |
ExpectedCloseDate | String | ExpectedCloseDate. |
FilesCount | Integer | FilesCount. |
FirstWonTime | String | FirstWonTime. |
FollowersCount | Integer | FollowersCount. |
FormattedValue | String | FormattedValue. |
FormattedWeightedValue | String | FormattedWeightedValue. |
Label | String | Label. |
LastActivityDate | String | LastActivityDate. |
LastActivityId | String | LastActivityId. |
LastIncomingMailTime | String | LastIncomingMailTime. |
LastOutgoingMailTime | String | LastOutgoingMailTime. |
LostReason | String | LostReason. |
LostTime | String | LostTime. |
NextActivityDate | Date | NextActivityDate. |
NextActivityDuration | Time | NextActivityDuration. |
NextActivityId | Integer | NextActivityId. |
NextActivityNote | String | NextActivityNote. |
NextActivitySubject | String | NextActivitySubject. |
NextActivityTime | Time | NextActivityTime. |
NextActivityType | String | NextActivityType. |
NotesCount | Integer | NotesCount. |
OrgHidden | Boolean | OrgHidden. |
OrgIdName | String | OrgId Name. |
OrgIdPeopleCount | Integer | OrgId People count. |
OrgIdOwnerId | Integer | OrgId Owner Id. |
OrgIdAddress | String | OrgId Address. |
OrgIdActiveFlag | Boolean | OrgId Active flag. |
OrgIdCcEmail | String | OrgId CcEmail. |
OrgIdValue | Integer | OrgId Value. |
OrgName | String | OrgName. |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName. |
ParticipantsCount | Integer | ParticipantsCount. |
PersonHidden | Boolean | PersonHidden. |
PersonActiveFlag | Boolean | PersonActiveFlag. |
PersonEmail | String | PersonEmail. |
PersonIdName | String | PersonName. |
PersonPhone | String | PersonPhone. |
PersonValue | Integer | PersonValue. |
PipelineId | Integer | PipelineId. |
Probability | String | Probability. |
ProductsCount | Integer | ProductsCount. |
RottenTime | String | RottenTime. |
StageChangeTime | String | StageChangeTime. |
StageId | Integer | StageId. |
StageOrderNr | Integer | StageOrderNr. |
Status | String | Only fetch deals with specific status.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted デフォルト値はall_not_deletedです。 |
Title | String | Title. |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | UndoneActivitiesCount. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UserActiveFlag | Boolean | UserActiveFlag. |
UserEmail | String | UserEmail. |
UserHasPic | Boolean | UserHasPic. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
UserName | String | UserName. |
UserPicHash | String | UserPicHash. |
Uservalue | Integer | Uservalue. |
Value | Double | Value. |
VisibleTo | String | VisibleTo. |
WeightedValue | Double | WeightedValue. |
WeightedValueCurrency | String | WeightedValueCurrency. |
WonTime | String | WonTime. |
PersonName | String | Person name. |
Get details of Products Deals person email.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductsDealsPersonEmail WHERE ProductId = 10 SELECT * FROM ProductsDealsPersonEmail WHERE ProductId = 10 AND status = 'open'
Name | Type | Description |
ProductId | Integer | Products Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
Primary | Boolean | Primary. |
Value | String | Value. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Only fetch deals with specific status.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted デフォルト値はall_not_deletedです。 |
Get details of deals person phone.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductsDealsPersonphone WHERE ProductId = 10 SELECT * FROM ProductsDealsPersonphone WHERE ProductId = 10 AND status = 'open'
Name | Type | Description |
ProductId | Integer | Products Id. |
Label | String | Label. |
Primary | Boolean | Primary. |
Value | String | Value. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Only fetch deals with specific status.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。open, won, lost, deleted, all_not_deleted デフォルト値はall_not_deletedです。 |
Get details of Persons file.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductsFiles WHERE ProductId = 6 SELECT * FROM ProductsFiles WHERE ProductId = 6 AND IncludeDeletedFiles = 0
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id of the products. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | Active Flag. |
ActivityId | String | Activity Id. |
AddTime | Datetime | AddTime. |
Cid | String | Cid. |
DealId | String | Deal Id. |
DealName | String | DealName. |
Description | String | Description. |
FileName | String | File Name. |
FileSize | Integer | File Size. |
FileType | String | File Type. |
InlineFlag | Boolean | Inline Flag. |
LogId | String | Log Id. |
MailMessageId | String | MailMessage Id. |
MailTemplateId | String | MailTemplate Id. |
Name | String | Name. |
OrgId | Integer | Org Id. |
OrgName | String | Org Name. |
PeopleName | String | People Name. |
PersonId | String | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | Person Name. |
ProductId | String | Product Id. |
ProductName | String | Product Name. |
RemoteId | String | Remote Id. |
RemoteLocation | String | Remote Location. |
S3Bucket | String | S3Bucket. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | Update Time. |
Url | String | Url. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
IncludeDeletedFiles | Integer | When enabled, the list of files will also include deleted files.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1 |
Get details of users permitted to access a Product.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductsPermittedUsers WHERE ProductId = 6
Name | Type | Description |
ProductId | Integer | Products Id. |
Data | String | Data. |
Get details of Products Prices.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE Id = 14 SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE Name LIKE '%Cdata%' SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE code LIKE '%123%' SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE FirstChar = 'c' SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE FilterId = 1 SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE UserId = 1 SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE GetSummary = 1 SELECT * FROM ProductsPrices WHERE Ids IN (1, 2)
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Id. |
Cost | Integer | Cost. |
Currency | String | Currency. |
OverheadCost | String | OverheadCost. |
Price | Integer | Price. |
ProductId | Integer | ProductId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FirstChar | String | If supplied only Products whose name starts with the specified letter will be returned. |
UserId | Integer | User Id. |
FilterId | Integer | Filter Id. |
GetSummary | Boolean | Get Summary. |
Ids | Integer | The Ids of the Products that should be returned in the response. |
Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Recents SELECT * FROM Recents WHERE Id = 2 SELECT * FROM Recents WHERE Id = 2 and SinceTimestamp = '022-01-01 01:29:32'
Name | Type | Description |
Id | Integer | Id. |
DataActive | Boolean | DataActive. |
DataActiveFlag | Boolean | DataActiveFlag. |
DataActivitiesCount | Integer | DataActivitiesCount. |
DataAddTime | Datetime | DataAddTime. |
DataAssignedToUserId | Integer | DataAssignedToUserId. |
DataAttendees | String | DataAttendees. |
DataBusyFlag | String | Data BusyFlag. |
DataCalendarSyncContext | String | DataCalendarSyncContext. |
DataCcEmail | String | DataCcEmail. |
DataCloseTime | String | DataCloseTime. |
DataCompanyId | Integer | DataCompanyId. |
DataConferenceMeetingClient | String | DataConferenceMeetingClient. |
DataConferenceMeetingId | String | DataConferenceMeetingId. |
DataConferenceMeetingUrl | String | DataConferenceMeetingUrl. |
DataCreatedByUserId | Integer | DataCreatedByUserId. |
DataCreatorUserId | Integer | DataCreatorUserId. |
DataCurrency | String | DataCurrency. |
DataDealDropboxBcc | String | DataDealDropboxBcc. |
DataDealId | String | DataDealId. |
DataDealTitle | String | DataDealTitle. |
DataDeleted | Boolean | DataDeleted. |
DataDone | Boolean | DataDone. |
DataDoneActivitiesCount | Integer | DataDoneActivitiesCount. |
DataDueDate | Date | DataDueDate. |
DataDueTime | Datetime | DataDueTime. |
DataDuration | Datetime | DataDuration. |
DataEmailMessagesCount | Integer | DataEmailMessagesCount. |
DataExpectedCloseDate | Date | DataExpectedCloseDate. |
DataFileId | String | DataFile Id. |
DataFileCleanName | String | DataFile clean name. |
DataFileUrl | String | DataFile url. |
DataFilesCount | Integer | DataFilesCount. |
DataFirstWonTime | String | DataFirstWonTime. |
DataFollowersCount | Integer | DataFollowersCount. |
DataFormattedValue | String | DataFormattedValue. |
DataFormattedWeightedValue | String | DataFormattedWeightedValue. |
DataGcalEventId | String | DataGcalEventId. |
DataGoogleCalendarEtag | String | DataGoogleCalendarEtag. |
DataGoogleCalendarId | String | DataGoogleCalendarId. |
DataId | Integer | DataId. |
DataLabel | String | DataLabel. |
ActivityDate | String | ActivityDate. |
ActivityId | String | ActivityId. |
IncomingMailTime | String | IncomingMailTime. |
LastNotificationTime | String | Last_notification_time. |
LastNotificationUserId | String | Last_notification_user_id. |
LastOutgoingMailTime | String | Last_outgoing_mail_time. |
LeadId | String | LeadId. |
LeadTitle | String | LeadTitle. |
Location | String | Location. |
AreaLevel1 | String | AreaLevel1. |
AreaLevel2 | String | AreaLevel2. |
LocationCountry | String | LocationCountry. |
LocationFormattedAddress | String | LocationFormattedAddress. |
Locationlocality | String | Locationlocality. |
LocationPostalCode | String | LocationPostalCode. |
LocationRoute | String | LocationRoute. |
LocationStreetNumber | String | LocationStreetNumber. |
LocationSublocality | String | LocationSublocality. |
LocationSubpremise | String | LocationSubpremise. |
LostReason | String | LostReason. |
LostTime | String | LostTime. |
MarkedAsDoneTime | String | MarkedAsDoneTime. |
NextActivityDate | String | NextActivityDate. |
NextActivityDuration | String | NextActivityDuration. |
NextActivityId | String | NextActivityId. |
NextActivityNote | String | NextActivityNote. |
NextActivitySubject | String | NextActivitySubject. |
NextActivityTime | String | NextActivityTime. |
NextActivityType | String | NextActivityType. |
Note | String | Note. |
NotesCount | Integer | NotesCount. |
NotificationLanguageId | Integer | NotificationLanguageId. |
OrgHidden | Boolean | OrgHidden. |
OrgId | Integer | OrgId. |
OrgName | String | OrgName. |
OwnerName | String | OwnerName. |
Participants | String | Participants. |
ParticipantsCount | Integer | ParticipantsCount. |
PersonDropboxBcc | String | PersonDropboxBcc. |
PersonHidden | Boolean | PersonHidden. |
PersonId | Integer | PersonId. |
PersonName | String | PersonName. |
PipelineId | Integer | PipelineId. |
Probability | String | Probability. |
ProductsCount | Integer | ProductsCount. |
PublicDescription | String | PublicDescription. |
RecMasterActivityId | String | RecMasterActivityId. |
RecRule | String | RecRule. |
RecRuleExtension | String | RecRuleExtension. |
ReferenceId | String | ReferenceId. |
ReferenceType | String | ReferenceType. |
RottenTime | String | RottenTime. |
Series | String | Series. |
SourceTimezone | String | SourceTimezone. |
StageChangeTime | String | StageChangeTime. |
StageId | Integer | StageId. |
StageOrderNr | Integer | StageOrderNr. |
Status | String | Status. |
Subject | String | Subject. |
DataTitle | String | DataTitle. |
DataType | String | DataType. |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | UndoneActivitiesCount. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | UpdateTime. |
UpdateUserId | String | UpdateUserId. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
Value | Integer | Value. |
VisibleTo | String | VisibleTo. |
WeightedValue | Integer | WeightedValue. |
WeightedValueCurrency | String | WeightedValueCurrency. |
WonTime | String | WonTime. |
Item | String | Item. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SinceTimestamp | Datetime | Timestamp in UTC.
デフォルト値は2000-01-01 01:29:32です。 |
Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp attendees.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM RecentsAttendees WHERE SinceTimestamp = '022-01-01 01:29:32'
Name | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | String | Email Address. |
IsOrganizer | Integer | Is Organizer. |
Name | String | Name. |
PersonId | Integer | Person Id. |
Status | String | Status. |
UserId | Integer | UserId. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SinceTimestamp | Datetime | Timestamp in UTC.
デフォルト値は2000-01-01 01:29:32です。 |
Returns data about all recent changes occurred after given timestamp participants.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM RecentsParticipants WHERE SinceTimestamp = '022-01-01 01:29:32'
Name | Type | Description |
PersonId | Integer | Person Id. |
PrimaryFlag | Boolean | Primary Flag. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SinceTimestamp | Datetime | Timestamp in UTC.
デフォルト値は2000-01-01 01:29:32です。 |
Get the list of either visible or hidden pipeline IDs for a specific role.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM RolesPipelinesVisibility WHERE RoleId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
RoleId [KEY] | Integer | ID of the Role. |
PipelineIds | String | Ids of the Pipeline. |
Visible | Boolean | Visible. |
Get deals in a specific stage.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM StagesDeals WHERE StageId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | Stages Deals Id. |
StageId | Integer | Stage Id. |
Active | Boolean | Active. |
ActivitiesCount | Integer | Activities count. |
AddTime | String | Added time of Stage deals. |
CcEmail | String | Cc Email. |
CloseTime | String | Close time of Stages deals. |
CreatorUserId | Integer | Creator user id. |
Currency | String | Currency. |
Deleted | Boolean | Boolean value that represents stage deals is deleted or not. |
DoneActivitiesCount | Integer | Count of done activities. |
EmailMessagesCount | Integer | Count of email messages. |
ExpectedCloseDate | Date | Expected close date. |
FilesCount | Integer | Count of files. |
FirstWonTime | String | First won time. |
FollowersCount | Integer | Count of followers. |
FormattedValue | String | Formatted value. |
FormattedWeightedValue | String | Formatted weighted value. |
Label | String | Label. |
LastActivityDate | String | Last activity date. |
LastActivityId | String | Last activity id. |
LastIncomingMailTime | String | Last incoming mail time. |
LastOutgoingMailTime | String | Last outgoing mail time. |
LostReason | String | Lost reason. |
LostTime | String | Lost time. |
NextAactivityDate | Date | Next activity date. |
NextActivityDuration | String | Next activity duration. |
NextActivityId | Integer | Next activity id. |
NextActivityNote | String | Next activity note. |
NextActivitySubject | String | Next activity subject. |
NextActivityTime | String | Next activity time. |
NextActivityType | String | Next activity type. |
NotesCount | Integer | Notes count. |
OrgHidden | Boolean | Org hidden. |
OrgId | Integer | Org Id. |
OrgName | String | Org Name. |
OwnerName | String | Owner name. |
ParticipantsCount | Integer | Participants count. |
PersonHidden | Boolean | Person hidden. |
PersonId | Integer | Person id. |
PersonName | String | Person name. |
PipelineId | Integer | Pipeline id. |
Probability | Unknown | Probability. |
ProductsCount | Integer | Products count. |
RottenTime | String | Rotten time. |
StageChangeTime | String | Stage change time. |
StageOrderNr | Integer | Stage order nr. |
Status | String | Status. |
Title | String | Title. |
UndoneActivitiesCount | Integer | Count of undone activities. |
UpdateTime | Datetime | Updated time. |
UserId | Integer | User id. |
Value | Integer | Value. |
VisibleTo | String | Visible to. |
WeightedValue | Integer | Weighted value. |
WeightedValueCurrency | String | Weighted value currency. |
WonTime | String | Won time. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
FilterId | Integer | Filter id. |
Everyone | String | Everyone. |
Returns all payments of an installment or recurring subscription.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM SubscriptionPayments WHERE SubscriptionId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | ID of the Subscription Payments. |
SubscriptionId | Integer | ID of the Subscription. |
DealId | Integer | Deal Id. |
IsActive | Boolean | Is Active. |
Amount | Integer | Amount. |
Currency | String | Currency. |
ChangeAmount | Integer | Change amount. |
DueAt | Date | Due at. |
RevenueMovementType | String | Revenue movement type. |
PaymentType | String | Payment type. |
Description | String | Description. |
AddTime | String | Add time. |
UpdateTime | String | Update time. |
The data of user connections.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM UserConnection
Name | Type | Description |
String | Google. |
Returns data about all users within the company access.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM UsersAccess
Name | Type | Description |
App | String | ID of the user. |
Admin | Boolean | Admin. |
PermissionSetId | String | Permission Set Id. |
List settings of an authorized user.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM UserSettings
Name | Type | Description |
ExpectedCloseDate | String | ExpectedCloseDate. |
BetaApp | String | BetaApp. |
CalltoLink | String | CalltoLink. |
FileUploadDestination | String | FileUploadDestination. |
ListLimit | Integer | ListLimit. |
MarketplaceCustomUrl | String | MarketplaceCustomUrl. |
MarketplaceExtensionsVendor | String | MarketplaceExtensionsVendor. |
MarketplaceTeam | String | MarketplaceTeam. |
PersonDuplicateCondition | String | PersonDuplicateCondition. |
SalesphoneCalltoOverride | String | SalesphoneCalltoOverride. |
Lists the followers of a specific user.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM UsersFollowers WHERE UserId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | Integer | ID of the user. |
Data | Integer | Data. |
Lists the followers of a specific user.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM UsersPermissions WHERE UserId = 13822542
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | Integer | ID of the user. |
CanAddCustomFields | Boolean | CanAddCustomFields. |
CanBulkEditItems | Boolean | CanBulkEditItems. |
CanChangeVisibilityOfItems | Boolean | CanChangeVisibilityOfItems. |
CanCreateOwnWorkflow | Boolean | CanCreateOwnWorkflow. |
Lists role assignments for a user.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM UsersRoleAssignments WHERE UserId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | Integer | ID of the user. |
RoleId | Integer | Role Id. |
ParentRoleId | Integer | Parent Role Id. |
Name | String | Name. |
ActiveFlag | Boolean | Active flag. |
Type | String | Type. |
Lists the settings of user assigned role.
The Sync App will use the Pipedrive API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM UsersRoleSettings WHERE UserId = 2
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | Integer | ID of the user. |
DealDefaultVisibility | Integer | Deal Default Visibility. |
LeadDefaultVisibility | Integer | Lead Default Visibility. |
OrgDefaultVisibility | Integer | Org Default Visibility. |
PersonDefaultVisibility | Integer | Person Default Visibility. |
ProductDefaultVisibility | Integer | Product Default Visibility. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
AuthScheme | Whether to use Basic Authentication or OAuth Authentication when connecting to PipeDrive. |
CompanyDomain | Pipedrive アカウントへのアクセスに使用する会社ドメイン。 |
APIToken | The API Token used for accessing your PipeDrive account. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthClientId | OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。 |
OAuthClientSecret | OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
FirewallType | プロキシベースのファイアウォールで使われるプロトコル。 |
FirewallServer | プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。 |
FirewallPort | プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。 |
FirewallUser | プロキシベースのファイアウォールに認証するために使うユーザー名。 |
FirewallPassword | プロキシベースのファイアウォールへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
ProxyAutoDetect | これは、システムプロキシ設定を使用するかどうかを示します。 |
ProxyServer | HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。 |
ProxyPort | ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。 |
ProxyAuthScheme | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。 |
ProxyUser | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。 |
ProxyPassword | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
ProxySSLType | ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。 |
ProxyExceptions | ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
LogModules | ログファイルに含めるコアモジュール。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Location | テーブル、ビュー、およびストアドプロシージャを定義するスキーマファイルを格納するディレクトリへのパス。 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
Tables | このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。 |
Views | 使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
IncludeCustomFields | Set to true to retrieve custom fields values for deals, organizations, persons and products. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
Other | これらの隠しプロパティは特定のユースケースでのみ使用されます。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
UserDefinedViews | カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なAuthentication プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
AuthScheme | Whether to use Basic Authentication or OAuth Authentication when connecting to PipeDrive. |
CompanyDomain | Pipedrive アカウントへのアクセスに使用する会社ドメイン。 |
APIToken | The API Token used for accessing your PipeDrive account. |
Whether to use Basic Authentication or OAuth Authentication when connecting to PipeDrive.
Whether to use Basic Authentication or OAuth Authentication when connecting to PipeDrive.
Pipedrive アカウントへのアクセスに使用する会社ドメイン。
Pipedrive アカウントへのアクセスに使用する会社ドメイン。Developer Sandbox アカウントにログインしてURL を確認することで、Pipedrive アプリから手動で取得できます。
The API Token used for accessing your PipeDrive account.
The API Token can be found in PipeDrive by going to account name (on the top right) -> Company settings -> Personal preferences -> API.
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なOAuth プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthClientId | OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。 |
OAuthClientSecret | OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。 |
OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。
OAuth アプリケーションの登録の一環として、コンシューマキーとも呼ばれるOAuthClientId 値、およびクライアントシークレットOAuthClientSecret が提供されます。
OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。
OAuth アプリケーションの登録の一環として、コンシューマキーとも呼ばれるOAuthClientId が提供されます。また、コンシューマーシークレットと呼ばれるクライアントシークレットも提供されます。クライアントシークレットをOAuthClientSecret プロパティに設定します。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSSL プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。
TLS/SSL 接続を使用する場合は、このプロパティを使用して、サーバーが受け入れるTLS/SSL 証明書を指定できます。コンピュータによって信頼されていない他の証明書はすべて拒否されます。
説明 | 例 |
フルPEM 証明書(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
証明書を保有するローカルファイルへのパス。 | C:\cert.cer |
公開鍵(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
MD5 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
SHA1 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なFirewall プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
FirewallType | プロキシベースのファイアウォールで使われるプロトコル。 |
FirewallServer | プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。 |
FirewallPort | プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。 |
FirewallUser | プロキシベースのファイアウォールに認証するために使うユーザー名。 |
FirewallPassword | プロキシベースのファイアウォールへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
このプロパティは、Sync App がFirewallServer プロキシ経由でトンネルトラフィックを使うためのプロトコルを指定します。デフォルトでは、Sync App はシステムプロキシに接続します。この動作を無効化し次のプロキシタイプのどれかで接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
タイプ | デフォルトポート | 説明 |
TUNNEL | 80 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はPipedrive への接続を開き、プロキシを経由して通信が行われます。 |
SOCKS4 | 1080 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はデータをFirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたSOCS 4 プロキシ経由で送信し、接続リクエストが許容されるかどうかを決定します。 |
SOCKS5 | 1080 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はデータをFirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたSOCS 5 プロキシ経由で送信します。プロキシに認証が必要な場合には、FirewallUser およびFirewallPassword をプロキシが認識する認証情報に設定します。 |
HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer およびProxyPort ポートを使ってください。HTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を使ってください。
プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。
ファイアウォールトラバーサルを許容するために設定するIP アドレス、DNS 名、もしくはプロキシホスト名を指定するプロパティです。プロトコルはFirewallType で指定されます。このプロパティとFirewallServer を使って、SOCKS 経由での接続、もしくはトンネリングが可能です。HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer を使用します。
Sync App はデフォルトでシステムプロキシを使うので注意してください。他のプロキシを使う場合には、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定してください。
プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。
ファイアウォールトラバーサルを許容するために設定するプロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。名前もしくはIP アドレスを指定するには、FirewallServer を使います。FirewallType でプロトコルを指定します。
FirewallUser およびFirewallPassword プロパティは、FirewallType により指定された認証方式に則り、FirewallServer、およびFirewallPort で指定されたプロキシに対しての認証に使われます。
このプロパティは、FirewallType により指定された認証メソッドに則り、FirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたプロキシに渡されます。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なProxy プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
ProxyAutoDetect | これは、システムプロキシ設定を使用するかどうかを示します。 |
ProxyServer | HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。 |
ProxyPort | ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。 |
ProxyAuthScheme | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。 |
ProxyUser | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。 |
ProxyPassword | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
ProxySSLType | ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。 |
ProxyExceptions | ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。 |
これは他のプロキシ設定よりも優先されるため、カスタムプロキシ設定を使用するにはProxyAutoDetect をFALSE に設定する必要があります。
HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer を参照してください。SOCKS やトンネリングなどの他のプロキシには、FirewallType を参照してください。
HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。
HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。HTTP プロキシへの認証には、Sync App はHTTP、Windows(NTLM)、もしくはKerberos 認証タイプを使用することができます。
SOCKS プロキシを経由して接続する、もしくは接続をトンネルするには、FirewallType を参照してください。
デフォルトで、Sync App はsystem プロキシを使います。他のプロキシを使う場合には、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。
HTTP トラフィックをリダイレクトするHTTP プロキシが実行されているポート。ProxyServer でHTTP プロキシを指定します。その他のプロキシタイプについては、FirewallType を参照してください。
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。
この値は、ProxyServer およびProxyPort で指定されるHTTP プロキシに認証するために使われる認証タイプを指定します。
Sync App は、デフォルトでsystem proxy settings を使い、追加での設定が不要です。他のプロキシへの接続をする場合には、ProxyServer およびProxyPort に加え、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。認証するには、ProxyAuthScheme を設定し、必要な場合にはProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
SOCKS 5 認証のような他の認証タイプを使用するには、FirewallType を参照してください。
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。
ProxyUser および ProxyPassword オプションは、ProxyServer で指定されたHTTP プロキシに対して接続および認証するために使用されます。
ProxyAuthScheme で使用可能な認証タイプを選択することができます。HTTP 認証を使う場合、これをHTTP プロキシで識別可能なユーザーのユーザー名に設定します。Windows もしくはKerberos 認証を使用する場合、このプロパティを次の形式のどれかでユーザー名に設定します。
user@domain domain\user
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。
このプロパティは、NTLM(Windows)、Kerberos、もしくはHTTP 認証をサポートするHTTP プロキシサーバーに認証するために使われます。HTTP プロキシを指定するためには、ProxyServer およびProxyPort を設定します。認証タイプを指定するためにはProxyAuthScheme を設定します。
HTTP 認証を使う場合、さらにHTTP プロキシにProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
NTLM 認証を使う場合、Windows パスワードにProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。Kerberos 認証には、これらを入力する必要があります。
SOCKS 5 認証もしくは、トンネリングは、FirewallType を参照してください。
デフォルトで、Sync App はsystem プロキシを使います。他のプロキシに接続する場合には、これをfalse に設定します。
ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。
このプロパティは、ProxyServer で指定されたHTTP プロキシへの接続にSSL を使用するかどうかを決定します。この値は、AUTO、ALWAYS、NEVER、TUNNEL のいずれかです。有効な値は次のとおりです。
AUTO | デフォルト設定。URL がHTTPS URL の場合、Sync App は、TUNNEL オプションを使います。URL がHTTP URL の場合、コンポーネントはNEVER オプションを使います。 |
ALWAYS | 接続は、常にSSL 有効となります。 |
NEVER | 接続は、SSL 有効になりません。 |
TUNNEL | 接続は、トンネリングプロキシを経由します。プロキシサーバーがリモートホストへの接続を開き、プロキシを経由して通信が行われます。 |
ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。
ProxyServer は、このプロパティで定義されたアドレスを除くすべてのアドレスに使用されます。セミコロンを使用してエントリを区切ります。
Sync App は、追加設定なしにデフォルトでシステムのプロキシ設定を使います。この接続のプロキシ例外を明示的に構成するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定して、ProxyServer およびProxyPort を設定する必要があります。認証するには、ProxyAuthScheme を設定し、必要な場合にはProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
指定された(';' で区切られた)モジュールのみがログファイルに含まれます。デフォルトではすべてのモジュールが含まれます。
概要はログ ページを参照してください。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSchema プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Location | テーブル、ビュー、およびストアドプロシージャを定義するスキーマファイルを格納するディレクトリへのパス。 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
Tables | このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。 |
Views | 使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。 |
Sync App のスキーマファイル(テーブルとビューの場合は.rsd ファイル、ストアドプロシージャの場合は.rsb ファイル)を含むディレクトリへのパス。このフォルダの場所は、実行ファイルの場所からの相対パスにすることができます。Location プロパティは、定義をカスタマイズしたり(例えば、カラム名を変更する、カラムを無視するなど)、新しいテーブル、ビュー、またはストアドプロシージャでデータモデルを拡張する場合にのみ必要です。
指定しない場合、デフォルトの場所は"%APPDATA%\\CData\\Pipedrive Data Provider\\Schema" となり、%APPDATA% はユーザーのコンフィギュレーションディレクトリに設定されます:
Platform | %APPDATA% |
Windows | APPDATA 環境変数の値 |
Linux | ~/.config |
このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。
スキーマをデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でスキーマのリストを提供すると、 パフォーマンスが向上します。
このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。
テーブルを複数のデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でテーブルのリストを提供すると、Sync App のパフォーマンスが向上します。
カンマ区切りのリストで使用したいテーブルを指定します。各テーブルは、角かっこ、二重引用符、またはバッククオートを使用してエスケープされた特殊文字列を含む有効なSQL 識別子である必要があります。 例えば、Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space` です。
使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。
ビューを複数のデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でビューのリストを提供すると、Sync App のパフォーマンスが向上します。
カンマ区切りのリストで使用したいビューを指定します。各ビューは、角かっこ、二重引用符、またはバッククオートを使用してエスケープされた特殊文字列を含む有効なSQL 識別子である必要があります。 例えば、Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space` です。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
IncludeCustomFields | Set to true to retrieve custom fields values for deals, organizations, persons and products. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
Other | これらの隠しプロパティは特定のユースケースでのみ使用されます。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
UserDefinedViews | カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。 |
Set to true to retrieve custom fields values for deals, organizations, persons and products.
Set to true to retrieve custom fields values for deals, organizations, persons and products.
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
DefaultColumnSize | データソースがメタデータにカラムの長さを提供しない場合に、文字列フィールドのデフォルトの長さを設定します。デフォルト値は2000です。 |
ConvertDateTimeToGMT | 日時の値を、マシンのローカルタイムではなくGMT グリニッジ標準時に変換するかどうかを決定します。 |
RecordToFile=filename | 基底のソケットデータ転送を指定のファイルに記録します。 |
Entity Framework ではテーブルカラムでない疑似カラムに値を設定できないため、この設定はEntity Framework で特に便利です。この接続設定の値は、"Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3" の形式です。"*=*" のように"*" 文字を使用して、すべてのテーブルとすべてのカラムを含めることができます。
Timeout が0に設定されている場合は、操作がタイムアウトしません。処理が正常に完了するか、エラー状態になるまで実行されます。
Timeout の有効期限が切れても処理が完了していない場合は、Sync App は例外をスローします。
カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。
ユーザー定義ビューは、UserDefinedViews.json というJSON 形式のコンフィギュレーションファイルで定義されています。Sync App は、このファイルで指定されたビューを自動的に検出します。
また、複数のビュー定義を持ち、UserDefinedViews 接続プロパティを使用して制御することも可能です。このプロパティを使用すると、指定されたビューのみがSync App によって検知されます。
{ "MyView": { "query": "SELECT * FROM Deals WHERE MyColumn = 'value'" }, "MyView2": { "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)" } }UserDefinedViews 接続プロパティを使用して、JSON コンフィギュレーションファイルの場所を指定します。次に例を示します。
"UserDefinedViews", C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.json指定されたパスは引用符で囲まれていないことに注意してください。