Fetches multiple team template records. The records can be filtered, paged, and sorted according to the respective parameters. Team templates are templates that are available team-wide. Admins may use team templates to create original content for the entire team, monitor version control to ensure templates are always up to date, and track template performance across the entire organization. All metrics on a team template reflect usage across the team; individual metrics can be found with the email_templates API endpoint.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id of the AccountStage. |
Attachments | String | The Attachments of the TeamTemplate. |
ArchivedAt | Datetime | The ArchivedAt of the TeamTemplate. |
Body | String | The Body of the TeamTemplate. |
BodyPreview | String | The BodyPreview of the TeamTemplate. |
ClickTrackingEnabled | Boolean | The ClickTrackingEnabled of the TeamTemplate. |
Bounces | Integer | The Bounces of the TeamTemplate. |
Clicks | Integer | The Clicks of the TeamTemplate. |
Replies | Integer | The Replies of the TeamTemplate. |
SentEmails | Integer | The SentEmails of the TeamTemplate. |
Views | Integer | The Views of the TeamTemplate. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The CreatedAt of the TeamTemplate. |
LastModifiedAt | Datetime | The LastModifiedAt of the TeamTemplate. |
LastModifiedUserId | Integer | The LastModifiedUserId of the TeamTemplate. |
LastUsedAt | Datetime | The LastUsedAt of the TeamTemplate. |
OpenTrackingEnabled | Boolean | The OpenTrackingEnabled of the TeamTemplate. |
Subject | String | The Subject of the TeamTemplate. |
Tags | String | The Tags of the TeamTemplate. |
Title | String | The Title of the TeamTemplate. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The UpdatedAt date of the TeamTemplate. |
TagId | String | The TagId property of the TeamTemplate table. |
IncludeArchivedTemplates | Boolean | The IncludeArchivedTemplates property of the TeamTemplate table. |
Search | String | The Search property of the TeamTemplate table. |