Excel Add-In for Salesloft

Build 24.0.9111


Create, update, and query the available people in SalesLoft.


The 本製品 will use the Salesloft API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

  • Id supports the following operators: =,IN
  • AccountId supports the following operators: =,IN
  • CreatedAt supports the following operators: >, >=, <, <=
  • CrmId supports the following operators: =,IN
  • DoNotContact supports the following operator: =
  • EmailAddress supports the following operators: =,IN,IS NULL
  • ImportId supports the following operators: =, IN,IS NULL
  • JobSeniority supports the following operators: =,IN,IS NULL
  • LastContactedAt supports the following operators: >, >=, <, <=
  • PersonStageId supports the following operators: =,IN,IS NULL
  • Tags supports the following operator: =,IN
  • Title supports the following operator: =
  • UpdatedAt supports the following operators: >, >=, <, <=
  • OwnedByGuid supports the following operators: =,IN
  • CanEmail supports the following operator: =
  • CanCall supports the following operator: =
  • TagId supports the following operators: =,IN
  • OwnerIsActive supports the following operator: =
  • CadenceId supports the following operators: =,IN,IS NULL
  • CustomFields* supports the following operator: =. The customFields that are created by Salesloft Admin can be filtered by specifying the name as it is on the UI.
The following queries are processed server side:
    SELECT * FROM People WHERE Id = 123
    SELECT * FROM People WHERE AccountId IN (123, 1234)
    SELECT * FROM People WHERE EmailAddress IS NULL
    SELECT * FROM People WHERE MyCustomFiled = 'customValue'


To add a Person, at least the EmailAddress, FirstName and LastName need to be specified. Execute an insert in one of 2 ways.

  INSERT INTO People (EmailAddress, Phone, FirstName, LastName) VALUES ('[email protected]', '123456', 'FirstNameTest', 'LastNameTest')
Or using Bulk Insert:
INSERT INTO People#TEMP (EmailAddress, Phone, FirstName, LastName) VALUES ('[email protected]', '123456', 'FirstNameTest', 'LastNameTest')
INSERT INTO People#TEMP (EmailAddress, Phone, FirstName, LastName) VALUES ('[email protected]', '1234567', 'FirstNameTest1', 'LastNameTest1')

INSERT INTO People (EmailAddress, Phone, FirstName, LastName)
SELECT EmailAddress, Phone, FirstName, LastName FROM People#TEMP


Similarly, to the Insert operation we can update a Person by specifying the field and the new value.

UPDATE People SET Phone = '123456', Tags = 'tag1,tag2', WorkCity = 'NewCity'
	WHERE Id = 123


To perform an upsert operation, the upsert Key must be provided. Valid options are: ID, CrmId, EmailAddress. Additionally, the 本製品 can perform a batch Upsert for more than 1 record.

UPSERT INTO People (FirstName, Id, Phone)
		VALUES ('AccountN', 10917448, '123')


In order to delete a Person, the Id needs to be specified.



Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True

The Id property of the People table.

AccountId Integer False

The AccountId property of the People table.

Bouncing Boolean False

The Bouncing property of the People table.

City String False

The City property of the People table.

ContactRestrictions String False

The ContactRestrictions property of the People table.

Country String False

The Country property of the People table.

CountsCalls Integer False

The CountsCalls property of the People table.

CountsEmailsBounced Integer True

The CountsEmailsBounced property of the People table.

CountsEmailsClicked Integer False

The CountsEmailsClicked property of the People table.

CountsEmailsRepliedTo Integer False

The CountsEmailsRepliedTo property of the People table.

CountsEmailsSent Integer False

The CountsEmailsSent property of the People table.

CountsEmailsViewed Integer False

The CountsEmailsViewed property of the People table.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The CreatedAt property of the People table.

CrmId String False

The CrmId property of the People table.

CrmObjectType String False

The CrmObjectType property of the People table.

CrmUrl String False

The CrmUrl property of the People table.

DisplayName String False

The DisplayName property of the People table.

DoNotContact Boolean False

The DoNotContact property of the People table.

EmailAddress String False

The EmailAddress property of the People table.

FirstName String False

The FirstName property of the People table.

FullEmailAddress String False

The FullEmailAddress property of the People table.

HomePhone String False

The HomePhone property of the People table.

ImportId Integer False

The ImportId property of the People table.

JobSeniority String False

The JobSeniority property of the People table.

LastCompletedStepId Integer False

The LastCompletedStepId property of the People table.

LastCompletedStepCadenceId Integer False

The LastCompletedStepCadenceId property of the People table.

LastContactedAt Datetime True

The LastContactedAt property of the People table.

LastContactedById Integer False

The LastContactedById property of the People table.

LastContactedType String False

The LastContactedType property of the People table.

LastName String False

The LastName property of the People table.

LastRepliedAt Datetime True

The LastRepliedAt property of the People table.

LinkedinUrl String False

The LinkedinUrl property of the People table.

Locale String False

The Locale property of the People table.

MobilePhone String False

The MobilePhone property of the People table.

MostRecentCadenceId Integer False

The MostRecentCadenceId property of the People table.

OwnerId Integer False

The OwnerId property of the People table.

OwnerCrmId String False

The OwnerCrmId property of the People table.

PersonCompanyIndustry String False

The PersonCompanyIndustry property of the People table.

PersonCompanyName String False

The PersonCompanyName property of the People table.

PersonCompanyWebsite String False

The PersonCompanyWebsite property of the People table.

PersonStageId Integer False

The PersonStageId property of the People table.

PersonalEmailAddress String False

The PersonalEmailAddress property of the People table.

PersonalWebsite String False

The PersonalWebsite property of the People table.

Phone String False

The Phone property of the People table.

PhoneExtension String False

The PhoneExtension property of the People table.

SecondaryEmailAddress String False

The SecondaryEmailAddress property of the People table.

State String False

The State property of the People table.

Tags String False

The Tags property of the People table.

Title String False

The Title property of the People table.

TwitterHandle String False

The TwitterHandle property of the People table.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

The UpdatedAt property of the People table.

WorkCity String False

The WorkCity property of the People table.

WorkCountry String False

The WorkCountry property of the People table.

WorkState String False

The WorkState property of the People table.

OwnedByGuid String False

The OwnedByGuid property of the People table.

CanEmail Boolean False

The CanEmail property of the People table.

CanCall Boolean False

The CanCall property of the People table.

TagId String False

The TagId property of the People table.

OwnerIsActive Boolean False

The OwnerIsActive property of the People table.

CadenceId Integer False

The cadenceid property of the People table.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111