Excel Add-In for Salesloft

Build 24.0.9111


Fetches multiple meeting setting records. The records can be filtered, paged, and sorted according to the respective parameters.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer False

The Id of the meeting.

UserId String False

The Id of the User of the meeting.

UserSlug String False

The User slug generated with a full name of the user.

PrimaryCalendarId String False

The ID of the primary calendar.

PrimaryCalendarName String False

The Display name of the primary calendar.

EmailAddress String False

The Calendar owner's email address.

UserDetails String False

The User details.

CalendarType String False

Calendar type of the meeting owner. Possible values are: gmail, azure, nylas, linkedin_azure, cerebro, external.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。gmail, azure, nylas, linkedin_azure, cerebro, external

Title String False

Title of the meeting.

Description String False

Description of the meeting.

Location String False

Location of the meeting.

DefaultMeetingLength Integer False

Default meeting length in minutes set by the user.

AvailabilityLimitEnabled Boolean False

If Availability Limits have been turned on.

AvailabilityLimit Integer False

The number of days out the user allows a prospect to schedule a meeting.

ScheduleDelay Integer False

The number of hours in advance a user requires someone to a book a meeting with them.

BufferTimeDuration Integer False

Default buffer duration in minutes set by a user.

ScheduleBufferEnabled Boolean False

Determines if meetings are scheduled with a 15 minute buffer between them.

TimesAvailable String False

Times available set by a user that can be used to book meetings.

AllowBookingOnBehalf Boolean False

Allow other team members to schedule on you behalf.

AllowBookingOvertime Boolean False

Allow team members to insert available time outside your working hours.

AllowEventOverlap Boolean False

Allow team members to double book events on your calendar.

ShareEventDetail Boolean False

Allow team members to see the details of events on your calendar.

EnableDynamicLocation Boolean False

Determines if location will be filled via third-party service (Zoom, GoToMeeting, etc.).

CreatedAt Datetime False

Datetime of when the meeting was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime False

Datetime of when the meeting was last updated.

TimeZone String False

Time zone for current calendar.

PrimaryCalendarConnectionFailed Boolean False

Gets true when any issue with fetching calendar occurs.

EnableCalendarSync Boolean False

Determines if a user enabled Calendar Sync feature.

RescheduleMeetingsEnabled Boolean False

Determines if a user enabled reschedule meetings feature.

ActiveMeetingUrl String False

The ActiveMeetingUrl of the meeting.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111