Fetches multiple meeting records. The records can be filtered, paged, and sorted according to the respective parameters. Meetings resource is responsible for events created via the Salesloft platform using calendaring features. These events can relate to cadences, people, and accounts..
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | False |
The Id of the meeting. |
Title | String | False |
Title of the meeting. |
StartTime | Datetime | False |
Start time of the meeting. |
EndTime | Datetime | False |
End time of the meeting. |
CalendarId | String | False |
Calendar ID of the meeting owner. |
CalendarType | String | False |
Calendar type of the meeting owner. Possible values are: gmail, azure, nylas, linkedin_azure, cerebro, external. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。gmail, azure, nylas, linkedin_azure, cerebro, external |
MeetingType | String | False |
Meeting type. |
RecipientName | String | False |
Name of the meeting invite recipient. |
RecipientEmail | String | False |
Email of the meeting invite recipient. |
Location | String | False |
Location of the meeting. |
Description | String | False |
Description of the meeting. |
EventId | String | False |
ID of the meeting created by target calendar. |
AccountId | String | False |
ID of the account the recipient associated to. |
TaskId | String | False |
ID of the created task. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | False |
Datetime of when the meeting was created. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | False |
Datetime of when the meeting was last updated. |
Guests | String | False |
The list of attendees emails of the meeting. |
Attendees | String | False |
The attendees of the meeting. Each attendee includes the following fields: status, email, name, organizer. |
Person | String | False |
The Salesloft Person Id for the recipient. |
Cadence | String | False |
The Salesloft Cadence Id associated with meeting. |
Step | String | False |
The Salesloft Step Id associated with meeting. |
BookedByUser | String | False |
The User who booked the meeting. |
CrmReferences | String | False |
The List of crm references associated with the meeting. |
EventSource | String | False |
Source of the meeting. Possible values are: 'external' - The event was synced to Salesloft platform via Calendar Sync, 'internal' - The event was created via Salesloft platform. |
CanceledAt | Datetime | False |
Datetime of when the meeting was canceled. |
AllDay | Boolean | False |
Whether the meeting is an all-day meeting. |
NoShow | Boolean | False |
Whether the meeting is a No Show meeting. |
CrmCustomFields | String | False |
The List of crm custom fields which will be logged to SFDC. |
StrictAttribution | Boolean | False |
Strict attribution means that we 100% sure which cadence generate the meeting. |
ICalUid | String | False |
The UID of the meeting provided by target calendar provider. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the meeting. Possible values are: pending, booked, failed, retry. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。pending, booked, failed, retry |
RescheduleStatus | String | False |
The Status of the meeting rescheduling progress. Possible values are: pending, booked, failed, retry. |
OwnedByMeetingsSettings | String | False |
The Owner meetings settings. |
BookedByMeetingsSettings | String | False |
The Organizer meetings settings. |
ShowDeleted | Boolean | False |
Whether to include deleted events in the result. |