Excel Add-In for Salesloft

Build 24.0.9111


Returns multiple call records. The records can be filtered, paged, and sorted according to the respective parameters.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer False

The Id of the Call.

ActionId Integer False

The ActionId of the Call.

CadenceId Integer False

The CadenceId of the Call.

CalledPersonId Integer False

The CalledPersonId of the Call.

CreatedAt Datetime False

The CreatedAt of the Call.

CrmActivityId Integer False

The CrmActivityId of the Call.

Disposition String False

The Disposition of the Call.

Duration Integer False

The Duration of the Call.

NoteId Integer False

The NoteId of the Call.

Recordings String False

The Recordings of the Call.

Sentiment String False

The Sentiment of the Call.

StepId Integer False

The StepId of the Call.

To String False

The To of the Call.

UpdatedAt Datetime False

The UpdatedAt of the Call.

UserId Integer False

The UserId of the Call.

PersonId String False

The PersonId property of the Calls table.

LinkedCallDataRecordIds String False

CallDataRecord associations that will become linked to the created call. It is possible to pass multiple CallDataRecord ids in this field; this can be used to represent multiple phone calls that made up a single call.Any call data record that is used must not already be linked to a call. It is not possible to link a call data record to multiple calls, and it is not possible to re-assign a call data record to a different call.* Only single values are supported with our

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Build 24.0.9111