Excel Add-In for Salesloft

Build 24.0.9111


Returns all calendar events, paginated and filtered by the date.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

The Id of the CalendarEvent.

UpdatedAt Datetime False

Last modification time of the calendar event.

UserGuid String False

The UUID of the user this activity is for.

Title String False

Title of the calendar event.

TenantId Integer False

The Tenant ID of the user calendar.

Status String False

The Status of the Email.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。confirmed, tentative, cancelled

StartTime Datetime False

Start time of the meeting.

Recurring Boolean False

Whether the calendar event is a recurring event.

Provider String False

The provider of the calendar event.

Organizer String False

The organizer email of the calendar event.

Location String False

The Location of the calendar event.

ICalUid [KEY] String False

The Calendar event unique identifier (iCalUID).

HtmlLink String False

Raw body content from Microsoft calendar events.

BodyHtml String False

An absolute link to this calendar event in the Google Calendar Web UI.

ExtendedProperties String False

Extended properties of the calendar event.

EndTime Datetime False

The (exclusive) end time of the calendar event.

Description String False

Description of the calendar event.

Creator String False

The creator email of the calendar event.

CreatedAt Datetime False

The CreatedAt of the Email.

ConferenceData String False

The conference-related information, such as details of a Google Meet conference.

CanceledAt Datetime False

The canceled date of the calendar event.

CalendarId [KEY] String False

Calendar ID of the user calendar.

Busy Boolean False

Busy/free status of the calendar event.

Attendees String False

The attendees of the calendar event.

AllDay Boolean False

Whether the calendar event is an all-day event.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111