Excel Add-In for Salesloft

Build 24.0.9111


Returns multiple cadence membership records. The records can be filtered, paged, and sorted according to the respective parameters. A cadence membership is the association between a person and their current and historical time on a cadence. Cadence membership records are mutable and change over time. If a person is added to a cadence and re-added to the same cadence in the future, there is a single membership record.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True

The Id of the CadenceMembership.

AddedAt Datetime True

The AddedAt property of the CadenceMembership table.

CadenceId Integer False

The CadenceId property of the CadenceMembership table.

CountsBounces Integer True

The CountsBounces property of the CadenceMembership table.

CountsCalls Integer True

The CountsCalls property of the CadenceMembership table.

CountsClicks Integer True

The CountsClicks property of the CadenceMembership table.

CountsReplies Integer True

The CountsReplies property of the CadenceMembership table.

CountsSentEmails Integer True

The CountsSentEmails property of the CadenceMembership table.

CountsViews Integer True

The CountsViews property of the CadenceMembership table.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The CreatedAt property of the CadenceMembership table.

CurrentState String True

The CurrentState property of the CadenceMembership table.

CurrentlyOnCadence Boolean True

The CurrentlyOnCadence property of the CadenceMembership table.

LatestActionId Integer True

The LatestActionId property of the CadenceMembership table.

PersonId Integer False

The PersonId property of the CadenceMembership table.

PersonDeleted Boolean True

The PersonDeleted property of the CadenceMembership table.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

The UpdatedAt property of the CadenceMembership table.

UserId Integer False

The UserId property of the CadenceMembership table.

StepId Integer False

ID of the step on which the person should start the cadence. Start on first step is the default behavior without this parameter. This is an Insert-only field.

TaskId Integer False

ID of the task that causes the requested action. The task will be completed automatically upon success. This is an Insert-only field.

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Build 24.0.9111