Excel Add-In for Salesloft

Build 24.0.9111


Creates an activity. An activity will mark the associated action as completed. Currently, only certain action types can have an activity explicitly created for them.


Name Type Required Description
ActionId Integer True Action that is being marked ongoing. This will validate that the action is still valid before modifying it. Ongoing actions can not be marked ongoing.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Id String ID of Action.
Due Boolean Whether this step is due.
CreatedAt Datetime Datetime of when the Action was created.
UpdatedAt Datetime Datetime of when the Action was last updated.
Type String The type of this action. Valid types are: email, phone, other. New types may be added in the future.
Status String The current state of the person on the cadence. Possible values are: in_progress, pending_activity.
DueOn Datetime When action is due.
MultitouchGroupId Integer ID of the multitouch group.
ActionDetailsId String The type specific action details.
UserId String User assigned to action.
PersonId String The subject of an action.
CadenceId String The cadence of an action.
StepId String The step of an action.

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Build 24.0.9111