ODBC Driver for Salesloft

Build 24.0.9111


Returns multiple email template records. The records can be filtered, paged, and sorted according to the respective parameters.


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] Integer The Id of the EmailTemplate.
LinksAttachments String The LinksAttachments of the EmailTemplate.
ArchivedAt Datetime The ArchivedAt of the EmailTemplate.
Body String The Body of the EmailTemplate.
BodyPreview String The BodyPreview of the EmailTemplate.
CadenceTemplate Boolean The CadenceTemplate of the EmailTemplate.
ClickTrackingEnabled Boolean The ClickTrackingEnabled of the EmailTemplate.
CountsBounces Integer The CountsBounces of the EmailTemplate.
CountsClicks Integer The CountsClicks of the EmailTemplate.
CountsReplies Integer The CountsReplies of the EmailTemplate.
CountsSentEmails Integer The CountsSentEmails of the EmailTemplate.
CountsViews Integer The CountsViews of the EmailTemplate.
CreatedAt Datetime The CreatedAt of the EmailTemplate.
GroupsId Integer The GroupsId of the EmailTemplate.
LastUsedAt Datetime The LastUsedAt of the EmailTemplate.
OpenTrackingEnabled Boolean The OpenTrackingEnabled of the EmailTemplate.
Shared Boolean The Shared of the EmailTemplate.
Subject String The Subject of the EmailTemplate.
Tags String The Tags of the EmailTemplate.
TeamTemplateId String The TeamTemplateId of the EmailTemplate.
TemplateOwnerId Integer The TemplateOwnerId of the EmailTemplate.
Title String The Title of the EmailTemplate.
UpdatedAt Datetime The UpdatedAt of the EmailTemplate.
LinkedToTeamTemplate Boolean The LinkedToTeamTemplate property of the EmailTemplates table.
TagIDs String The TagIDs property of the EmailTemplates table.
Search String The Search property of the EmailTemplates table.
FilterByOwner Boolean The FilterByOwner property of the EmailTemplates table.
IncludeCadenceTemplates Boolean The IncludeCadenceTemplates property of the EmailTemplates table.
IncludeArchivedTemplates Boolean The IncludeArchivedTemplates property of the EmailTemplates table.

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Build 24.0.9111