CData ODBC Driver for Blackbaud Raisers Edge NXT ビュー
Name | Description |
ActionAttachments | Retrieves a list of attachments for an action. |
ActionCustomFields | Retrieves custom fields for an action |
Actions | Retrieves a list of actions for all constituents and for specified constituent and details of the specified action. |
Addresses | Addresses store information about constituent residences and other addresses along with information about where or whether to send mail |
Aliases | Retrieves a list of aliases for a constituent |
AppealAttachments | Returns a list of attachments for an appeal. |
CampaignAttachments | Returns a list of attachments for a campaign. |
Campaigns | Campaigns are your organization's overall fundraising efforts or initiatives, such as operating expenses, new buildings, and endowments |
ConsentCategories | Returns a list of consent categories. |
ConsentChannelCategories | Returns a list of valid consent channel category combinations. |
ConsentChannels | Represents the consent channel entity |
ConsentSources | Represents the consent source entity |
ConstituentAppeals | Returns a list of appeals for a constituent. |
ConstituentAttachments | Returns a list of attachments for a constituent. |
ConstituentCodes | Constituent codes define the high-level affiliations between constituents and your organization - such as Board member, Vendor, and Volunteer - to provide context for why constituents are in the database |
ConstituentConsents | Returns a list of constituent consent records. |
ConstituentFundraiserAssignments | Returns a list of fundraiser assignments for a constituent. |
Constituents | Returns a paginated list of constituents |
ConstituentsCustomFields | Retrieves custom fields for all constituents |
ConstituentSolicitCodes | Returns a list of solicit codes for the specified constituent. |
Countries | Returns the list of available countries. |
Educations | Returns a list of educations for all constituent or a specified constituent |
Emails | Returns a list of email addresses of all constituents or a specified constituent. |
EventCategories | Returns a list of active event categories. |
EventFees | Returns a list of fees for an event. |
EventParticipantGuests | The participant's basic summary information |
EventParticipantMemberships | The individual's membership category |
EventParticipantOptions | Returns the participant options for an event. |
EventParticipants | Returns a list of participants for an event. |
Events | Returns a list of events |
FundAttachments | Returns a list of attachments for a fund. |
FundraiserAssignments | Returns a list of assignments for a fundraiser. |
FundraiserGoals | Returns a list of goals for a fundraiser |
FundraisingAppeals | Returns a list of fundraising appeals. |
Funds | Returns a list of funds. |
GetPledgeInstallments | This gets the installments of an existing pledge gift. |
GetPledgePayments | This gets the payments of an existing pledge gift. |
GiftAcknowledgements | Returns a list of acknowledgements for a gift |
GiftAttachments | Returns a list of attachments for a gift. |
GiftBatches | Returns a list of gift batches. |
GiftFundraisers | Returns a list of attachments for a gift. |
GiftPayments | Returns payments for a gift. |
GiftReceipts | Returns receipts for a gift. |
Gifts | Returns a paginated list of gifts |
GiftsCustomFields | Retrieves custom fields for all gifts |
GiftSoftCredits | Returns soft credits for a gift. |
GiftSplits | Returns the splits for a gift. |
Giving | Returns the first, latest or greatest gift recorded for a constituent. |
GivingAppeals | Returns the giving appeals summary for the constituent |
GivingCampaigns | Returns the giving campaigns summary for the constituent |
GivingFunds | Returns the giving funds summary for the constituent |
LifetimeGiving | Returns the lifetime giving information for a constituent. |
Lists | Returns a list of lists for the given list type |
Members | Returns the list of members. |
Memberships | Returns a list of memberships. |
Notes | Returns a list of notes that tracks helpful or important details such as specific interests and special instructions for donations |
OnlinePresences | Returns a paginated list of online presences that store a constituent's social media accounts, websites. |
Opportunities | Retrieves a list of opportunities |
OpportunitiesCustomFields | Retrieves custom fields for an opportunity |
OpportunityAttachments | Returns a list of attachments for an opportunity |
Packages | Returns a list of packages that contains content and other items for the appeals that organizations use to solicit gifts |
ParticipantFeePayments | Returns the fee payments for a participant. |
ParticipantFees | Returns a list of fees for a participant. |
ParticipantLevels | Returns a list of participation levels for all events. |
ParticipantOptions | Returns the participant options for a participant. |
Phones | Returns a list of phones for all constituents or a specific constituent |
RatingCategories | Returns a list of all available rating categories. |
Ratings | Returns a list of ratings for a constituent. |
RatingSources | Returns a list of all available rating sources. |
Relationships | Returns a list of relationships between constituents and other individuals and organizations such as family, friends, and employers |
Tributes | Returns a list of tributes. |