Excel Add-In for Blackbaud Raisers Edge NXT

Build 23.0.8839


Returns a list of participants for an event.

Table Specific Information


The add-in will use the BlackBaud Raiser's Edge NXT API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the add-in.
Note: EventId is required in order to query EventParticipants.

  • Attended supports the '=' operator.
  • DateAdded supports the '>=,>' operators.
  • DateModified supports the '>=,>' operators.
  • EventId supports the '=' operator.
  • InvitationStatus supports the '=' operator.
  • IsConstituent supports the '=' operator.
  • ParticipationLevelName supports the '=,in' operators.
  • RsvpStatus supports the '=,in' operators.
  • EmailEligible supports the '=' operator.
  • PhoneCallEligible supports the '=' operator.
  • FeesPaid supports the '=' operator.
  • Fields supports the '=' operator.
For example:
	SELECT * FROM EventParticipants WHERE EventId = '2'
	SELECT * FROM EventParticipants WHERE EventId = '2' AND DateAdded >= '2010-06-01 14:03:35'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String The ID of the participant.
Attended Boolean Whether the participant attended the event.
ClassOf String The participant's graduating class.
ContactId String The ID of the contact attending the event.
DateAdded Datetime The date the participant was created.
DateModified Datetime The date when the participant was last modified.
DoNotCall Boolean The participant's phone call preference.
DoNotEmail Boolean The participant's email preference.
Email String The participant's email address.
EventId String


The ID of the event which the participant belongs to.
FirstName String The participant's first name.
FormerName String The participant's former name.
HostContactId String The ID of the contact attending the event.
HostName String The participant's full name.
HostParticipantId String The ID of the host participant.
InvitationStatus String The possible states for a constituent's invitation to an event.
IsConstituent Boolean Indicates whether the participant is a constituent.
LastName String The participant's last name.
LookupId String The LookupId of the participant.
MiddleName String The participant's middle name.
Name String The participant's full name.
NameTag String The name tag for the participant.
ParticipationLevelId String The ID of the participation level.
ParticipationLevelIsInactive Boolean Whether the participation level is inactive. True if inactive.
ParticipationLevelName String The name of the participation level.
Phone String The participant's phone number.
PreferredName String The participant's preferred name.
RsvpDateD Integer The day in the fuzzy date.
RsvpDateM Integer The month in the fuzzy date.
RsvpDateY Integer The year in the fuzzy date.
RsvpStatus String The possible states for a participant's RSVP for an event.
Seat String The seat assignment for the participant.
Suffix String The participant's suffix.
Title String The participant's title.
TotalPaid Integer The sum of the participant's paid gifts with a type of Registration Fees.
TotalRegistrationFees Integer The sum of the participant's fee amounts.
SummaryNote String summary Notes.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
EmailEligible Boolean A filter to include or exclude participants based on whether they have a primary email address that's not marked Do not email.
PhoneCallEligible Boolean A filter to include or exclude participants based on whether they have a primary phone number that's not marked Do not call.
FeesPaid Boolean A filter to include or exclude participants that have paid or not paid their fees.
Fields String Represents a list of fields to include on the returned records.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839