SSIS Components for Blackbaud Raisers Edge NXT

Build 23.0.8839


Returns a paginated list of constituents

Table Specific Information


The component will use the BlackBaud Raiser's Edge NXT API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the component.

  • Id supports the '=,in' operators.
  • DateAdded supports the '>=,>' operators.
  • DateModified supports the '>=,>' operators.
  • FundraiserStatus supports the '=,in' operators.
  • ConstituentCode supports the '=' operator.
  • CustomFieldCategory supports the '=' operator.
  • Fields supports the '=,in' operators.
  • IncludeDeceased supports the '=' operator.
  • ListId supports the '=' operator.
  • IncludeInactive supports the '=' operator.
  • PostalCode supports the '=,in' operators.
For example:
	SELECT * FROM Constituents WHERE Id = '280'
	SELECT * FROM Constituents WHERE ListId = '75e71c26-7288-49db-a767-f9305b704fee'
	SELECT * FROM Constituents WHERE FundraiserStatus IN ('Active', 'None')


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String The immutable system record ID for the constituent.
AddressLines String The address lines.
AddressCity String The city of the address.
AddressConstituentId String The immutable system record ID of the constituent associated with the address.
AddressCountry String The country of the address.
AddressCounty String The county of the address.
AddressDateAdded Datetime The date when the address was created.
AddressDateModified Datetime The date when the address was last modified.
AddressDoNotMail Boolean Indicates whether the constituent requests not to be contacted at this address.
AddressEnd Datetime The date when the constituent ceased to reside at this address.
AddressFormattedAddress String This computed field retrieves the formatted address in the configured format of the country.
AddressId String The immutable system record ID of the address.
AddressInactive Boolean This computed field indicates that the address is active if the current date is before any end date.
AddressPostalCode String The postal code of the address.
AddressPreferred Boolean Indicates whether this is the constituent's preferred address.
AddressSeasonalEndD Integer The day of the year ceases to reside at this address.
AddressSeasonalEndM Integer The month of the year ceases to reside at this address.
AddressSeasonalEndY Integer The year ceases to reside at this address.
AddressSeasonalStartD Integer The day of year that the constituent begins residing at this address.
AddressSeasonalStartM Integer The month of year that the constituent begins residing at this address.
AddressSeasonalStarty Integer The year that the constituent begins residing at this address.
AddressStart Date The date when the constituent began residing at this address.
AddressState String The state of the address.
AddressSuburb String The suburb of the address.
AddressType String The address type.
Age Integer This computed field calculates the constituent's age based on the birth date property.
BirthdateD Integer The constituent's day of birth.
BirthdateM Integer The constituent's month of birth.
BirthdateY Integer The constituent's year of birth.
DateAdded Datetime The date when the constituent was created.
DateModified Datetime The date when the constituent was last modified.
Deceased String Indicates whether the constituent is deceased.
DeceasedDateD Integer The day of the year when the constituent died.
DeceasedDateM Integer The month of year when the constituent died.
DeceasedDateY Integer The year when the constituent died.
EmailAddress String The email address.
EmailConstituentId String The immutable system record ID of the constituent associated with the email address.
EmailDateAdded Datetime The date when the email address was created.
EmailDateModified Datetime The date when the email address was last modified.
EmailDoNotEmail Boolean Indicates whether the constituent requests not to be contacted at this email address.
EmailId String The immutable system record ID of the email address.
EmailInactive Boolean Indicates whether the email address is inactive.
EmailPrimary Boolean Indicates whether this is the constituent's primary email address.
EmailType String The type of email address. Available values are the entries in the Phone Types table.
First String The constituent's first name.
FormerName String The constituent's former name.
FundraiserStatus String Indicates whether the constituent is a fundraiser.
Gender String The constituent's gender.
GivesAnonymously Boolean Indicates whether the constituent gives anonymously.
Inactive Boolean Indicates whether the constituent is inactive.
Last String The constituent's last name.
LookupId String The user-defined identifier for the constituent.
MaritalStatus String The constituent's marital status.
Middle String The constituent's middle name.
Name String If the constituent's type is Individual, this is the full name of the constituent. If the type is Organization, this is the organization's name.
OnlinePresenceAddress String The web address for the online presence.
OnlinePresenceConstituentId String The immutable system record ID of the constituent associated with the online presence.
OnlinePresenceDateAdded Datetime The date when the online presence was created.
OnlinePresenceDateModified Datetime The date when the online presence was last modified.
OnlinePresenceId String The immutable system record ID of the online presence.
OnlinePresenceInactive Boolean Indicates whether the online presence is inactive.
OnlinePresencePrimary Boolean Indicates whether this is the constituent's primary online presence.
OnlinePresenceType String The online presence type.
PhoneConstituentId String The immutable system record ID of the constituent associated with the phone.
PhoneDateAdded Datetime The date when the phone was created.
PhoneDateModified Datetime The date when the phone was last modified.
PhoneDoNotCall Boolean Indicates whether the constituent requests not to be contacted at this number.
PhoneId String The immutable system record ID of the phone.
PhoneInactive Boolean Indicates whether the phone is inactive.
PhoneNumber String The phone number.
PhonePrimary Boolean Indicates whether this is the constituent's primary phone.
PhoneType String The phone type.
PreferredName String The constituent's preferred name.
SpouseFirst String This computed field retrieves information about the constituent's spouse using the constituent's relationships.
SpouseId String This computed field retrieves information about the constituent's spouse using the constituent's relationships.
SpouseLast String This computed field retrieves information about the constituent's spouse using the constituent's relationships.
Suffix String The constituent's primary suffix.
Suffix2 String The constituent's secondary suffix.
Title String The constituent's primary title.
Title2 String The constituent's secondary title.
Type String The type of constituent.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ConstituentCode String Represents a list of constituent codes. Returns constituents if any of the specified constituent codes match any of their active constituent codes.
CustomFieldCategory String Represents a list of custom field categories. Returns constituents if any of the specified custom field categories match any of their active custom fields.
Fields String Represents the fields to include on the returned records.
IncludeDeceased Boolean Set this parameter to true to include deceased constituents in the response.
IncludeInactive Boolean Set this parameter to true to include inactive constituents in the response.
ListId String Defines a list identifier used to filter the set of constituents to those included in the specified list. If this value is set, other specified filters will be ignored.
PostalCode String Represents a comma-separated list of postal codes. Returns constituents if any of the specified postal codes match the postal code for their preferred address.

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Build 23.0.8839