Connection Properties
The connection properties are the various options that can be used to establish a connection. This section provides a complete list of the options you can configure in the connection settings for this provider. Click the links for further details.
For more information on establishing a connection, see Getting Started.
Property | Description |
AuthScheme | The type of authentication to use when connecting to TigerGraph. |
Secret | The TigerGraph secret used to authenticate. |
URL | Set this to the URL of the server where your TigerGraph instance is hosted. |
Port | The port of the TigerGraph Server. |
TigerGraphEdition | The edition of TigerGraph being used. Set either TigerGraph Cloud or TigerGraph Server. |
User | Specifies the user ID of the authenticating TigerGraph user account. |
Password | Specifies the password of the authenticating user account. |
Property | Description |
Schema | Specify the name of the TigerGraph graph you want to work with. |
Property | Description |
SSLServerCert | Specifies the certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL. |
Property | Description |
FirewallType | Specifies the protocol the provider uses to tunnel traffic through a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallServer | Identifies the IP address, DNS name, or host name of a proxy used to traverse a firewall and relay user queries to network resources. |
FirewallPort | Specifies the TCP port to be used for a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallUser | Identifies the user ID of the account authenticating to a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPassword | Specifies the password of the user account authenticating to a proxy-based firewall. |
Property | Description |
ProxyAutoDetect | Specifies whether the provider checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations, rather than using a manually specified proxy server. |
ProxyServer | The hostname or IP address of the proxy server that you want to route HTTP traffic through. |
ProxyPort | The TCP port on your specified proxy server (set in the ProxyServer connection property) that has been reserved for routing HTTP traffic to and from the client. |
ProxyAuthScheme | Specifies the authentication method the provider uses when authenticating to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyUser | The username of a user account registered with the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyPassword | The password associated with the user specified in the ProxyUser connection property. |
ProxySSLType | The SSL type to use when connecting to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyExceptions | A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the proxy server set in the ProxyServer connection property. |
Property | Description |
Logfile | Specifes the file path to the log file where the provider records its activities, such as authentication, query execution, and connection details. |
Verbosity | Specifies the verbosity level of the log file, which controls the amount of detail logged. Supported values range from 1 to 5. |
LogModules | Specifies the core modules to include in the log file. Use a semicolon-separated list of module names. By default, all modules are logged. |
MaxLogFileSize | Specifies the maximum size of a single log file in bytes. For example, '10 MB'. When the file reaches the limit, the provider creates a new log file with the date and time appended to the name. |
MaxLogFileCount | Specifies the maximum number of log files the provider retains. When the limit is reached, the oldest log file is deleted to make space for a new one. |
Property | Description |
Location | Specifies the location of a directory containing schema files that define tables, views, and stored procedures. Depending on your service's requirements, this may be expressed as either an absolute path or a relative path. |
BrowsableSchemas | Optional setting that restricts the schemas reported to a subset of all available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC . |
Tables | Optional setting that restricts the tables reported to a subset of all available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC . |
Views | Optional setting that restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC . |
Property | Description |
AutoCache | Specifies whether the content of tables targeted by SELECT queries is automatically cached to the specified cache database. |
CacheProvider | The namespace of an ADO.NET provider. The specified provider is used as the target database for all caching operations. |
CacheDriver | The driver class of a JDBC driver. The specified driver is used to connect to the target database for all caching operations. |
CacheConnection | The connection string for the specified cache database. |
CacheLocation | Specifies the path to the cache when caching to a file. |
CacheTolerance | The tolerance, in seconds, for stale data in the specified cache database. |
Offline | Get the data from the specified cache database instead of live TigerGraph data. |
CacheMetadata | Determines whether the provider caches table metadata to a file-based cache database. |
Property | Description |
BatchSize | Specifies the maximum number of rows included in each batch operation. Set to 0 to submit the entire batch as a single request. |
DefaultDomain | This property is used for the Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC. |
EnableForeignKeyDetection | Whether to detect the foreign keys in ODBC. |
IncludeDualTable | Set this property to mock the Oracle DUAL table for better compatibility with Oracle database. |
LimitKeySize | The maximum length of a primary key column. |
MapBigintToVarchar | This property controls whether or not the bigint type maps to SQL_VARCHAR instead of SQL_BIGINT. This property is false by default. |
MapToInt | This property controls whether or not the long type maps to SQL_INTEGER instead of SQL_BIGINT. This property is false by default. |
MapToLongVarchar | This property controls whether or not a column is returned as SQL_LONGVARCHAR. |
MapToWVarchar | This property controls whether or not string types map to SQL_WVARCHAR instead of SQL_VARCHAR. This property is set by default. |
MaximumColumnSize | The maximum column size. |
MaxRows | Specifies the maximum rows returned for queries without aggregation or GROUP BY. |
Other | Specifies additional hidden properties for specific use cases. These are not required for typical provider functionality. Use a semicolon-separated list to define multiple properties. |
PseudoColumns | Specifies the pseudocolumns to expose as table columns. Use the format 'TableName=ColumnName;TableName=ColumnName'. The default is an empty string, which disables this property. |
Readonly | Toggles read-only access to TigerGraph from the provider. |
RTK | Specifies the runtime key for licensing the provider. If unset or invalid, the provider defaults to the standard licensing method. Use this property only in environments where the standard licensing method is unsupported or requires a runtime key. |
Timeout | Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that the provider waits for a server response before throwing a timeout error. The default is 60 seconds. Set to 0 to disable the timeout. |
UpperCaseIdentifiers | This property reports all identifiers in uppercase. This is the default for Oracle databases and thus allows better integration with Oracle tools such as the Oracle Database Gateway. |
UserDefinedViews | Specifies a filepath to a JSON configuration file defining custom views. The provider automatically detects and uses the views specified in this file. |