This section provides a complete list of the Miscellaneous properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
BatchSize | Specifies the maximum number of rows included in each batch operation. Set to 0 to submit the entire batch as a single request. |
ConnectionLifeTime | Specifies the maximum lifetime of a connection in seconds. When the specified time elapses, the provider closes the connection. Set to 0 or leave empty for no time limit. |
ConnectOnOpen | Specifies whether the provider establishes a connection to TigerGraph immediately upon opening the connection. The default value is false. Enable this property only if immediate connectivity verification is necessary. |
MaxRows | Specifies the maximum rows returned for queries without aggregation or GROUP BY. |
Other | Specifies additional hidden properties for specific use cases. These are not required for typical provider functionality. Use a semicolon-separated list to define multiple properties. |
PoolIdleTimeout | Specifies the maximum idle time, in seconds, that a connection can remain in the pool before being closed. |
PoolMaxSize | Specifies the maximum number of connections allowed in the connection pool. The default value is 100. Set to 0 or a negative value to disable pooling. |
PoolMinSize | Specifies the minimum number of connections maintained in the connection pool. The default value is 1. |
PoolWaitTime | Specifies the maximum number of seconds a connection request waits for an available connection in the pool. If the wait exceeds this time, an error is returned. The default is 60 seconds. |
PseudoColumns | Specifies the pseudocolumns to expose as table columns. Use the format 'TableName=ColumnName;TableName=ColumnName'. The default is an empty string, which disables this property. |
Readonly | Toggles read-only access to TigerGraph from the provider. |
RTK | Specifies the runtime key for licensing the provider. If unset or invalid, the provider defaults to the standard licensing method. Use this property only in environments where the standard licensing method is unsupported or requires a runtime key. |
Timeout | Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that the provider waits for a server response before throwing a timeout error. The default is 60 seconds. Set to 0 to disable the timeout. |
UseConnectionPooling | Enables the connection pooling feature, which allows the provider to reuse existing connections instead of creating new ones for each request. |
UserDefinedViews | Specifies a filepath to a JSON configuration file defining custom views. The provider automatically detects and uses the views specified in this file. |