Excel Add-In for Workday

Build 24.0.8963

Fine-Tuning Data Access

Fine Tuning Data Access


When connecting with ConnectionType set to SOAP, the following properties will determine what tables are exposed:

  • Service: A comma-separated list of Workday WSDLs to load. Each WSDL contains one schema which exposes multiple tables.
  • WSDLURL: The URL to load a Workday WSDLs from. If provided, this will override Service and present WSDLs tables under the Workday schema.
  • WSDLVersion: The version of the Workday API to load the WSDLs for. This can be used to request a newer or older version of the Workday data model.

Accessing Reports as a Service

When connecting with ConnectionType set to Reports, the add-in supports reading reports that have been exposed through Workday Reports as a Service (RaaS). Workday does not have a built-in way for the add-in to determine which reports have been exposed via RaaS, so you must create a custom report to use this feature:

  1. Open the Create Custom Report form.
  2. Name the report Reports as a Service.
  3. Enter Advanced for the report type.
  4. Select Enable As Web Service.
  5. Clear Optimized for Performance.
  6. Enter All Custom Reports for the Data Source.

After the report is created, you need to add a few columns and filters:

  1. In Fields
    • For the first column, enter Report Name.
    • Add a second colum and enter Web Service Namespace.
    • Add a third colum and enter Report Owner.
    • Add a fourth colum and enter Brief Description.
  2. Make sure all columns have the primary business object as their Business Object. The primary business object has the name Custom Report and should have a box-and-arrow icon beside it. If the icon is an ellipsis (...) instead, then click menu , select Primary Business Object and then Custom Field.
  3. Open the Filter tab and create a new filter. Enter Web Service Namespace as the field and is not blank as the Operator.
  4. Add a second filter. Enter Current User as the field, in the selection list as the Operator, Value from Another Field as the comparison type, and Authorized Users as the comparison value.
  5. Click OK to save the report. If Workday displays any warnings then click OK again to dismiss them.

Note that the Current User filter is optional but recommended. It is there to ensure that the add-in does not surface reports that your account does not have permissions to view. However, if the report has performance issues then the filter can be removed.

The final step is to find the URL associated with the report. This URL is used to set the CustomReportURL connection property.

  1. Open the newly created report.
  2. Click the ellipsis (...) button beside the report title in the upper-left corner of the screen
  3. Find the Web Services tab within the pop-up. You may have to scroll down inside the pop-up to see it.
  4. Hover over it and select View URLs.
  5. Copy the Workday XML link.

Change Process Permissions (REST API)

The permissions used by the Begin and Submit stored procedures (see REST) are configured differently to other REST resources. The permissions for each change resource is determined by its underlying business process. For example, executing BeginOrganizationAssignmentChange triggers the Change Organization Assignments for Worker business process within Workday

If you find that the the add-in is unable to start a business process, update the processs security policy as follows:

  1. Open the Edit Business Process Security Policy task. Provide the name of the business process at the prompt.
  2. In the Who Can Start the Business Process section, find the initiating action containing the text REST.
  3. Add a security group that covers the user or integration service user configured with the add-in.
  4. Execute the Activate Pending Security Policy Changes task to apply the change.

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Build 24.0.8963