Cmdlets for Workday

Build 24.0.8963


Approves a business process event step.

Workday Resource Information

Approves the business process event step specified by the ID of the originating event step. In the request body, specify these required fields: id (the event step you are approving), comment.

Secured by: Core Navigation, Public Business Processes

Scope: Adaptive Planning for Financial Plans, Adaptive Planning for the Workforce, Tenant Non-Configurable


Name Type Description
EventSteps_Id String The ID of the resource to execute this process on
Comment String Returns user's comment for Event Record.
Descriptor String A preview of the instance
EventStatus_Id String wid / id / reference id
Id String Id of the instance

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Id String Id of the instance
Comment String Returns user's comment for Event Record.
Descriptor String A preview of the instance
EventStatus_Descriptor String A description of the instance
EventStatus_Href String A link to the instance
EventStatus_Id String wid / id / reference id

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Build 24.0.8963