Cmdlets for Workday

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieves the leave of absence for the specified worker.

Workday Resource Information

Retrieves information about the leave of absence for the worker with the specified ID.

Secured by: Self-Service: Leave of Absence, Worker Data: Leave of Absence

Scope: Time Off and Leave


Name Type Description
Id [KEY] String Id of the instance
Workers_Id [KEY] String The Workday ID of the Workers that owns this
ActualLastDayOfLeave Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Actual Last Day Of Work for the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
AdditionalFields_AdoptionNotificationDate Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Adoption Notification Date additional field for the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
AdditionalFields_AdoptionPlacementDate Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Adoption Placement Date additional field for the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
AdditionalFields_AgeOfDependent Decimal Supported for: SELECT. The Age Of Dependent numerical additional field for the Leave Of Absence.
AdditionalFields_CaesareanSectionBirth Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, the Leave Of Absence indicates a caesarean section birth, which may impact worker's leave entitlements.
AdditionalFields_ChildDisabilityIndicator Bool Supported for: SELECT. True if Child Disability Indicator is set on the leave event. You can enable it as an additional field when configuring the leave type. Child disability can impact some leave entitlements.
AdditionalFields_ChildsBirthDate Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Child's Birth Date additional field for the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
AdditionalFields_ChildsDateOfDeath Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Child's Date Of Death additional field for the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
AdditionalFields_DateBabyArrivedHomeFromHospital Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Date Baby Arrived Home From Hospital additional field for the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
AdditionalFields_DateChildEnteredCountry Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Date Child Entered Country additional field for the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
AdditionalFields_DateOfRecall Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Date Of Recall additional field for the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
AdditionalFields_Dependent_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance
AdditionalFields_Dependent_Href String Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance
AdditionalFields_Dependent_Id String Supported for: SELECT. wid / id / reference id
AdditionalFields_ExpectedDueDate Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Expected Due Date additional field for the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
AdditionalFields_LastDateForWhichPaid Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Last Date For Which Paid additional field for the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
AdditionalFields_LeaveEntitlementOverride Decimal Supported for: SELECT. The Leave Entitlement Override numerical additional field for the Leave Of Absence.
AdditionalFields_LeavePercentage Decimal Supported for: SELECT. The Leave Percentage numerical additional field for the Leave Of Absence.
AdditionalFields_LocationDuringLeave String Supported for: SELECT. The Location During Leave text additional field for the Leave Of Absence.
AdditionalFields_MultipleChildIndicator Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, the Leave Of Absence indicates multiple children, which may impact worker's leave entitlements.
AdditionalFields_NumberOfBabiesAdoptedChildren Decimal Supported for: SELECT. The Number Of Babies Or Adopted Children numerical additional field for the Leave Of Absence.
AdditionalFields_NumberOfChildDependents Decimal Supported for: SELECT. The Number Of Child Dependents numerical additional field for the Leave Of Absence.
AdditionalFields_NumberOfPreviousBirths Decimal Supported for: SELECT. The Number Of Previous Births numerical additional field for the Leave Of Absence.
AdditionalFields_NumberOfPreviousMaternityLeaves Decimal Supported for: SELECT. The Number Of Previous Maternity Leaves numerical additional field for the Leave Of Absence.
AdditionalFields_SingleParentIndicator Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, the Leave Of Absence indicates a single parent, which may impact worker's leave entitlements.
AdditionalFields_SocialSecurityDisabilityCode String Supported for: SELECT. The Social Security Disability Code text additional field for the Leave Of Absence.
AdditionalFields_StillbirthBabyDeceased Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, the Leave Of Absence indicates a stillbirth or baby deceased, which may impact worker's leave entitlements.
AdditionalFields_StopPaymentDate Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Stop Payment Date additional field for the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
AdditionalFields_WeekOfConfinement Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Week Of Confinement Date additional field for the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
AdditionalFields_WorkRelated Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, the Leave Of Absence is work related, which may impact Record Of Employment in Canada.
BusinessProcessStepStatus String Supported for: SELECT. The Business Process Step Status of the Leave Of Absence.
EstimatedLastDayOfLeave Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Estimated Last Day Of Leave of the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
FirstDayOfLeave Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The First Day Of Leave of the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
LastDayOfWork Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Last Day Of Work of the Leave Of Absence using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
LatestLeaveComment String Supported for: SELECT. The Latest Leave Comment of the Leave Of Absence.
LeaveImpactFields_AbsenceAccrualEffect Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, it impacts the worker's absence accrual.
LeaveImpactFields_BenefitEffect Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, it may require a change to the worker's benefits.
LeaveImpactFields_ContinuousServiceAccrualEffect Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, it has an impact on the worker's service accrual. It may need a manual change to the worker's service accrual.
LeaveImpactFields_InactivateWorker Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, the worker on leave will be inactivated in the Workday system. If the leave type is position-based, the worker will not be inactive unless the worker is on leave for all positions with this effect.
LeaveImpactFields_PayrollEffect Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, the Leave Of Absence event has an effect on payroll.
LeaveImpactFields_ProfessionalLeaveEffect Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, the Leave Of Absence event has a Professional Leave Effect leave impact field.
LeaveImpactFields_SabbaticalEffect Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, the Leave Of Absence event has an effect on sabbatical eligibility. It may require a manual change to a worker's sabbatical records.
LeaveImpactFields_SchedulingEffect Bool Supported for: SELECT. True if the leave event is for a leave type that is configured to allow a worker to be scheduled to work when placed on leave.
LeaveImpactFields_StockVestingEffect Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, the Leave Of Absence event has an effect on the worker's stock vesting schedule. It may require a change to the vesting schedule of any stock grants that the worker holds.
LeaveImpactFields_TalentEffect Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, Workday removes the worker on this type of leave from the Worker prompt of select worker reviews and feedback in talent.
LeaveImpactFields_TenureEffect Bool Supported for: SELECT. If true, the Leave Of Absence event has an effect on tenure eligibility. It may require a manual change to a worker's tenure records.
LeaveType_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance
LeaveType_Href String Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance
LeaveType_Id String Supported for: SELECT. wid / id / reference id
Position_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance
Position_Href String Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance
Position_Id String Supported for: SELECT. wid / id / reference id
PriorLeaveEvent_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance
PriorLeaveEvent_Href String Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance
PriorLeaveEvent_Id String Supported for: SELECT. wid / id / reference id
Reason_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance
Reason_Href String Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance
Reason_Id String Supported for: SELECT. wid / id / reference id
Status_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance
Status_Href String Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance
Status_Id String Supported for: SELECT. wid / id / reference id
Worker_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A description of the instance
Worker_Href String Supported for: SELECT. A link to the instance
Worker_Id String Supported for: SELECT. wid / id / reference id
FromDate_Prompt Date The start of a date range filter using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
LeaveType_Prompt String Accepts multiple inputs. The Workday ID of the type of Leave Of Absence. You can specify multiple leaveType query parameters.
Status_Prompt String Accepts multiple inputs. The Workday ID of the status of the Leave Of Absence. The valid statuses are Successfully Completed, In Progress, Canceled, Rescinded, and Process Terminated. To get the Workday ID of a status, call the GET /values/leave/status endpoint. You can specify multiple status query parameters.
ToDate_Prompt Date The end of a date range filter using the yyyy-mm-dd format.
IncludeTerminatedWorkers_Prompt Boolean Only used when a Workers_Id filter is not provided. Include terminated workers in the output
Search_Prompt String Only used when a Workers_Id filter is not provided. Searches workers by name or worker ID. The search is case-insensitive. You can include space-delimited search strings for an OR search.

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Build 24.0.8963