Power BI Connector for Workday

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieves a single student payment instance for the specified student ID.

Workday Resource Information

Retrieves a student payment for the specified student ID.

Secured by: Manage: Student Payment Processing

Scope: Student Financials


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Id of the instance

Students_Id [KEY] String False

The Workday ID of the Students that owns this

AcademicPeriod_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT. A preview of the instance

AcademicPeriod_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT. Id of the instance

Amount_Currency String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The amount of the customer payment in transaction currency.

Amount_Value Decimal False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. The amount of the customer payment in transaction currency.

Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE. A preview of the instance

InstitutionalAcademicUnit_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT. A preview of the instance

InstitutionalAcademicUnit_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT. Id of the instance

PaymentDate Datetime False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT. The transaction date for the reporting transaction. If you used a filtering criteria for expense reports, use the Expense Report Date report field instead.

PaymentItem_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT. A preview of the instance

PaymentItem_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT. Id of the instance

PaymentType_Descriptor String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT. A preview of the instance

PaymentType_Id String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT. Id of the instance

Reason_Descriptor String False

Supported for: UPDATE. A preview of the instance

Reason_Id String False

Supported for: UPDATE. Id of the instance

Reference String False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT. The reference to a customer payment that's processed through a settlement run. This field is blank when the Payment Status is In Progress or when the Payment Type is Check or ETF.

StudentFinanceTransactionDate Datetime False

Supported for: SELECT, INSERT. The start and end date of a date range that filters payments by the student payment transaction date, using the yyyy-mm-dd format.

AcademicPeriod_Prompt String False

The academic period associated with this object. When the object is associated with both a starting and an ending academic period, such as a financial aid period record, this report field returns the starting academic period.

FromDate_Prompt Date False

Limit student payments to payments made on or after this date, using the yyyy-mm-dd format.

InstitutionalAcademicUnit_Prompt String False

The academic unit, an organizational type for academic appointments.

PaymentItem_Prompt String False

The student payment item that is associated with the student payment.

PaymentReference_Prompt String False

The check number or EFT number associated with a student payment.

PaymentType_Prompt String False

The payment type for the reporting transaction.

ToDate_Prompt Date False

Limit student payments to payments made on or before this date, using the yyyy-mm-dd format.

AcademicLevel_Prompt String False

Only used when a Students_Id filter is not provided. Accepts multiple inputs. No description available

AcademicUnit_Prompt String False

Only used when a Students_Id filter is not provided. Accepts multiple inputs. Derived Academic Units.

ActiveOnly_Prompt Boolean False

Only used when a Students_Id filter is not provided. Only return active students.

ProgramOfStudy_Prompt String False

Only used when a Students_Id filter is not provided. Accepts multiple inputs. For students who haven't matriculated, the program of study they either applied to or have been admitted to. For matriculated students, the primary program of study from their reporting record.

Search_Prompt String False

Only used when a Students_Id filter is not provided. A fuzzy search string that matches student IDs and names. Example: search=bri%20book returns the student Brian Booker.

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Build 24.0.8963