CData Python Connector for Workday

Build 24.0.9111


Retrieves a collection of personal information.

Workday Resource Information

Retrieves personal information for the person with the specified ID.

Secured by: Person Data: Personal Information, Self-Service: Personal Information

Scope: Personal Data

Aggregate Fields

The 本製品 represents the following fields as aggregates containing JSON text. Each of them conforms to their respective schema. Fields marked with an asterisk are required and must be included if their parent object is.

This information is derived from the Workday REST API specification which does not explicitly list all business rules and validations that apply to each object. More fields may be required than what is listed here.


  descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */


  descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  id: Text /* Id of the instance */


  citizen: Boolean /* Identifies Citizenship Status as citizen. */
  country: { /* The \~Country\~ for the Citizenship Status. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
      id: Text /* Id of the instance */
  description: Text /* Description for the Citizenship Status. */
  descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  inactive: Boolean /* True if the Citizenship Status is inactive. */
  name: Text /* Name for the Citizenship Status. */


  accommodationProvided: Text /* The Accommodations Provided for a \~Disability\~ status. */
  accommodationRequested: Text /* The Accommodations Requested for a \~Disability\~ status. */
  certificationBasis: { /* The Certification Basis for a \~Disability\~ status. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  certificationID: Text /* The Certification ID for a \~Disability\~ status. */
  certifiedAt: Text /* The Certification Location for a \~Disability\~ status. */
  certifiedBy: Text /* The \~Disability\~ Authority for a \~Disability\~ Status */
  degreePercent: Numeric /* The Degree for a \~Disability\~ status. */
  descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  disability: { /* The \~Disability\~ for a \~Disability\~ Status. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  endDate: Date /* The End Date for a \~Disability\~ status. */
  fteTowardQuota: Numeric /* The FTE Toward Quota for a \~Disability\~ status. */
  grade: { /* The Grade for a \~Disability\~ status. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  knownDate: Date /* The Date Known for a \~Disability\~ status. */
  note: Text /* The Note for a \~Disability\~ status. */
  rehabilitationProvided: Text /* The Rehabilitation Provided for a \~Disability\~ status. */
  rehabilitationRequested: Text /* The Rehabilitation Requested for a \~Disability\~ status. */
  remainingCapacity: Numeric /* The Remaining Capacity for a \~Disability\~ status. */
  severityRecognitionDate: Date /* The Severity Recognition Date for a \~Disability\~ status. */
  statusDate: Date /* The \~Disability\~ Status Date for a \~Disability\~ Status. */
  statusID: Text /* The reference id for the \~disability\~ status.  This is the unique identifier for the \~disability\~ status that is assigned at creation and then maintained throughout its life as it is edited. */
  workRestrictions: Text /* The Work Restrictions for a \~Disability\~ status. */
  workerDocuments: [{
      comment: Text /* The additional comments associated with the Worker Document. */
      fileName: Text /* The filename of the Worker Document. */


  descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  location: { /* Location Context for the ethnicity; */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */


  descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  location: { /* Location Context for the ethnicity; */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */


  begin: Date /* The Military Status Begin Date for the Military Service. */
  descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  discharge: Date /* The Discharge Date for the Military Service. */
  militaryDischargeTypeReference: { /* The \~Military Discharge Type\~ reference. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
      id: Text /* Id of the instance */
  militaryServiceReference: { /* The reference id for the military service entry.  This is the unique identifier for the military service that is assigned at creation and then maintained throughout its life as it is edited. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  notes: Rich Text /* Notes associated with the Military Service. */
  rank: { /* Military Rank for Military Service */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  status: { /* The Military Status for the Military Service. */
      code: Text /* The military status code. */
      country: { /* The \~Country\~ for the Military Status. */
          descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
          id: Text /* Id of the instance */
      description: Text /* The military status description. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  type: { /* Military Service Type for Military Service */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */


  academicSuffix: { /* Returns the academic suffix from the name. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  country: { /* Returns the \~country\~ from the name. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
      id: Text /* Id of the instance */
  descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  firstName: Text /* The first or given name for a relative name. */
  fullName: Text /* The Full Name for a relative name, where provided. Workday only tracks Full Name for countries where the Full Name name component is used. */
  hereditarySuffix: { /* Returns the hereditary suffix from the name. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  honorarySuffix: { /* Returns the honorary suffix from the name. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  lastName: Text /* The family name for a relative name. */
  localPersonName: { /* Returns the local person name from the name. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
      first: Text /* The person's given name in local script.  Workday only tracks local names for countries where a non-Latin script is commonly used. */
      first2: Text /* The person's given name in second local script.  Workday only tracks local names for countries where a non-Latin script is commonly used. */
      last: Text /* The person's last name in local script.  Workday only tracks local names for countries where a non-Latin script is commonly used. */
      last2: Text /* The person's last name in second local script.  Workday only tracks local names for countries where a non-Latin script is commonly used. */
      middle: Text /* The person's middle name in local script.  Workday only tracks local names for countries where a non-Latin script is commonly used. */
      middle2: Text /* The person's second middle name in local script.  Workday only tracks local names for countries where a non-Latin script is commonly used. */
      secondaryLast: Text /* The person's secondary family name in local script.  Workday only tracks local names for countries where a non-Latin script is commonly used. */
      secondaryLast2: Text /* The person's secondary last name in second local script.  Workday only tracks local names for countries where a non-Latin script is commonly used. */
  middleName: Text /* The middle name for a relative name. */
  professionalSuffix: { /* Returns the professional suffix from the name. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  relativeType: { /* Returns the relative type for a relative name */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  religiousSuffix: { /* Returns the religious suffix from the name. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  royalSuffix: { /* Returns the royal suffix from the name. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  salutationSuffix: { /* Returns the salutation from the name. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  secondaryLastName: Text /* The secondary family name for a relative name */
  socialSuffix: { /* Returns the social suffix from the name. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  title: { /* Returns the prefix from the name. */
      descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */


  descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */


  descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */


  descriptor: Text /* A preview of the instance */
  id: Text /* Id of the instance */
  inactive: Boolean /* The Inactive flag. */
  militaryServicePreferenceCode: Text /* Military Service Preference Code */
  militaryServicePreferenceDescription: Text /* Military Service Preference Description */
  militaryServicePreferenceName: Text /* \~Veteran's Preference\~ Category */


Name Type Description
People_Id [KEY] String The Workday ID of the People that owns this.
AboriginalIndigenousIdentificationDetails_Aggregate String Supported for: SELECT. A JSON aggregate. Returns the aboriginal/indigenous identification details for a person.
AboriginalIndigenousIdentification_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
ActiveMilitaryUniformedService_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
ActiveMilitaryUniformedService_Id String Supported for: SELECT. Id of the instance
AdditionalNationalities_Aggregate String Supported for: SELECT. A JSON aggregate. The countries of additional nationality for a person.
BloodType_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
CitizenshipStatuses_Aggregate String Supported for: SELECT. A JSON aggregate. The Citizenship Statuses for a person.
DateOfBirth Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The date of birth for a person.
DateOfDeath Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The date of death for a person.
DisabilityStatuses_Aggregate String Supported for: SELECT. A JSON aggregate. The Disability Statuses for a person.
DisabledVeteranLeaveDate Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Veteran's Preference Effective Date
EthnicitiesForVisualSurvey_Ethnicities_Aggregate String Supported for: SELECT. A JSON aggregate. The ethnicities indicated on the person's visual survey.
EthnicitiesForVisualSurvey_HispanicOrLatinoForVisualSurvey Bool Supported for: SELECT. True if the person is indicated as Hispanic or Latino for visual survey.
Ethnicities_Aggregate String Supported for: SELECT. A JSON aggregate. The Ethnicity for a person.
Gender_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
HispanicOrLatino Bool Supported for: SELECT. True if the person has indicated they are Hispanic or Latino.
MaritalStatus_Date Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The Marital Status Date for a person.
MaritalStatus_Status_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
MaritalStatus_Status_Location_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
MedicalExam_ExpirationDate Datetime Supported for: SELECT. Medical exam expiration date for a person.
MedicalExam_LastExamDate Datetime Supported for: SELECT. The date of the last medical exam for a person.
MedicalExam_Notes String Supported for: SELECT. Medical exam notes for a person.
MilitaryServices_Aggregate String Supported for: SELECT. A JSON aggregate. The Military Service for a person.
PlaceOfBirth_City String Supported for: SELECT. The City of Birth for a person.
PlaceOfBirth_Country_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
PlaceOfBirth_Country_Id String Supported for: SELECT. Id of the instance
PlaceOfBirth_Region_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
PlaceOfBirth_Region_Id String Supported for: SELECT. Id of the instance
PoliticalAffiliation_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
PrimaryNationality_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
PrimaryNationality_Id String Supported for: SELECT. Id of the instance
RelativeNames_Aggregate String Supported for: SELECT. A JSON aggregate. The relative names for a person.
Religion_Aggregate String Supported for: SELECT. A JSON aggregate. The Religion for a person.
SelectiveServiceRegistration_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
SelectiveServiceRegistration_Id String Supported for: SELECT. Id of the instance
SexualOrientationAndGenderIdentity_Aggregate String Supported for: SELECT. A JSON aggregate. The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity for a person.
SocialBenefitsLocality_Code String Supported for: SELECT. Code for the Social Benefits Locality.
SocialBenefitsLocality_Description String Supported for: SELECT. Description for the Social Benefits Locality.
SocialBenefitsLocality_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
SocialBenefitsLocality_Inactive Bool Supported for: SELECT. True if the Social Benefits Locality is inactive.
SocialBenefitsLocality_Location_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
SocialBenefitsLocality_Name String Supported for: SELECT. Name for the Social Benefits Locality.
UniformServiceReserveStatus_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
UniformServiceReserveStatus_Id String Supported for: SELECT. Id of the instance
UniformServiceReserveStatus_Inactive Bool Supported for: SELECT. The inactive flag.
UniformServiceReserveStatus_UniformServiceReserveStatusCode String Supported for: SELECT. Uniform Service Reserve Status Code
UniformServiceReserveStatus_UniformServiceReserveStatusDescription String Supported for: SELECT. Uniform Service Reserve Status Description.
UniformServiceReserveStatus_UniformServiceReserveStatusName String Supported for: SELECT. Uniform Service Reserve Status Name.
VeteransPreferenceForRIF_Descriptor String Supported for: SELECT. A preview of the instance
VeteransPreferenceForRIF_Id String Supported for: SELECT. Id of the instance
VeteransPreference_Aggregate String Supported for: SELECT. A JSON aggregate. Contains the veteran's preference for a person.
Country_Prompt String Specifies the set of personal information by country that will be returned. If empty, the most recently updated set of personal information will be returned.
Universal_ID_Prompt String Only used when a People_Id filter is not provided. The Universal ID of the person you want to retrieve.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111